WoW killed itself for raiders over 7 years

No, they care that theyre special snowflakes who think only they should have access to content.


? Thats in terms of player power not the way you look… Holy f your a word that I won’t say on the forums

There is nothing stopping you from “accessing” any of the content a raider accesses.

You just don’t do it. Maybe it’s inability or lack of desire. But you are the one choosing not to do it.

If it’s present in the game, then it’s what WoW exists for. Raiding, PvP, RP, etc etc etc.

Wait, do you think casual players asked for LFR cosmetics to be nerfed?


Why do you think people need to ASK for something for Blizzard to do it?

Have you ignored all the criticisms about Blizzard ignoring player feedback?

Uh oh. That was too good of a counterpoint for you. Quick, call someone a snowflake! Look tough!

It is not a Myth that players could get full sets of Normal or Heroic item level gear by doing world content, unrated PvP, etc.

I did it for years on several characters.

So what I wrote is wrong? If a Flappy Birds world quest spawned in Bastion right now that awarded a 259 item level BiS weapon, would raiders not scream bloody murder that it devalues their raiding gear and casuals should not be getting handouts just for logging in?


No I’m saying the high end raiders don’t give an f about your cosmetics they arnt complaing about the way you look like this person seems to believe

That’s because that’s what solo players want. They just want equal shinies without putting in any effort.

The issue is you’re looking for solo progression in an mmo designed on group play.

Ion has literally made gear more accessible to the majority of solo players and gifted them gear. It’s ironic how many clueless people take that stance.

Not my fault you’re trying to play a mmo based on group content solo and refuse to do group activities.

Blizz did change gear in LFR. It wasnt to please the casuals.

And there you have it. Raiders do not want casuals to have loot, to the point they think this is actually what anyone thinks.

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Anyone else think it’s funny that Mr. Sentenzah is crying about how raiders get all this stuff and M+ players are so oppressed, but he’s only 1 iLvl lower than me while my guild is 9/10M and top 100US while his is 3/10M and US1450?

Boy, us raiders sure are spoiled!!! I should be crying about his gear or something since I’m suuuch an entitled toxic snowflake.

yet… I don’t care at all and he’s the one worried about his ilvl not being higher lmao

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And it wasn’t because of raiders!!! once again we don’t give a f what you look like in game just your dps and mechanical skill


You and timbaeslice are like two peas in a pod - always trying to make it personal instead of about the argument.

There are other M+ players other than me.

I would also like to be able to do M+ with my alts like I could in 9.0.

And yet you do.

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No, but Blizzard said “hey if you’re only going to do braindead content you aren’t going to be showered with top tier rewards”

Lol well seems like your lost in your own fantasy world I’m done trying to show you logic. Have a good one :slight_smile:

Lol LFR is harder than mythic. Because people playing LFR dont care.

You aren’t saying anything of substance. You have been crying about a lack of rewards this entire thread talking about how raiders are snowflakes that get everything they demand. I haven’t mentioned how close you are to my iLvl despite being drastically lower progressed than me a single time. Actions speak louder than your silly little words.

It’s what people think because thats what people actually want.

You want equal level gear without putting in any effort.

PS if raiders cared about bad players getting gear they wouldn’t sell boosts :joy:

Gear is just your crutch for being bad at the game.

People go back to WoD because it proves that WoW can’t just be a game for raidloggers or it will die.

WoD was literally when subscriber numbers starting plummeting, and Blizzard even had to stop publishing official numbers.

This is also why we got Legion right after that, because another expansion like WoD would actually have killed WoW as a financially viable product/service.