WoW's endgame is too hard

It’s pretty much the log in and do what I say and check all your daily chore checkbox communities. If you don’t you don’t get to stay on the Guild or M+ team and so forth and so on, oh and spend 6 hours in front of a target dummy and do a rotation analysis until your parse is perfect or quit. Though there are perhaps some normal down to earth gamer guilds out there that aren’t this impersonal and just chill and see how far they can go with each other (this is where I’m at, cause if I don’t care enough to keep pushing I just quit and move on).

But in my experience this has always been a community that gets impatient with someone for any mistake. It becomes all about perfection or nothing which is exhausting and turns the game into a job. And that in turn adds to the overall difficulty of the game with all these attitudes and clashing views. In truth you don’t need a 90%+ parse to kill a Heroic raid boss at all (only Mythic should be this tightly tuned), but you do need enough damage and healing.

Padgarre rant over, soon to be called a horrible opinion, blah blah blah.

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The goal of the Microsoft acquisition was to boost gamepass and increase predatory mtx. By making the endgame out of reach for 99 percent of the player base, Blizzard makes money through token sales. If you want to have the gear of the big boys, you need to be in the top .5%, buy coins or make a lot of money herbalizing.

Why do you think they changed token and vault structure?

It is to maximize the profits of coin sales.

Raids in wow use to be about getting players together and playing. Having a bit of fun on a Saturday night. Everyone would farm all week to get that fire resist needed to kill the one hurdle. The only requirement to play used to be have a heartbeat and show up.

Now if you want to succeed, you will have to leave your friends that play bad behind. There is no room for underachievers. You will play the fotm class. Forget the one kid in guild with disabilities, because his sub isn’t elite. Or you can go the toxic solo route. Join all the pugs. Go join the mythic raid pug with a 600 gear score leader. Or form your own pug for hours getting the highest gear score players to wipe once and have everyone leave.

I am in no way for welfare gear, but I am also not for leaving paying customers who want to play behind.

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I agree with OP.

Spent an entire Sunday (yesterday ) trying to raid and came out with nothing to show for it. 3 bosses down in normal. Loot drops are lower ilvl than the gear required to run it, and still so many wipes. I cant imagine how much more work other guilds are putting in to breeze through this stuff. For what?

Have ran a dozen or so PVP matches, never won anything.

Delves are insanely hard. Wipes mean start over. How is solo content still too difficult with an entire team of geared guild members?

Over the last two months I’ve poured myself into learning resto druid again. I’m still missing something, no matter what I do with my rotation it’s just not enough.

I want to enjoy the game but it’s becoming a full time job. I already have one of those and a life. Seems like wow wants you to choose between the two sometimes.

There is too much to figure out and understand. Everything requires in depth research.

And fwiw, the new druid tier set is really ugly. If we’re gonna be space lions can we at least look like Voltron? I’m still transmogging back to my stormrage set. I don’t want to look like an evil alien astronaut.

The only valid complaint here is that PvP is trash. Especially with hero talents now, pvp is more unbalanced than ever. But M+ is easier than ever and so are raids, given I understand the time commitment issue for raiding which is why i dont bother with it. But if you cant manage M+, delves, or LFR(which is pointless) then I dont think WoW is the game for you buddy.

Issue some have is not “too hard” but rewards don’t align with effort (wait times, quitters, verbal abuse etc).

The game is as challenging as you want it to be.

What level Delve are you trying to do?

Here is the thing about Delves if you are not super skilled. You have to use your full toolkit. This means LoS, CC, interrupt and smaller pulls. If you are going in like you would a normal dungeon, pull everything AoE, then you are going to have problems.

I am not super skilled, I have not raided in years, I don’t do dungeons, and I still have not enchanted my gear. But when I solo Delves I go slow do little pulls and make sure my item level is close to or at what is needed. Gear helps a ton with Delves and there is no shame in staying a Delve level until you can get the gear needed to progress to the next one.

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Yes if M+ just strictly rewarded the achievements, giving us a mount, title, portals, and some transmog or weapon enchant illusions like PvP gladiators get, then I and plenty others would still do it. Like someone else commented, fun is subjective, maybe you just need to find whats “fun” to you in the game or leave it, no need to bash the whole thing to bits while the majority of others are enjoying it.

