Is this another “why can’t wow be a single player game?!” thread?
Because it looks like a “why can’t wow be a single player game?!” thread with extra steps.
BINGO!!! 100% this is the problem with the game, the Devs think “catering to solo players” is purely access to loot… that is not it. Its about creating player experiences, about creating content. You know what I loved progressing solo as? Visions and Mage towers, being in Low ilvl gear and 5 masking visions took a lot of effort and was something I had to work on for a while… while I hate how gated access to visions was, I really enjoyed the challenge.
Ion can only think of wow through the lens of a mythic raider. He has to go, he has lost what ~8 million players?
so take out the raid content and the M+ content… you log in you do a few dailies you leave… korthia was a step in the right direction for solo players but it simply ran out of content, there are not enough quests, puzzles, challenges and rewards out there to make the incidental daily/research grind feel like compelling gameplay, More artefacts to hunt could help, more quests or objectives etc
What goes on in your head lmao
The amount of generalizations you do without ever being able to provide real time quotes, sources, etc is pathetic. You just create strawmen and try to connect every dot to something being the fault of raiders.
Hell, if Blizzard really did do all those things for raiders maybe it’s time for you to do yourself a favor and quit. The game clearly isn’t being designed for you and Blizzard cares more about a demographic of player you hate on obsessively. So quit.
After all, you had no problem telling anyone who had a problem with Covenants to quit when you said nonsense like this before Shadowlands launched (and lord knows the gold I could dig up if one of your 6 other profiles with 5000+ posts could be found):
maybe FFXIV is more for you
That’s EXACTLY the kind of mentality that lead to the demise of what was once a great game!
Raiding has always been the center-point of WoW. The stories have always ended inside the raid. The biggest questlines always ended inside of the raid. The best rewards have always come from the raid. Blizzard has always been the proudest of the raids. They’ve always received the most attention. They’ve always logged the most /played hours. Hell, the raids are even the most replayed content for casuals in the form of legacy content.
There has never been a time where that hasn’t been true. Raiders are Blizzard’s most loyal playerbase that log the most hours every week and it’s not close. Every expansion that had the biggest surge of players, raiding was the absolute focal point. There wasn’t a fraction of the casual content that there is now back in WOTLK or in BC. Your gear acquisition was significantly less than it is now, the game modes and the ease at which you could get into them was significantly lower, etc.
The reason they don’t go around chasing subs from the 982347562893 other different types of players is because they aren’t as dedicated to the game as raiders are. Casual content is impossible to make everyone happy with. They release a bunch of it, but it only appeases small percentages of the casual community because what the casual community wants is all over the place. Raiding is a pretty simple thing for Blizzard to focus, and that drives hundreds of thousands of subs and millions of total hours played.
It pays for itself when its live and it continues to contribute to subs in the future when it becomes part of the legacy content loop. And they can easily increase participation in other game modes by tying rewards to them that raiders would want; I.E Island Expeditions, Torghast, Warfronts, etc. How far they push that is what raiders get concerned about. But why wouldn’t Blizzard take that into consideration? They aren’t going to spite the massive raiding community just to make some aggro forum posters happy, and nobody else cares anywhere near as much as the dozen or so of the people driving this anti raider B S on the GD
But it isn’t as though they’re investing any more resources into it as they used to. They’re just investing less into other areas of the game, probably because they aren’t as worthwhile. Hell, the only game modes that have been are ones that have pretty easy crossover to the raiding community like M+. People can blame it on the rewards for other game modes or whatever else, but PVP gearing was by far the best gearing avenue last patch and it still wasn’t seen as good.
they should have learned this in (tier 9) ToC.
Lfr versions are literally recolors of the other versions sets wtf are you smokin?
They reverted to being recolors in legion. In BFA they actually made a completely different set for LFR players. Not even a recolor, just an UGLY set to set lfr gear apart completely, because raiders complained.
Yes I’m sure the people who care about RAID content complained about the way you looked /s your literally saying that the people who play this game specifically for high end content complained about your cosmetic content which I can tell you for a fact none of us give a flying f what you look like.
Also you’ve made this entire argument up in your head. Post me something that actually backs up your story. But I have a feeling you won’t be able to
I dont have to. Reality and history are on my side, not yours. It happened. No matter how much you pretend you dont care, you do.
As I said post some proof you make these claims but have nothing to back it up it’s sad really you look like a fool
LFR is not replayable content. Of course Blizzard wants to incentivize people to play game modes that will have you coming back. The reason they don’t give max rewards in LFR including the best cosmetics is because LFR is not intended to be replayed multiple times. It has nothing to do with raiders. It has to do with them wanting to get their investment back.
Reality and history has consistently shown that Raids are by far the best investment Blizzard makes in the game, and it will continue to be going forward.
Actual psychological displacement.
Can we just all acknowledge the fact that you have a notepad copied to your desktop with links to quotes you don’t like? Obsessive? Lol.
No wonder you think that server transfering to reset post count is something someone would actually do - because it’s something you would do in your forum crusades. Actual insanity. Legitimately losing your mind. RIP.
You are someone that has switched “accounts” every 4 months for the last two+ years (most of which can be found by me just looking at my browser history and going to any thread about raiding or covenants because you’re in every one crying in it) telling this to someone whose entire post history is on this character, which you can look up for yourself.
YOU are the one demanding the game be changed for you. THAT is entitlement.
I am just playing the game and enjoying it the way it has LITERALLY ALWAYS BEEN. It has ALWAYS been raid-centric.
Bull %%%%. Playing the game? And yet here you are.
I hold no need to feed your delusions.
Except that it is almost exclusively replayed every week, to get a set of gear or even appearances. I never spoke about content, just the fact that the appearances were altered in order to make raiders stop complaining. I remember the outrage on the forums even then.
Have you gone so far down the rabbit hole that you’ve forgotten that you’re the one complaining about the game and how it isn’t made for players like you, because the big evil raiders are getting everything they want?
You’re calling raiders entitled while also whining that the game needs to be changed to be better for the smaller demographic of player that you belong to.
For me, there’s always going to be a raid. The raid is always going to be Blizzards’ biggest focus each patch. Always has been, always will be. If that doesn’t sound like something you like, then take your advice that you gave to everyone who criticized locked Covenants when you told them it would never change and that the game was no longer dfor us (which, ripcord pulled btw) , and go find a game that is for you.
your delusions
Your the only delusional person here thinking high end raiders care about your cosmetics lol
Your the only delusional person here thinking high end raiders care about your cosmetics lol
Lol. “welfare epics” Get rekt
just the fact that the appearances were altered in order to make raiders stop complaining.
Raiders do not care about cosmetics. That is entirely made up.