WoW killed itself for raiders over 7 years


Oh my god what is wrong with you

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Gear is wasted less often. A mountain of gloves is worthless. Filling a slot is the goal. The group setting is far more efficient, because gear is wasted less. It means your cadence on upgrades is ever increasing. It’s not a wash. It’s a closed system, unlike m+ loot.

And lol valor. You can almost get what, 2 or 3 pieces of almost good gear over the course of the entire season? It’s worthless. I’d rather they remove it than what it is now, just purely insulting.

VP upgrades a pretty good system. I’m wearing more upgraded VP gear than I am non-dom socket SoD gear.


You can get a ton of valor pieces upgraded. If you only do one key a week sure it’s slow. But if you’re only doing one key a week, you aren’t putting a fraction of the hours into the game that raiders do to raid. My guild raids 12 hours a week; if I did M+ 12 hours a week, I’d have a ton of slots to upgrade valor in. On top of that, M+ is not capped by a schedule like raids are so if you want to you can do it infinitely. I at most do 4 keys a week but typically only one and I still upgraded both of my trinket slots to max weeks ago with Valor, which are huge upgrades.

If you don’t think gear gets wasted in raid, I don’t know what to tell you. We throw away tons of pieces all the time. It just sounds like you haven’t spent enough time in a raid setting to be able to be saying all this.

You look at any raider that’s raiding at the CE level, half of their gear will be M+ gear. It’s a completely competitive avenue to gear up.


“looks like we’re de’ing 3 Vers Mastery cloaks again cause we got 3 last week and no-one wanted them either”.

  • My raid after literally every shriekwing kill.
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Except that raiders absolutely hate the Mythic tax.

Raiders don’t want to be forced to grind Korthia for 2 hours per character every day to be drip-fed power gains.

Raiders don’t want to be forced to slog through Choregast on a weekly basis to unlock conduit upgrades and craft some arbitrary legendary item that isn’t legendary because everyone playing the spec is using the same one.

Raiders don’t want to do islands, or warfronts, or daily quests, or farm stupid Artifact Power, Anima Power, or Azerite Power.

Raiders want to RAID, and the raids in WoW have been so good that we have been willing to tolerate the inconveniences that are required to play said raids. The game isn’t designed for us, it’s designed for casuals who want endless and pointless open world grinds because they are too lazy, scared, or socially awkward to play in a group setting.

Imagine actually still whining about Nathria itemization to justify a whiny attitude towards M+ or whatever other content exists in the game. Rent-free, lol.

Wrong. Raiders who raid-log are more likely to quit than those who do more than just raid-log. And quitting is the only true vote that matters. More raiders quit during patches they can raid-log as opposed to patches where they can’t.

Heck, you could raid log the last tier and I wouldn’t be surprised if that contributed towards the fall-off at the very tail-end of the content drought. Raiders hate raid-logging but will stick with a patch if they’re held at gunpoint. This is actually a case of “you think you do, but you don’t”. And Blizzard watches the behavior of these raiders and how they vote with their wallets and then forces the grind on all the rest of us.

If there was incentive for ppl to go back and complete older raids or do more raiding to progress other content that would help the game fill out some of the raids more as well. There’s some incentive, some incentive to do mythics, and some incentive to even run at least a normal/heroic dungeon each day. It shouldn’t be that hard to create some kind of currency for raiding that isn’t neccissary AND still usefull throughout the rest of the game, giving people lots of incentive to raid.

Also the raids for Shadowlands just aren’t as fun as previous expansions. They just aren’t. They are either symplified to much or too scripted, hardcoded. And the aesthetics feel so off, depressing.

I’ve been valor capped literally since I started playing this character. I do an 25-30 m+ every week because (in my opinion) it’s the best thing about this game. It’s more fun than raiding and pvp, even though I can’t get any loot out of it other than the weekly box. I’m still pushing keys sub with a sub 240 item level on a meme class, because I think it’s fun. It would be awesome if it was as rewarding as sitting in a raid bored out of my freaking mind while we wait for the lowest common denominator to learn the mechanics.

My item level is lower than any mythic raider with more than terragrue down.

I have not yet earned enough valor in season 2 to fully upgrade my weapons for the two specs that I play, let alone any other piece. I’m also hesitant to spend that valor on upgrading a weapon, because I can’t possibly get it to the level of a drop out of the puggable bosses in the raid or the vault. Since this is my alt (although I play it the most), I’m confined to doing the puggable bosses. Valor is a dumpster of a system that causes more problems than it solves. It’s worthless.

I know plenty about raiding. I was a GM and raid leader for years, then I quit the game. I literally came back for m+, and though I still get AOTC and some mythics with my guild, we don’t usually get CE, we just reclear the first half of the raid while we rotate 30 people into the last few spots right before they quit the game in some never ending nightmare of reminders about why I stopped raiding in the first place.

Honestly, I don’t even know what we’re arguing about. The math has been done ad nauseam. You can feel how you wanna feel, but the numbers don’t lie. Graph the loot distribution yourself. M+ rewards is a political argument as this stage. “Oh, I could fail one key and get a 252 bis item” well, I could put one boss and 3 252 BiS items, if we’re talking about hypotheticals.

No one cares about low effort mouth breathers who fail their way loot on the backs of their mates. Let’s not pretend every raid doesn’t have that guy (and if you raid, someone just came to your mind) that needs to be carried through because they’re an officers SO, best fiend, or server booster or whatever.

