I’d say I miss legion. I’ve said it a lot, as have many other players. But it’s much of what I’m doing now, so I only miss the things that are no longer part of it, like Legion mythic+ and rewards.
This is just rose-tinted goggles at its finest. This forum was ERUPTING when Legion launched.
People despised the legendary acquisition system and the artifact grind on offspecs and alts.
Nope. I play all my alts in chromie time legion.
That means absolutely nothing to the state of the game when Legion launched.
you may have hated legion. But no one i know did.
What are you talking about? Artifact knowledge meant alt catch-up was fine.
You meant top-end raiders hated the artifact grind because it was hard for say, a mage to keep both fire and frost maxed.
I said it sucked at launch, which was universally agreed upon on these forums. You can even see threads that reference Legion now and see constant replies that mention it needing until 7.2 to be a good expansion.
See: Legion Started Rough Too - Community / General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)
I miss legion - Community / General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)
The hidden “BLP” cap for Legendaries was enough to drive this place into a frenzy.
You guys are lumping the entire expansion into one broad stroke and not looking at it for how it was received patch by patch.
Legiondaries were hated for sure. I think everyone can agree with that. That doesn’t mean the expansion was hated.
I did hate the randomness of legendaries. But i loved the zone design and music from day one.
Good thing I never said the entire expansion was hated then
This doesn’t even make any sense
and your attempt at rationalizing that drivel with this is just another delusion. Go ahead and find a single thread I’ve made praising this expansion.
The expansion wasn’t hated at launch. Unless “it” is something else not referring to the expansion…?
Actually I remember it being very hated at launch.
Can we all please honestly admit one thing here?
Going from MoP to WoD was when the player numbers dropped fast and hard.
WoD was implied to be Ion’s team’s debut expansion, a return to the good old days where WoW was all about raiding for the big boys. Valor was removed for casuals. Mythic raiding was introduced, and LFR (although easier than in MoP) was multiple tiers of power below top-end raiders. Garrisons were there for casuals. But this model obviously failed.
SL was Ion’s team’s second stab at a return to the good old raiding days. It became physically impossible to earn competitive gear outside of premade groups in instanced content. A system of Covenant sanctums and infinitely grindable anima for a wide array of cosmetic rewards was created to entertain the casuals in their own playground separate from the big boys. This model failed, too.
FFXIV modeled itself after the MoP era of gear progression, and its servers are virtually busting at the seams. If WoW wants to be great again, it needs to make gearing an actual thing for casuals and alts. The current 39 iLvl gap between LFR and Mythic is too huge, and there is no gear vendor to help with RNG issues.
Youre playing the wrong game if youre a casual.
WoW has always been a raiding game and has always been focused on end game.
The start of WoW’s decline is when they started adding casual friendly content like LFG, dailies, garrisons etc.
WoW is doing the right thing on focusing its efforts to further strengthen the area of where it is good at. Raiders are the most hardcore fans of the game and its only proper that WoW caters to them. I do not want this game to be a casual fest wherein you dont need to invest a lot of time just to be competitive. I have mobile games for that one.
I remember all those happy raiders grinding islands so they could put on their azerite armor.
Very happy guys.
So happy they fell asleep at their desks on stream.
I think you’re close.
Where it really went astray is twisting people to do content that they don’t want to do to further their progress in the content they like.
Raiders- wanna raid. Do raiders like doing 10 mythic+'s a week or day to get 255 loot, to kill a raid boss that rewards 245 ect? They feel pressured by their guild to do them in order to help progress their raid, same said with Torghast, Korthia Dailies.
pvper’s- often don’t wanna queue dungeons or torghast in order to compete in pvp. They just don’t enjoy that content.
Casuals- Don’t wanna raid, it’s tedious, scheduling, relying on too many people etc… you name it.
I could keep going on. Make fun rewarding content for people that enjoy their choice of avenue.
The funnel end of this is power. Give all avenues good player progression and you have a healthy player base.
No down turning noses at casuals for wanting gear for what they like to do, collectors, raiders and dungeoneers.
Keep in mind, this goes especially for raiders. You can’t just say “oh you don’t NEEEEEED high gear score for your caasual content”. Casuals can say just the same “you don’t neeed soul cinders for your raid content”. It goes no where.
WOTLK sustained like 11 or 12m subscribers. No expansion after that came close to those numbers. MoP lost something like 3 or 4million subs. The downwards trend happened way before WoD, and in an MMORPG there is a cascading effect to dropping subs because when peoples’ friends quit, they quit. A sub isn’t just a sub. There’s a ripple effect, and that effect started before WoD.
WoW+Subscriber+numbers+001+jim+younkin_b.png (560×352) (bp.blogspot.com)
Raiders have never disliked valor. They’ve never asked for it to be removed. Valor is what allows you to target specific upgrades and pieces which is exactly what raiders want to be able to do.
carebear is auto ignore forever
They didn’t stay high at all. MoP lost something like 3 or 4 million total subscribers by the end of its lifecycle. MoP peaked at like 10m on launch, which was still way down from WOTLK, and declined steadily from there.
WoW+Subscriber+numbers+001+jim+younkin_b.png (560×352) (bp.blogspot.com)
As for Cata, it saw an obvious drop the entire run but because it was closer to WOTLK, it sustained a higher number overall than MoP. As an aside, The difficulty of the dungeons shouldn’t matter, especially if people want more engaging non-raid content. Challenging dungeons should HELP keep people engaged that don’t want to raid.