Dratnos' Big Shadowlands Fear

Method’s fear is in this case my delight.

I want to make a choice about my character. The only time World of Warcraft, in the modern day, is an actual RPG is when you create your character. All other deep RPG decisions have been stripped out of the game over the years.

In fact, I will make this argument - Covenants are a FAILURE if they don’t feel bad for Method. Because the choices need to matter for them to matter, and if they matter, then someone who min-maxes and doesn’t have perfect information on the meta will need to roll all four Covenants. If you want to play a game that isn’t meant to be a World First Racing game as a WFRacing game, then that is the way it has to be. If you don’t want to play four of the same character, you shouldn’t compete in the World First Race. Go play FFXIV instead. I’m looking forward to WoW being an RPG again.