WoW killed itself for raiders over 7 years

whats your excuse?

Sub numbers were plummeting after WOTLK.

Legion was a horrible expansion until the second half of its lifecycle. Casuals hated it just as much as raiders did.


The LFR gear in 9.1 originally had glowing skulls on the shoulders. Now only elite PvP and Mythic raiding sets have glowy skulls.

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No during i think it was legion, they made whole new sets for lfr. Like, appearances and even designs that were not available outside LFR. But ā€¦ ugly.

What on earth does this have to do with raiders lmao. You donā€™t think raiding guilds use alts now? It is far more common that raiders have a raid alt than key pushers have a key alt.

incorrect, its about maximizing tokens- the entire lego system is about getting people to pony up a token to maximize the gear. Followed by metrics that look good to investors- stock holders like high MCU and player activity? make everything a daily chore.

Well, that and extending playtime for the time played metrics.

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Sub numbers jumped up in MoP and stayed high because of the good content and pacing of content in MoP. Between WotLK and MoP, by the way, Cata also saw a huge decline because the Heroic dungeons were overtuned to please the try-hards.

I donā€™t need one because Iā€™m not bad at the game.

Oh, yes, and the boring stat set bonuses were separate for LFR gear in WoD. WoD was the expansion where they tried to create a separate lane for casuals to stay in. The garrisons were also probably intended to entertain casuals who didnā€™t raid.

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Youā€™re literally mentioning it now. Do you understand how that works? Actual kekw, are you for real?

I actually donā€™t care about your gear or my gear or how they compare or my IO vs your IO.

I care about the actual M+ community, as well as the ability for M+ers to play alts this patch.

Your ego bro, lol.

That and housing, but im afraid we will never get that implemented right.

Are you really struggling with the word ā€œhavenā€™tā€? Itā€™s past-tense. I am saying it now not to show that I care about your item level vs mine, Iā€™m saying it to show the difference between how entitled you are compared to a big evil raider.

Again, actions mean more than your silly little words. While youā€™re in here shouting that weā€™re the entitled ones, youā€™re sitting here with a significantly less progressed character while having a nearly identical item level while still demanding that you need more and that raiders deserve less I, on the other hand, have not said a single time that I want more or others to have less.

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Thereā€™s no such thing as meme class for M+, M+ is designed to be cleared by 4 people, it doesnā€™t matter what class you play.

Iā€™m going to extremely, extremely doubt that you did not whine about 9.0 loot. But again, I donā€™t care about you specifically, no Iā€™m not really interested in sleuthing.

Casuals loved Legion from start to finish, and it was generally praised as a good expansion.

You are trying to create your own subjective reality, rather than live in the objective reality that most of us live in.

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Itā€™s simple. Want higher ilvl gear? You have three options

Join a guild

Make friends

Buy a boost

WoW didnā€™t kill itself.

More nonsense answers from the forumbot.

They need to convince current subscribers that Legion was highly unpopular. They think this will make players think that Shadowlands is better than their experiences inform them.

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No, we truly did not. It was a nostalgia trip, fun from day one.

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