HALF A PERCENT of players doing 10+ keys

99.5% of players will never be caught up in gear to the top half percent.

And if you’re even getting gilded crests… 9+ keys that puts you in the top 1.1% of players…



I am most likely wrong but I feel like the 10s from DF were much easier than the current ones


You’re probably not wrong.!

These keys are much harder than s3 and s4 yes. But s3 and s4 were ridiculously undertuned.


Genuinely happy to never have to touch Mythic+


Captain Obvious over here pointing out the top half percent of M+ players will always be in the top half percent.


Then the rest of us should just walk away and let blizz have their beloved mythics+.


I’m in the 1%?

On one hand, it’s nice to have super nice stuff compared to others. On the other hand… Blizz, come on, fix this scaling. The same track of vault reward for 3 to 9? That’s dumb. Everyone knows it’s dumb. Why did you even try this?


It’s probably around 5% of M+ players that currently do +10s based on quick estimate from raider.io and that’s early in the season. Gear will make this much easier over time.


They are on a campaign to drive off any older players so they can get away with turning it into an e-sport platform. I say let’em. There’s enough 1%'er’s to keep their salaries right?


I think it was mainly the fact that it was much easier to fix other’s mistakes.
I mean you could just CC casters and stop them, now they just spam casts until a kick actually happens. You could carry people

Carrying people now is a feat of strength


You heard him boys. Most of us will never catch up now. Shows over, let’s head home.


My counter is this: the scaling makes it so progression is impossible for many, and for the few who can do 9s and 10s, the gap is going to get wider, and the people stuck below that level are going to have a hard time getting groups. It’s a problem, and an unnecessary one Blizzard has invented purely for this season.


Is that so abnormal, M+ has only been available for a couple weeks. I don’t remember a ton of people doing +20s in prior expansions this early in the expansion.


Edit: I didn’t meant to reply. My b.

Why do so many players expect to be done all the content of a patch within the first 2 weeks?

Go touch grass. Turn on the blizzard playtime reports so you realize how much you’re playing. Then realize the average player is playing a fraction of that time.


That’s kinda the point. I think it’s fine to disagree with mythic track gear being less easy to obtain but I also think it’s fair that M+ also push people into premade groups if they want to have an easier time to get the max rewards.

It should still be attainable by many with more gear so before you hit 619 I would not be too concerned if 9 and 10s are a bit too hard for you.

So how many players were running 20s week 3 of previous seasons?


It’s week 3 and technically week 2 of M+. I have only been to 8s except Mists 9 (doesn’t count cause it’s Mists).

No need to rush it cause we’re capped on crests.

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Is that similar in percentage to those that ran +20s in prior seasons early on?

This is the first season i ha no issues getting ksm first week, specially on S1 dungeons which are infinitely harder due to lack of tier sets.

Yes, the dungeons are hard, but they’re not as hard as people are making them out to be. Once everyone is hovering around 620-625 ilvl average (keep in mind Mythic ilvl is much closer to 635), it shouldn’t be as much as a problem.

Tuning is still needed though, mobs shouldn’t be chain casting the same ability 4 times in a row. Some abilities are just too punishing right now as well.

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