WoW's endgame is too hard

The only thing I agree with is the bloat. The game is way too bloated. yes some classes have too many buttons, but there are PLENTY of classes that are simple and require very minimal keys.

Everything else… come on man. M+ not required, delves are definitely not too hard, and LFR raids are absolutely not punishing in TWW lol.

Even normal raids are insanely easy with a full pug group. Come on now.

Wow has so many difficulty levels to accomdate EVERYONE. What you’re looking for is you want the higher end rewards at a difficulty that accomadates you. And that isn’t the way the game works. You don’t need Mythic level raid gear if you’re not doing the bleeding edge content.

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M0 even gives more and better gear (Champion 3/8) than +2 does (Champion 1/8).

Delve 9 is quite different from delve 8. Delve 9 includes 2 or 3 unique named enemies with more abilities. Delve 8 does not have these unique mobs.

Bahahahahaha… me? Higher echelon? :rofl:

They don’t.

If you think Pally doesn’t have buttons… I don’t know what to tell you.

I have a lot of friends who would say otherwise.

Pay attention to recommended ilevels and don’t be below them.

Can we stop treating new players as if they’re dumb and can’t figure stuff out?

The new people I’ve brought into this game or helped learn stuff last expansion would say otherwise.

We’ve got Delves, LFR, etc. There are tiers for everyone. And I don’t do progression content whatsoever anymore.

And this is where you lost any credibility you may have had. :roll_eyes:

Then go find another game. My guild is having fun and none of them do progression end game whatsoever.

So many games available nowadays. I wanted to play SF6, FF dawntrail, but somehow i care more about my wow characters, gearing 6 of them for heroic, LFR simultaneously cos i found the specs, transmog fun imo. Aiming for zekvir season and M+ of course but only on one of the 6 characters that eventually got the gear rng lucky rolls. I still curse at blizzard when my weekly vault are duplicates tho lol

This whole world soul saga is ending for most wow player base that’s been hanging on for 20 years. Once this trilogy ends, I believe they are going to take wow in a whole new PVP super duper fortnite E-Sports direction.

Then you aren’t ready for that content, build up your gear and get better at your class and the game itself.

I think it would be more enjoyable if you didn’t lose rating. Then at least if you lose it doesn’t feel so bad. Let rating be more about skill and/or time involved.

I’m going to ask you the same question I ask everyone who says this. How many buttons should the average class have then? If you’re going to say hunter per your example has too many, how many buttons should they have in their rotation in your book? Then how many buttons beyond their rotation should they have? You don’t have to think too hard on it, just ballpark it. We talking say 5 for a rotation then another 5 beyond it for defensives or similar? We talking 1 button rotation and 1 beyond it, or what are we talking? I’ve been working on my hunter and I really don’t see the issue. Also if you think survival has too many buttons then don’t play survival or use the unneeded buttons.

Again I don’t think we should have to learn an ability kit the size of War and Peace, but I want my WoW to feel like WoW and Diablo to feel like Diablo. I do NOT want a repeat of WoD where we had classes that used all of 2 buttons in their rotation and had maybe 4 powers beyond that. You’re free to disagree and that’s fine, but I don’t feeling like a one trick pony and like having a toolkit.

I mean, Elden Ring would say otherwise.


Delves are horribly unbalanced by class. I bet a rogue in full mythic raid gear still gets 3 shot by trash in +8s compared to something like a dk with infinite sustain

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The first 4 bosses on mythic are really easy, wouldn’t be surprise if people start pugging them in the upcoming weeks.

Nothing wrong with that as long as easier level of content exists for those that want it. Luckily for everyone it does you have lfr and even story mode. You have follower dungoens and for those who do enjoy delves or mplus you have those at lower levels to enjoy. So lets be honest here is it really too hard or are just engaging in levels that are not designed for you ingoring the ones that are?

Plz stop with the family and work bit.
Most in my guild work and have familys and we raid 3 days a week consistently, along with going into mythic next reset.

This junk is seriously an old and tired excuse at this point. Will say though we raid consistently if ye really wanna hop into raid.

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no they wont. they are gonna act like they will, because they want people to think they are “good”, when in reality that is not the case, they just like to moan and complain about opinions.

stuff like,

the game is not hard enough.
leveling is too easy.
we need more buttons, my 10 keyboards aint enough for me.
we need more mechanics so my 6000 addons can actually be used.

that sorta thing. jokes they are.


I don’t want the game to be hard to show off.

I want the game to be hard so i can have fun.

I sincerely hope you quit the game and never come back. Wow doesn’t need to be made even worse than it is.

Why is it new players never are worried what new players may like?

It has to be more than that. I’m not even in a hardcore guild that still hasn’t cleared the raid on heroic or event tried the first boss on mythic, and I know at least 15 people in the guild or my friends list with at least a 10 even if untimed so far this week for vault.

:rofl: this has to be a troll

I’m a completely casual and solo player. Im 597-601 ilvl on 4x toons. I’m currently working on my 5th. I achieved this 100% solo through World content and Delves