Wow wrath of the lichking needs new gold sinks

The current gold sinks just arn’t cutting it, so here is what I propose:

1: Chromatic drake mount, sold for 100k gold.

2: Mini Fel Reaver mount, sold for 1 Million gold

3: Spider Queen Mount, Sold for 8 million gold.

With Gold sinks like this, it should help stabilize the server economies.

fixed that for you


What are you hoping to accomplish with gold sinks?

Are server economies not currently relatively stabilized?

I am still saving 4k for my greatness card. I am at 67g i dont think we need gold sinks. I never did learn how to manage money.


perhaps, but with gdkps it should help with removing gold from the economy.

haha. good idea about more gold sinks for da game.

take a look at dis guild asking for da gold cap to be raised.
Gold cap too low . plus da same guild asking for nerfs Nerf Ulduar.

haha. here is a photo of a guilds guild master telling buyers in da gold selling discord how to get priority spots in da gdkp discord. note da ranks n color of their name in da discord. green is gdkp leader.

imgur. com/a/yboW7Pw

a guild officer dat also sells gold on a discord while also running a gdkp discord. note da ranks n color of their name in da discords.

imgur. com/a/YdnNCOj

screenshot of dat same guilds gdkp discord promoting da same gold selling discord. haha. note da ranks n color of their name in da discord. yellow is leader.

imgur. com/a/GyQcgZf

45,000,000 gold sold in tbc classic with da price of 12 usd dollars per 1000 gold.

540,000 usd real money earned through one gdkp selling gold to people. no one can say dis does not ruin da spirit of classic. too much gold in da game.

think about all da other gdkps n gold farming operations on da classic servers. dis is just one example.



If you don’t do GDKP’s the current gold sinks are more than enough.

  • Darkmoon Card
  • Traveller’s Tundra Mammoth
  • Dalaran ring
  • Mekengineer’s Chopper

Not a single person going into Wrath had all four of these items. The people who prepared maybe had 2 or the most lifeless, 3. I only have the first one and am only over half for the chopper or mammoth. I don’t care about the ring.

You want to sell Lloth?

The game can’t have actual legit gold sinks.

Everything good must come from raid! Its a law, or something.

we’d need to get later classic versions.

Not sure which one dropped the alliance custom champion motorcycle to vendor…but that is the best 100+K gold I ever spent. I love that mount.

legion has a 500K mount. I deem it kind of ugly personally…but some like it and that is fine. and once bought…500K gold fell off the server to vendor sale.

BFA had long boy mount. The 5 mil gold sink, and it all went to vendor.

so…soon™ op.

The game doesn’t need additional gold sinks. What it needs is for Blizzard to do something about the bots. Though at this point, the damage is done and the only possible way for people to get an experience that isn’t riddled with the botting/gold inflation cancer is through fresh realms. And even those can’t possibly avoid the problem forever.

Adding new gold sinks will only increase the cash value of cheater gold to cheaters.

you cant be serious with this

you confused this forum for retail

For 2 weeks, then when theyve lost the race they will whine to go back to their mega server. The fresh playerbase doesnt need to be catered to.

They should audit everyone with over 100k gold for possible tax evasion

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Here’s a better gold sink:

  • Perma ban gold buyers instead of a 2 week slap on the wrist.
  • Investigate the GDKPs organizations literally selling gold in plain daylight for all to see by having a single employee join GDKP discords for an afternoon and perma ban anyone involved in those rackets.

You stop bots and gold sellers by removing where the money comes from and making their business unprofitable. There’s no point in fighting an enemy that will just adapt to anything you do.


Pictures for people who don’t want to bother copying the link, thank you for posting these.


Unless you can ensure that bots cannot get into fresh realms. Fresh realms are incredibly useless

The Discord channel is literally titled how to buy gold. Meanwhile the forum trolls claim this doesn’t happen in GDKPs and those players must just be really good at farming and playing the AH. :person_facepalming:


I’ve seen so much stuff like this myself with RMT. People have just told me crazy things from out of nowhere, and others even share their stories on somewhat public Discords. This is all so obvious that it’s impossible to not notice unless you are doing that intentionally.

A lot of people who “get the benefit” like to sweep it all under the rug and then deflect with troll type things like personal attacks (showing that as people they are nothing other than total scum and nothing would be better for these forums than permabans for these types). It’s all pretty sad.


The more realistic outcome with Classic’s “I have money and I want it now” mentality.

:whale: :whale: :whale: :whale: :whale:

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