WoW's endgame is too hard

I know a lot of forum users will have an issue with this statement because everyone here represents a higher echelon of player who is generally more committed to the game, but this does not represent the average player’s experience at all.

– Mythic+ is too hard. It’s annoying, not rewarding enough, and overall a complete waste of time
– Classes have too many abilities to manage. This one speaks for itself. There is a reason hunter and pally are the most played classes. They are the easiest to play, the most forgiving, and don’t have as many required keybinds.
– Raids are too difficult to even get going, let alone finish, for the average player. We are grownups with jobs and families now. Who the hell wants to spend hours wiping in a raid anymore when you can just go play an extraction shooter for instant fun? Even LFR is pretty punishing in TWW.
– Delves are still too hard for some classes. Unavoidable damage doing half your health in one hit is not fun.
– Bloat. This is a big one for new players. There are a zillion different zones, items, dungeons raids, and all kinds of random little tidbits of info you need to know. The game is completely inaccessible for a new player.
PVP – Wow pvp is just stupid, I’m surprised it’s still around. 70% of the time you’re stuck in a CC or snare, or just completely wiped out before you can do anything.

Anyway, I think significant overhauls are needed for WoW’s endgame to make it more accessible to the average player. Like, make it so jumping into a quick mythic is as fun as jumping into a quick game of fortnite.

I know a lot of people here want wow to be hard so they can show off how much of an elite sweatlord they are, but no one actually gives two craps about your in-game achievements to be quite frank with you. People just want to have fun, and WoW currently isn’t really fun at all.


There are difficulty levels. Work your way up.


As a casual, Delves have gotten me to 585, and if I ever decide to craft gear, or run LFR or Heroics, it might climb higher. Might I suggest using Google to ask “How to gear up fast TWW” and you might just be north of 606 in no time and Mythics might not feel so bad.


I’ve done up to tier 8. I just don’t see how they can be fun for a new player or someone just looking for a casual experience, which is what people want to play these days.

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Fun is subjective, just because you don’t find challenging content fun doesn’t mean other feel the same way.


There is plenty of fun content in WoW, only a tiny sliver of it is focused on being extremely challenging, please leave that part of the game for the people that are up for it :slightly_smiling_face:


It’s fun because it is casual. I can die as much as I like without getting yelled at and gear up on my terms. I also don’t have to worry about elitists booting, or worse, not inviting simply because I am 585 and not 593.


Hunter and Paladin both have a ton of abilities and keybinds. Their damage rotation might be simple but it’s a lot harder to play them well.

I would say Evoker might be a bit simpler just because they are a new class and don’t have so many abilities.


There is no “new players” anymore in this game that metrics should suggest simplifying the game. The game is running on nostalgia from the past and is getting carried by Lifers with their 12 months subscriptions. There is no zoomer generation subscribing to WoW, maybe like 0,02% of the population if I had to guess. The newer generation play game like Valorant, Minecraft, Brawls Stars, Roblox etc.


I have a pally and druid tanks both, but my easiest rotation is my Arcane Mage. Also not ironic Arcane Mage is S-Tier in DPS currently. Insanely simple to play.

This early into the season and getting the max level gear from them, that’s probably not really casual. I’d say youre in the fast lane. For a casual player I imagine someone having time to get a couole of keys and just do a couple of delves each week, and thus taking their time to up the levels.


Delves are a step in the right direction, but probably still too punishing in general. WoW was at its best in the Wotlk days when it was a lot more forgiving when it came to raids or dungeons.

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Keeps ramping up scaling difficulty until they find it too hard.

What the hell?! I didn’t win this time! This is no longer fun!

M+ is probably the most rewarding content in the game. The difficulty also ramps up so you just have to find your sweet spot. Also what class you play affects how much fun you have imo.

Ret has a huge kit to play well, its not just hitting dps buttons. Hunter has been revamped to include a bunch of new rotational abilities for some reason so its not so easy to play anymore.

LFR is literally easy mode you dont even need to split the groups anymore. You can also split the wings to suit your time.

You’re supposed to dodge stuff. I also dont know how hard it is for all classes but most people just group if they cant solo.

If you play the game for a bit, most of this content is weekly content so its not that bad if you only have 1 character to play.

Theres pvp in the game?

It’s an mmo, not an e-sport. Would anyone do keys if there weren’t rewards at the end? Think about what is fun in wow that someone would still do if there wasn’t a reward, and then make the whole game like that.


I don’t think mmo is your genre. The loot treadmill has driven the game since the day it released. That’s why anyone does anything.


I’m the scrubbiest of scrubs and don’t attempt content I don’t think I can do. I find it keeps the game more fun and me a lot happier.

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That’s actually hilarious

Why are u even playing still if you hate everything about the game


Partly but I think the healer and tank roles are too hard for most players. Disc was supposed to be that DPS friendly option and yet it’s one of the hardest healers to play

It just sounds to me that OP identifies as a particular kind of player, but is trying to do things like other kinds of players.

One thing I’ll say is, it always strikes me as funny when people try to use the whole “I’m an adult with a family and a job” line. Most of us are and do, and if those obligations take up most of our time then we do what we can. It’s called time management.

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