Wow wrath of the lichking needs new gold sinks


I guess ‘2 weeks’ is why Skyfury ended up being locked for months.

Yeah, it doesn’t need to be catered to. But it also doesn’t need to not be catered to. Only pitiful losers will fight tooth and nail to keep fresh realms out. Don’t be a pitiful loser.

You can’t, at least not completely. But I already alluded to this. Not sure why you feel the need to say it too. :rofl:

Incorrect. Fresh realms are both the best short-term solution for gameplay destroyed by cheaters, and also very fun for people who enjoy fresh realms.

In regards to point one, Blizzard needs to look in to why people are buying gold and how to alleviate the issue so that people are content to play the game and earn their gold legitimately.

On point two, 100%. Get rid of the dodgy operators.

The economy is so inflated that legit gold making just can’t keep up.

Short of deleting all auctions, striping inventories of all stock, and reducing everyone’s gold stock to 20k or less, gold sinks may well be the only way to reduce inflation.

I do understand that it may lead to people buying more gold, but perhaps Blizzard could limit it to a week long buy out, come and get it now or you wont be able to get it at all, thus removing more gold from the economy.

I don’t know, honestly, blizzard isn’t gonna do anything that affects their bottom line, including getting rid of cheaters or bots, so finding a way to deflate the economy seems to be the only option to me.

Sure but the gold gets deleted instead of recirculated so it’s not a horrible idea

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The entire Bnet too. Not just the single wow account.


And that is the problem right there, a problem easily fixable by Blizzard.
E: There is also time as a factor too. A lot of people simply don’t have time to grind dailies everyday, time to farm materials which sell for nothing due to bots anyway, or the knowledge and time to work professions/AH to turn a decent profit for themselves. Basic gold grinding through dailies is the only way to generate gold for a lot of people.

I’m all for more gold sinks, but not ones that further encourage the practice of RMT.

Just add token already. Would reduce botting by atleast 50% . I dont see any other solution

Most gold buyer would buy legit gold. Killing the bots. And at least that way you dont create more gold.

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