If Delves were any easier the chest with loot would be at the door as you enter especially t7 or under

We are trying to clear T8’s. Not only is this quite difficult, you have the whole coffee key BS to contend with.

And lack of other important grindy resources especially valorstones, which have been nerfed into proverbial hens teeth.

I get it. Overall I think there’s a solid argument to be made on both sides of the coin OP. This is a game you can really get lost in, in an all consuming way. And if you aren’t doing that it feels like you’re really missing out at times.

The jump from T7 to T8 was big with my husband and I. We had to get to the recommended ilvl and then were able to finish the Delve very slowly at first. There also is scaling when it comes to groups and some Delves are harder than others in my opinion. The fungal and underwater ones are the worst to me.

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Yeah at tier 8 our god mode is disabled from faceroll the lower tiers and we can die from trying leroy too hard. The underwater ones are awful I can’t glide and it feels like some of the mobs hit harder the others Delves.

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You’re forgetting a few things:

  • iLevel makes mechanics negligible
  • Brann’s level and curio choices for difference classes
  • Some classes have better toolkits

You posted on your lock. We got a whole lot of utility that other classes will struggle without in delves (even simple as underwater breathing).

Even with good ilvl some people still struggle but you do want to be the minimum for T8. All other Delves I could be under the ilvl and still finish with no deaths.

I am going to be honest I have no idea what Brann is doing and for awhile I did not get any curios besides two then bam tons of curios. I just set him healer and forget about it now.

This is my main and I don’t plan on doing Delves on other character because my skill level on those characters is gone at this point. Warlock is going to be one of the easier classes to do Delves on like tanking classes. I try not to speak on other classes I don’t know a lot about. Mainly because someone that does understand may know a play style that works with them.

Being undead makes underwater breathing a thing of the past. :kissing_heart:

No DKs you cannot have my racial!!!

This is the easiest Wow has ever been. Classic wow was basically done for casuals once you hit endgame. There was no progression outside raiding. Now there’s world quests, delves, really good profession gear.

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I’m not sure that’s true but even if it is it’s still just the same four buttons every time they light up lol.

Pretty much judgement, wake of ashes, blade of justice, final verdict, and execution sentence. Then you hit divine toll when it’s up and spam hammer of wrath. :man_shrugging:

You hit final verdict an awful lot though, that’s for sure.

LFR has been in a great place ever since DF. It has found a sweet spot between accessibility and challenge. You DO need to do some of the basic mechanics or you will fail, but those mechanics are generally simple to teach to others and to learn on the fly.

I just returned to WoW last weekend since I was too busy at launch to play. I got to 80 in a couple days, and got wing 3 of LFR down yesterday morning on the second try. What we did wrong was explained, we adjusted, and we won.

I get that your mileage may vary, but modern LFR doesn’t really belong on that list.

Another mobile game post. Yall are on a roll lately

You guys have very low troll detection. He even said LFR is too hard. Come on.

Yep these are my kids. Gen Alpha.

They prefer a larger variety of smaller games. Sadly, there is a scary component to these games in that they are aggressively trying to sell everything

Don’t want to spend 5 minutes doing this? Pay 50 cents for a boost.

In any case, they are hyper gaming as in multitasking various media. The ultra exclusive hyper focus of WoW is the antithesis of this and hence boring to them

:crab: :izakaya_lantern: :crab: :izakaya_lantern:

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The hard content should remain difficult. The casual content in tww is the best wow has had. I do think they should rework the gearing system. I think everyone should get good gear and then play the difficulty of content that they enjoy instead of pressuring people into content they dont like.

Nobody pushes high keys for gear. There is no additional reward for it. They need to make this the case at a lower threshold. It would actually make m+ group more enjoyable as you wouldn’t have reluctant players in the mix. M+ and mythic raid shouldn’t have higher gear rewards (exact key level or if heroic raid is included in this is something that could be figured out). Make them fun and lean into that. Gear is a trash incentive for high level content.