WoW's endgame is too hard

They are talking about mythic plus and raiding though not the easy content.

There is an argument that wow has gotten to difficult at the top end. Fights are being designed around mods for certain

Have you thought that new players would be playing at like tier 3 or 4?

Based on the OP’s post, I submit the following recommendations:

DELETE every difficulty except mythic.
Delete m+ except m+14.
Delete delves except tier 11.

And Zekvir ?.

Lower difficulties do not matter, no one’s going to run them anyway.

I ain’t even touched mythic + and my gear is 609, I ain’t gotten any loot from the normal raid either.

T8 delves are doable as long as you pick up the potions on the ground and have appropriate gear.

Crafting gear exists and is rather powerful.

I will however say some of the rotations these days are rather overloaded

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I have done both, Ultra hard core as GM of the guild… to casual only login on catch up mechanics.

Lifa changes time available changes too, Now I’m in the happy middle, I can solo everything fun with my alts , and still occasionally fill a spot on my sons mythic team.

Even all kitted out and stratospheric item level, I do like follower dungeons to just kick the weekly in 8 to 10 mins, plus if I need to hit the can, take a phone call, answer the door… they don’t gripe at me lol.

HARD content is hard and EASY content is easy


You’re supposed to dodge stuff. I also dont know how hard it is for all classes but most people just group if they cant solo.

I can give some insight into this, RE: Priest. It’s kind of rough at T8 and above - with relatively equivalent ilevel? Single pulls can chunk you bad, kiting as best you can becomes mandatory, and you have to use your cooldowns.

Honestly, I like the challenge, but I feel like it’d be almost impossible if I didn’t have dominate mind.

Except paladin has the most APM of any class.

Delves have been great for me.

Got my main Lock to 585 over the weekend and got some nice slots on vault tommorow min 606. About to start T8s.

Between those and doing what I always do I barely have to deal with any nonsense from others, I get to go at my own pace everywhere and make gold along the way.

Yeah, I’m having alot of fun actually.

They really need to milk that Race to World First.

Praying (hah) that the lack of Priest tuning means we have a full rework coming. Give me more copium!

WoW’s endgame isn’t designed to be easy, though. What they are going for is scalable. So accessible, but only if you are willing and able to put in the time, effort, dedication to perform to the level that the scaled difficulty more or less requires.

There are various things that can impact this. They include things like how much free time you have left over after responsibilities, how much of a priority it is to perform well in WoW in terms of allocating that free time to become that, and other factors like your basic level of reflexes and manual skill, which to some degree is related to age and health factors like arthritis and similar types of issues.

It’s true that you can have a demanding job, a spouse, children, and still do very challenging WoW content. But … it means that either (1) you are naturally just better at coordination/reflexes/muscle memory than the average person or (2) becoming or maintaining your skill in WoW is an important enough pastime that it gets a priority on the free time you have left available after living the rest of your life.

If, by, contrast, you have a similarly full life, but have average reflexes/fine motor, and see WoW as a fun pastime but not a free time priority, you will cap out at a lower level of scaling. And that means your progression will stop, because that is how the game works. When that happens, you either make becoming better at the video game a higher free time spending priority, or you find other entertaining things to do in WoW that don’t involve progression, or you quit.

I think this is an okay system. You have to understand, though, that WoW is designed to be scalable. There is content for people at the lower end of the scale and content for people at the higher end, and if you are at the lower end your progression will come to an end much sooner … but that is a core design of the game. It won’t be changed to accommodate the lower end of the scale players, even if they are most of the playerbase, because the core game design philosophy of the game is to create a challenging carrot for players to chase, even if chasing it in fact is out of their reach. It’s about providing that perpetual carrot.

I am a lower end of the scale player, and I accept this – it has to do with time, prioritization, and, at this point, age/reflexes. And so I’m okay with progression stopping fairly quickly for me. I don’t expect to play through seasonal cycles, because that kind of content is designed for players who are more dedicated to WoW than I am, or who are just better at video games in general than I am or who prioritize that more than I do … and that’s fine. Expecting the game to change to accommodate me, though, is insane, and that is what I read the OP as asking for.

Thought this was what everyone wanted? Game was too easy back then and now it’s too hard lol

You’re right it is 0,5 and not 0,05.

then don’t do it

play an easier class, or go play in classic where all classes were simpler

so don’t do them

so don’t do them

this is true, the learning curve is quite high. However there are simpler avenues you can go down (again, classic is a good example of a simple wow experience)

wow pvp was born stupid, it wasn’t even actually supported at launch (7 months to get the first battleground). Anyone who willingly partakes in this sidegame is a weird and strange breed to most but again, if you dislike it then don’t do it.

Plenty of people find fun in all the things you described as being not for you. Let other people have things, not everything needs to cater to you.


I don’t want to put in the time, effort and energy into actually earning the rewards fair and square, I want it to be simpler, faster and easier for the dopamine and ego boost.

Oh, and I don’t understand game design, I just understand what I feel entitled to.

No hate from me. I feel that WoW’s end game is like a second job. Used to be normal–>heroic–>maybe some rep gear–>raid.

Now it’s normal–>WQ/crafted gear—>heroic—>delves—>M+ —>raid.

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Its like saying life has an endgame, when you really don’t know when the game will actually end or how long you will be playing…

I saw what I expected to see from this thread: A completely split, toxic, disgusting “community” with really bad attitudes and zero constructive feedback.

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I agree with some of these things in particular:

Way too crazy how many abilities and stuff there is to manage. Lets take a Disc Priest – could Blizzard have made it any more nonsense in cooldowns, rotations, timing, and just overly complicated?

I would not say it is inaccessible but it for sure is way too much. Too many currencies. Too many reps. Too many special little doo-dads and thingys. Overall it is overwhelming and not well explained.

That not so bad to me.