First off! This is not a troll or a Sunday thread! Second of all, we all know what opinions are like and we all have one…
That said, please hear me out. Though none of the Ion era of expansions rank high on my list, I’m honestly enjoying early SL more than early Legion. The reasons are:
-Maps are more clear. Do you remember trying to get to a Highmountain cave before flying was out? Shudder…
-Less daze spam.
-Far less rep grinding.
-No Pathfinder. If they sub out one ridiculous grind for another in 9.1 this may have to be changed, and I dearly miss flying at launch, but omg ew. May Pathfinder never come back again. 
-Losing ranged survival was still the single biggest moment of shock and anger I’ve ever felt at a video game. For non hunters, imagine a spec you were comfortable for years randomly switching to a completely different playstyle. Didn’t like how the other specs played in Legion either. First time since Vanilla I hung up my bow.
-RNG RNG RNG. Early Legion’s RNG sandwich sucked the joy out of raiding.
-Collecting mounts etc. was locked behind RNG and WQ grinding your face off too. No more exalted = mount, now you have to grind even more for a chance at one! Hahaha, no.
-Withered Army Training on an undergeared Spriest was absolute misery at Legion Launch.
-Priest class hall was trash compared to the others. The hunter one wasn’t jaw-dropping either. At least they got sweet class mounts.
I think you bring up a lot of solid points but I just hate how anti-casual SL is.
I think overall SL is better than Legion at this point.
No titanforging, no RNG legendaries, and no power related AP grind is WAY better. Castle Nathria is a much better launch raid than Emerald Nighmare I think.
Some unpruning (not enough) done since Legion.
I do think class halls >> covanents though by a lot. And I liked the profession quests.
I think for me Legion is by far the better one.
WOTLK by far was the best expansion for me.
I wish I could say the same. But to me legion was more enjoyable. But SL isn’t that bad either
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If I’m being honest… BfA > SL > Legion in the long run
When things were current… probably Legion > BfA > SL but Legion is super empty without it’s systems whereas BfA I would gladly play through again.
I think people forget how horrible Legion was at the start.
I think SL is alright. Not great, but not terrible.
Didn’t play BfA enough to have an opinion on it.
It’s funny you say that, because the most fun I’m having in Legion content is post expansion with flight enabled and the systems shut down. Without all of that, the Broken Isles feel like any other WoW zone.
Funny all the reasons i think it not that good but 9.1 looks promiseing if they stick to there guns.
Well…there’s nothing wrong with a little humor on the boards every now and then…
I really enjoyed 8.3 more than I have most points in wow.
I completely agree the game has become really polished in a lot of ways. But it also feels like a lot of content was cut (covid) and some of these grinds Torgast
are dumb and only a sycophant would say otherwise. Game is still fun but I wish it could be balanced around more than just raiding also Meaningful Choices
is no choice at all.
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If I wasn’t doing M raid and keys over +15s I’d of peaced out a while ago. I’d hate to be a casual player right now
Between order halls and arrifact stuff, Legion had more stuff to do besides dungeons and raids. Legendaries sucked tho
Legion lore/story was far nore enjoyable. And Suramar was a much better endgame zone.
You realize that shadowlands is not and doesn’t feel like an expansion. A expansion suppose to have new races and classes. Legion gave us demon hunters, class halls, artifact weapons, good storylines and an endgame zone. After a week later, patch 8.1 already came with a karazhan revamp, a new mythic dungeon. What did shadowlands bring? Nothing, just more tedious boring grinds for little tiny so called “anima” that can be vanished in seconds. the useless systems that nobody understands and cares about. The countless switching covenants swaps for the best dps increase in case the one your in is nerfed. So if you love SL, good for you.
The only thing that Legion got wrong was the early RNG fiesta of the legendaries. After this wore out, it was a great expansion.
In SL there is a lot more dick in the salad and the devs have already told us their intent of not removing it. So while Legion managed to get out of a bad start, SL seems like it will be bad for the whole runtime.
I don’t see how anyone can compare SL to Legion, SL is far worse by a very large margin.
Now just you wait. People will soon be saying “Bring the SL tower back”
It’s going to happen. Just you wait.
Fair enough, to each their own. I liked parts of Legion, but also started then.
The only way that happens is if the next expansion has even more boring grinds. And if that happens, God help us all.
I’m sure there will. In theory SL tower shouldn’t be as bad as it is in practice.
Those people will have wrong opinions, though, no doubt.