How do we message community council members

Yeah I think FOMO cosmetics are fine, but FOMO storyline / content isn’t.

Look at mage tower - it was, in a way, both. Same with MoP and WoD challenge modes. I’m sure people would love to go back for the challenge of it. But the people who did it as current content shouldn’t lose their prestigious cosmetic rewards.

There are other examples of FOMO cosmetics that shouldn’t come back throughout the history of the game.
AOTC Mounts and T3 gear are two examples of this.

Some of the FOMO content that should come back, to your point, is those two legendary questlines.

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I agree with you,

However, some acknowledgement of ideas, whether they are incorporated into the game or not, might go a long way towards mitigating some of the pessimism and angry posts.

You know - simple things such as, “We read your idea but it doesn’t mesh with what we are currently doing with the game. Thank you and keep the ideas coming!”. Or something like that.

Took me less than minute to type that.

I think people begin to feel angry when they feel like they are screaming into the void with NO response at all.


Is that why every single thread you posted in between the 25 through the 27th were all completely deleted and 404’d? :grin:

“If you agree” pretty much sums up the Community Council and Blizzards attitude in general. It’s basically, “I’m right, you are wrong”.


That is not even true. My post history backs that pretty easily. I don’t think I was posting to speak of xmas day or around that time for pretty common reasons. Those removed entire threads were all about forum and/or account disciplinary actions - and I posted explaining how the policies worked, and that the threads were against the rules so would likely be removed, and they were. Example that was not deleted was moved to the CS forum for a Blizzard reply. Post on the 27th. Wows punishment system needs a absolute OVERHAUL - #31 by Mirasol-mannoroth

So no, you would be rather incorrect. Also, not shocking Mods would remove threads where the OP breaks the forum rules from the start.

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Come on now, that is not all you did. And you were the only common denominator. :wink:

Wait - that is a smiling face… I sense humor! Text is tough for that.

open up the game - make an in game suggestion from my understanding those go directly to the game devs and by pass the middle men

It’s always humor. I can’t believe anyone ever takes anything I say seriously. :sunglasses:

I think you have a better chance of contacting Biden really

You could always go post on the Seat of the Council discord! Oh wait… /s

Well, the OP was correct link the thread which alerts the thread creator. Said Council member did in fact respond here. Seems pretty effective.

They did respond to a thread but they where not contacted , ? Do you know the definition of contact ?

I’ve raided, I’ve been casual, I used to play on an alliance dominated server as horde , i used to play in the early AM when there was really no group content to do due to no open queues in Vanilla/TBC. I got the zookeeper title (forget you minfernal) I get what I want.

That being said I can’t think of anything my input would add. Also I fully believe that the CC will die like the secret forum did. I really hope I’m wrong. I really do.

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They were contacted. When you link a thread, link a post, quote a person, or reply directly to someone, it puts an alert next to their forum account avatar at the top right telling them who linked or replied, and giving them a fast link to get to that specific post.

You will have a notification that I just replied to you and if you click that notification it takes you to this post. It is a very easy way to get someone’s attention and direct them to a thread.

If I was a council member I wouldn’t want anyone to have a way to get in contact with me.

People on the internet have a tendency to cross the line. There’s no need to open up that line of communication

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If that is true, they must have like a million notifications no ?

Not at all - I just mean that I don’t want to represent any opinions that I wouldn’t stand behind. It has nothing to do with right or wrong

Nope. Surprisingly people don’t really abuse it. I am likely the more active person here and don’t usually get more than 8 or so overnight on a busy night. Pretty easy to check with coffee in the am. In my case most are just explaining policy, or forum software, or whatever :slight_smile:

It is just how the forum software works that it sends you the notification. You can check that yourself with your own notifications.