Bless you, Lacrosse, thank you SO MUCH for that advice!!
I reinstalled game and BN and it fixed nothing.
Sadly permissions correction did nothing, I still immediately get the “something broke” when trying to update or repair both retail and bc. I’ve been able to play on a macbook, but oddly it gets addon errors when I try to access the guild bank. Something about permissions, as though Agent went into arkinventory and adjusted a setting (and broke it)?
By the Gods you are amazing! Thank you SO much for the incredible fix. Works just fine now.
I don’t want to raise this thread again and maybe it’s just me, but the updater seems to be broken again. It just sits there trying to update and says “Waiting on another update…” but nothing else is updating and it never completes. I am able to launch the game from the finder, I can then close the WoW application that opened and then the button says “Play” in the launcher and it works for 1 launch of the game. Once I exit the game again the launcher tries to update and never completes. Seems like a similar issue to the one in this thread it’s just not asking for permissions anymore, the result and temporary workaround are the same however.
its been 20days and this isnt fixed…
The only way I was able to work around this was to:
make a backup of
classic_era/Interface/WTF/(you can copy those elsewhere through Finder or command line using tar)
Rename the /Applications/World of Warcraft/ directory to something else (I just changed the name to “delete_me”)
Relaunch the application and install World of Warcraft classic, and Burning Crusade classic.
Copy your interface addons and WTF directories back to their original location.
The above worked for me after trying all sorts of different approaches including the chmod permissions command against the /Applications/World\ of\ Warcraft/Data/ directory.
I hope this is useful.
I’m having this issue MacOS 10.15.7
Having same issue. My Mac is current and running Monterey, I re-installed Blizz App and Game and it won’t update current patch. It just gets caught in a loop to scan and fix.
This issue is back for me as well. I’m running 12.0.1 Monterey. I tried re-installing the launcher and it fails/crashes every time, too. This is pretty frustrating.
For the past two days, this issue has raised its head. Just adding to this thread the issue is still occurring. Have tried repair, checked all settings, and other possible fixes in this thread
Mac OS Big Sur 11.6
I had the same issues so I just uninstalled retail and classes and reinstalled them both .For the time being it is working . I had to redo everything UI wise and stuff but game seems to be doing good
Running 12.0.1 also
If you had a working workaround (mine was to have an instance of the game open in order to keep the launcher from trying to update) and the exisitence of an actual bit of update this week broke it (all realms were incompatible), try running the launcher setup again.* I was able to get the launcher to accept the actual update that way, and now my workaround works again.
- Note: the launcher setup hung up halfway through and did not complete, but opening the launcher while the hang up was still running worked fine. This is all clearly busted in several directions at once.
OK. Weird.
Mine is now fixed. Opened up the launcher today, it updated, I clicked ‘Play’ and got in fine.
Not sure what happened but its fixed for me.
This led to me finding a solution that worked. I moved the interface folder out of the retail directory and it updated it fine.
(Not Mac though, on Windows)
Thanks so much; this works on my iMac. You’re the best!
Running OS 12.0.1 I am currently reinstalling the game. If that does not work I will try the above fix. Why couldn’t the team at blizz push this fix in a launcher update? I haven’t logged in in a while and I popped on here to find this issue has been around for almost a month? Honestly, this is why people are jumping the ship on this game. I will most likely not be resubbing. Shame on blizz, treat your customers better.
Reinstall worked.
running Montery
mac book Pro i7
i reinstall and still don’t work now i get error code
any walk around? whole month i couldn’t log in. probably have to un sub. …
Shoutout to Indistera. They’re the real MVP. I just put it into picture form so others could get a visual of their instructions.
Thanks, Indistera! You’re awesome! ^.^
worked! updating now on mac monterey
no thanks to blizz