Wows punishment system needs a absolute OVERHAUL

“but the only part of gaming i enjoy is being rude to other people!”


You got called out for being a twit in game and was slapped with a rolled up newspaper. Accept the punishment and try to learn from it.

Tho, posting it on the forums kind of shows you won’t.

Side note, I am surprised your name hasn’t been flagged by the hardnose rule folks.


this is a link from a while back that explains how it really is just a doubled up automated punishment especially when it comes to silences

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Punishment system does need an overhaul, agreed.

False reporting needs to be heavily punished for one thing. Negative reinforcement needs to be added for other things as well imo, one very divisive is leaving keys (especially purposely leaving right when it starts because L O L).


They added that double system so that you can stop being toxic

So eventually your 9 days will turn 18

Then 36

Then 72

Then 144 and so on

They hope that the longer the days you realize you need to stop being toxic


You got suspended for Chat? That is not the usual punishment for language violations.

There is only ONE automated part of the system - Squelch. It was put in game many many years ago to handle gold spammers/advertisers until a GM could get to them. It does require a certain number of reports to triggers.

Silence is the normal punishment for language - it removes access to the Social features. This is applied AFTER a GM looks at the logs attached to the report. If they agree there was a violation, they apply the penalty. It does double every time it is applied. That doubling part is automatic, but applying it is not.

Getting suspended for language USED to be the penalty before Silence came about. It was switched to being used for only more egregious violations, but may be used with frequent violators as well. It is an intentional penalty applied by a GM on top of the Silence.

Here are some recent examples of CS discussing what the logs support vs what the player states on the forums.

This one in particular may be relevant to you given it mentions a Suspension in addition to the Silence penalty normally applied.

Yeah…they have not handed out suspensions for Chat violations to speak of since the Silence system started in 2016. … Chances are either you did a bit more than use a mild insult, or they have changed to move away from Silence and back to Suspensions if Silence is not working.

Others are also right, posting about Account actions is against the forum rules.


Blizzard does communication on this type of matter very poorly.

When they ban, they should include the time/date and the actual problem text of the infraction in context.

And they should have real people reviewing any appeals and making replies.

Unfortunately Blizzard has no integrity so this system is the one we have to put up with.


You just did it. Reported!


Hate speech and harassment covers more than. “racial or sexist.”

Why should you be forgiven for harassing someone?


This comment doesn’t make any sense. :woman_shrugging:t4:

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Applying a punishment is very much a human activity. The duration of a Silence starts at 1 day and doubles each time. Also not automatic, but does stick to the structure.

Your Suspension of 9 days was NOT automatic. That was done by a GM. On purpose.


Just be nice to people, and you won’t have to worry about “abusive chat” ever again.


most times i literally point out physical reality and people dont like it

Hiding your insults behind “I’m just telling the truth, bro!” doesn’t stop it from being an insult. Obviously.


Not being a d-bag has allowed me to have never gotten suspended in the 17 years I’ve been playing


1 of the things in the chat box they sent me was “this is LITERALLY the worst bg for honor farming”

You did not get Silenced (which is the one that doubles), you got a 10 days (now 9) day suspension for that specific reported action.

Again, see the guy who complained in CS about his 10 day Suspension. It was for Ongoing Harassment of another person specifically.

If you got an actual Suspension of 10 days that was a fresh penalty for your current behavior.

You don’t have to be the worst of the worst for Blizz to give you a time out for treating others like garbage in game.

This ^^^^

Be nice to people, or at least keep your thoughts to yourself. If you can’t just take your fingers off the keyboard for a few mins. Take a break and go outside.

I can say a lot of very true things - and people will rightfully tell me never to come visit them again. Consequences happen. Think before you speak or something…old saying.


Now you are admitting that you probobly did say some awful things. And you are trying to justify them by trying to ham fist it with “physical reality”

Take your 9 day ban and be a better person in game. Learn a lesson. Grow as a person. Be better.


Someone out there is going to get offended by whatever i say no matter what it is

Then maybe don’t talk to other people. You can’t seem to handle it.