Wows punishment system needs a absolute OVERHAUL

I am Kknightcaleb on my main account and I got suspended on the 25th to the 4th for “abusive chat” that’s really spooky. But what kind of a punishment system does this game have it seems as though you just collect a certain number of reports and then you get handed an automatic punishment by a heavy handed draconian bot that just doubles your punishment from last time regardless of if you got in trouble for calling someone’s transmog trash.

I know blizzard likes to believe that their community is a host of angels but lets be real here for a second I’ve met some of the most vengeful and angry people ever on this game who will just mass report you for the sake of it.

And their appeal system isn’t much better most are just automated responses that in laymen terms basically just link the code of conduct which is extremely vague and go “we cant help you we don’t want to hear about this again. Bye” and if what I’ve read is correct its the exact same way on all blizzard games to just a automated bot that assaults you upon the receival of some magical number of reports.

and before somebody posts and says "well you signed the code of conduct agreement when you started playing yeah I did and so did you its literally the first thing every game now a days requires you to do before anything else and I’ve never really been on board with it but you don’t really get a choice “sign it or don’t play the game” is your choice.

And just to put this into perspective this is the 2nd time ever I’ve been suspended since I started at the start of wrath the first time was the beginning of mop when I got suspended for 1 day and now what like 9 or 10 years later this bot still hasn’t forgiven me and doubled the punishment for something extremely trivial.


hmmm… i feel like you forgot to mention what it was


Well i told a ranged player his transmog looked like trash because he wouldn’t stop harassing me for the aa in classic ashran.

Posting about sanctions is against the forum rules here.


Not playing the game IS the choice.

And unless I’m reading this wrong, your “draconian double punishment” is…a 2 day suspension? Yikes.

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Nope. That is not something that would get you banned. And you would not know which player reported you. So if you got banned for abusive chat, then I am guessing that you deserved it.

And judging by the way you are trying to frame it, so you were the one getting harassed, further highlights that you most likely are one-hundred percent at fault.

You can also appeal your ban. Blizzard will pull the chat logs, check them and see if you were actually at fault…


the punishment is not decided by a human being its decided by a bot that just doubles your previous punishment and no this time it is 9 days not ‘2’

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This is false. Squelching is what you get first by getting so many reports. During that squelch, a GM reviews the logs and decides if you get sanctioned.


When did 2x1 start equalling anything other than 2? There is a whole lot you aren’t sharing.


This is gonna go places I just know it.


“abusive chat” is and has always been a extremely broad category that is completely subjective to the person.

Yeah yeah the banned guys are never at fault , they are victims

Says every banned guy …go to CS forums and tell them that :rofl:


You seem to be contradicting yourself. Because 9 is the double of 4.5. Did you get a 4.5 day ban the first time? You also said you got banned back in WoTLK. And usually 1 offence is a 24hour ban, sometimes 48hr.

Claiming that its automated Bot Banning, like New World is false.

And again, if you did nothing wrong, appeal it. They will review the chat logs and overturn if you are not at fault.


Indeed. Because sanctions are doubled. Which means there’s a lot we aren’t getting here.

I said I got suspended at the start of mop not in wrath

No it is pretty clearly defined in the ToS. It is not subjective as far as the rules of the game permit.

yeah it says that “hate speech and harassment” isn’t allowed which I never said anything racial or sexual and I essentially told someone to go away in classic ashran cause he wanted the aa so badly even though he didn’t find it.

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Do you think it could swing by Starbucks and get me some more coffee?




Jim Carrey: “Stop breaking the law!”

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So you “essentially” told them to go away. But what did you actually tell them? And how do you know it was that person who reported you. Additionally, you dont get a 9 day ban for trash talking someone. You get a ban for harassing them and saying offensive things.

If you did nothing wrong appeal the ban. They can review the chat logs again. And if you are not at fault, they will reverse it.

Otherwise you just got caught saying offensive things and have to suffer the consequences.

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