WoW won't update

I got a 7600 Agent build today. And forcing an Agent shutdown then restarting with that Agent, so far it’s been able to successfully ‘Check for Updates’ twice for TBCC.

Agent: 7600

Still have the same problem. Eighth day without WOW now. Bummer.

Ok, two points here. The fix rolled out by Blizzard did not fix my problem by itself, but may have set the stage for this to work again. I initially tried just to do the update this morning after the post by Blizzard. I received the same update error I had been receiving for over the last week. I then followed the directions in the post about right clicking the World of Warcraft folder in applications, unlocking it, making sure all permissions stated “read & write” (which they already did), and then tapping the circle at the bottom of the window next to the +/- buttons and selecting apply the changes. A quick task bar came up and then went away. I locked the folder again and sure enough I was able to launch BCC for the first time in over a week. Interestingly, I was still able to play retail for the last week (which I hadn’t done for years) without any problems. My issue seems to be entirely with BCC.

I tried this and Battlenet still will not update, scan & repair, or install. So still pondering what to do.

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This worked for me, too.

Thank you!

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I re-downloaded app and was able to get the updates to download and patch (finally!). However, the game itself won’t launch. I’m unsure if there are others who have found a workaround for that particular error.

MacOS Monterey (12.0.1)

Hello everyone,

Thank you for your continued reports here. We can confirm that the underlying cause of the update/permission issue is still being investigated. We apologize for the disruption this has caused, and we’ll update this thread when we have concrete information regarding a permanent fix.

In the meantime, the workarounds in this thread can be used as a temporary solution until a hotfix is implemented:


The underlying cause (outside of the WoW update itself having created corrupt/bad files in inappropriate locations) is that Agent is scanning files it shouldn’t ever be scanning in the first place. It does not need to scan anything in the /Interface folder at all. Addons are not serviceable by Agent, and the built in Blizzard “addons” are created and/or updated by the game client itself upon the client starting up and are also not serviceable by Agent. In fact, Agent screws them up if it tries to touch them at all.

Fix Agent scanning unnecessary and/or inappropriate locations and you fix the core problem.


Nope, i even uninstalled app and reinstalled it. It still presents various errors regarding initialization errors. For example:
The CAS system was unable to initialize: ClientHandler: initialization error: failed fetching the CDN configuration file

ClientHandler: initialization error: failed fetching the CDN configuration file

ClientHandler: initialization error: failed fetching the CDN configuration file

tact::ClientHandler::Create failed: E_IO_ERROR

[20211121T14:16:25] {19020} INF: adding network address for server

[20211121T14:16:25] {19020} INF


I am very close to just giving up on this game, this has been going now for close to 2 weeks and no one seems to even care.


MAC USERS: Did you recently see an “Oops, Something Broke” error that, when you dug deeper, showed messages like ClientHandler: initialization error, failed to create storage component. -AND- ClientHandler: failed to bind shared memory, etc.?

WHAT FAILED: I wrote to Support on Twitter, no response, probably swamped. I also renamed the Cache, Interface & WTF folders - all no good.

WHAT WORKED: I reinstalled the entire game, not just the launcher. Took two hours, but I was up and running after that.

Felt kinda good to do a complete reinstall actually. I know it’s a pain, but it worked for me for these errors.

Don’t give up. I think you’ll be up & running in about two hours if you remove and reinstall the entire game. As I read your post, I saw many of the same issues I was having too - esp re: the CAS system. (I wish I had included that term in my post, since it was EVERYWHERE, but oh well.)

I got that “Oops, Something Broke” with an error message code of BLZBNTAGT00000BB8. I was searching to find a way to re-install WoW (lacking the DVD since I got the Shadowlands update online) when I looked through the World of Warcraft folder and decided to give in that folder a try.

I ran that program which ended by running the WoW Launcher. I tried the Update button again and this time it ran to completion (before I got that error message after about a second). It took a while since there was about 1 GB of stuff to be updated, but it ran to completion.

BUT when I tried to run WoW I got a long list of errors. I ran the WoW Launcher again and saw the request to get the update. Again attempting the update got me (after less than a second) the same BLZBNTAGT00000BB8 error message.

Following what I did in my previous post, I also applied fixing the permissions that Indistera suggested in a previous post about 5 or 6 posts before mine. THAT has fixed my problems in that WoW is now running.

Thanks for the encouragement. I am scared if i reinstall I will lose all my ui settings, addon configs, etc. Just scared that backing up just the WTF and Interface folders will not be enough. as you can tell, I have never reinstalled the game before.

Well, still not working. Using chmod, watching data files, and still doesn’t seem to update or work occasionally. Sometimes, it does. Sometimes, must do the command line 3-4x before it gets a clue and allows ‘play’.

Have to remove all add ons to get this to work. With any standard addons (gtfo, details, titan panel, weakauras, pallypower, pawn), this does not want to work.

Additionally, launcher chat has deteriorated and can’t use it most of the time as well. And when I do manage to get into the game, it will bump me out, occasionally.

Big Sur 11.5.2 / MBP 2019 / 2.3 8-Core i9

So since this happened 2 days ago, I haven’t had a single problem. 7600 works great for me.

Mac and Windows users, try this:

Right click the WoW folder > Get info
  • Click the Unlock item on the bottom where I marked it

  • It will ask for your admin password

  • Type it and click on the cog dropdown button

  • Apply to enclosed items then lock it again from the lock icon

This worked for me and I’ve been able to open WoW every time and play just fine so far. Hopefully this will work for you guys while they work on a permanent fix.


Here! Nothing works… damnit Bliz why do you make it so difficult to update the Mac???

This worked for me. Thanks!

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Worked for me as well. Thank-you.

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