Effort and skill should be rewarded. It would be great if 80 hours of m+ could give me the same benefit as 80 hours of raiding, but it doesn’t. I should be able to raid and/or m+ when I want to and be rewarded for that effort. And honestly, I’m not sure it if can with the kind of rigid thinking that’s going on behind the scenes, and honestly, in this thread. Raiding is like previous generation IT solution hanging over everyone’s head. New solutions can be better without being sucky in the same way.

Examples. Loot lockouts. Biggest reason raiders (especially heroic “raiders”) hate on m+. Someone like me who does 5-6 every night will be 236 in a week or two. The default position is to try and impose lockouts on m+. Why? Why poop on someone else’s lawn when you’re is brown? Just remove loot lockouts. Kill boss → get loot.

Oh, but mythic raiders quit when they hit max gear. So it has to be metered. Ok, meter out the mythic loot. Unlock heroic and under, and mythic can just get one piece of loot from the vault every week like m+ players do. Best part - mutually exclusive, so they don’t have to run m+ if they don’t want to. Mythic raid locks exist purely to dissuade people from pugging mythic bosses. This ain’t conjecture, that’s literally what came out of Ions mouth in an interview when they killed 10 man raiding. They felt it was more “epic” to do it with your guild than to have your try hard puggers get CE while your raid loggers struggled.

It just has to be fair. Effort and reward should be equal. You shouldn’t be forced to do content that doesn’t appeal to you in order to do the content that does. That’s all I’m saying. Go ahead and quote something out of context and try and tape together a strawman, but at the end of the day, the rewards and the pacing should be equal and fair.

Swarf, I feel exactly the same way. Thanks for stating it so clearly.

Raiders are important. They should have the best gear. I don’t need BiS for PVE. My ego doesn’t need that much stroking.

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That’s because raiders do raids and keys. If you only do keys, you will be behind.

Okay. And I’m 9/10M and have never seen a weapon drop in Mythic nor have we had one tradeable and I only have a 252 weapon because of the M+ vault.


If M+ offered the same iLvl loot the pacing and effort wouldn’t be fair though. M+ already total half of any raiders equipped items with valor upgrades and vault selections. Any more and it would be an easy majority.

You’re just wrong about the rate of gearing from raid man. That’s the disconnect here.

Nah, the raids are fun. SoD is actually awesome. The problem with 9.1 is that we didn’t just get an awesome raid and an awesome M+ system; we got a bunch of systems to cater to people who are quite literally in this very thread still whining about Nathria’s itemziation. 9.0 raid itemization living in their head rent-free.

Like, hell, my guild finished the CN tier 7/10M and being straight up honest I think Nathria loot was sad too (nobody got any upgrades from our prog kill of Council), but people made it a %%%%ing crusade to get Blizzard to make raid loot better rather than just playing the content for fun (you know, the way M+ers play M+ - I don’t get any loot for timing a Mythic 22 for instance but I do it for fun). They just couldn’t enjoy the content, they had to whine about how they weren’t the special snowflake.

No other player group except Mythic Raiders whines about not being supreme. PvPers just want their PvP loot to be good in PvP, M+ers just want their M+ loot to be good in M+, but a vocal minority of Mythic Raiders just can’t handle other forms of progression being worthwhile. They’ve always gotta push more and more and get greedy. It’s sad.

SoD isn’t terrible, the raids aren’t bad. Their good, they just don’t feel “great” and special to me.

I really do like painsmith and Hellscream though.

Otherwise I agree, the raid loot being the "best’ loot is unesscessary, I still had a lot of fun progressing raids in bfa even though most of what I equipped was mythic + gear.

I remember some stuff, like the trinkets from crucible standing out as really good for most of that expac tho and there’s nothing wrong with that, even lfr/ and normal crucible trinkets were so great! It’s ok for that to happen without needing mythic trinkets or w/e

They removed dedicated “PVP” servers for the raiders, so they wouldn’t be ganked, every expac, new dungeons, new raids, big time vs how many new BGS? Let’s weigh out how many dungeons and raids are made for every expac vs how many new bgs and arenas?


Yup. Removed PvP servers because the top raiders were on PvP servers and carebears who wanted to app to those guilds rolled PvP and got ganked and whined. It’s legitimately kind of insane that a core feature of the entire game got gutted to pander to pups whining.

I don’t actually know what alternate dimension anyone can live in when people can say with a straight face that the raid scene has not caused a warping effect on the entire game. Raids don’t just exist, that cause everything to warp around them. PvP seasons are based on when the new raid is finished development. New meta-progression systems that infect PvP are based on designs they think will “spice up” raiding.

It’s actually legitimately completely insane. The raids are fun, don’t get me wrong, I actually think the content is great, it’s just the community around it is toxic and entitled. They’re so entitled that they don’t even think their entitlement is undeserved - they think it is completely natural for them to be as entitled as they are and that it is an insult if you suggest otherwise.


You nipped it in the bud there, it’s the carebear of World of "War"craft that made them make these changes, crying on live streams about being ganked on servers that were meant to be for open-world PVP when you venture out. They’re even forcing us that live for PVP to do raids and dungeons, and we don’t have a problem getting it done and moving on. The number of tears of agony anymore. I got banned on Illidan for a couple of hours for ganking someone I had no idea they were a streamer, nor did I know who it was when I played alliance on there for years where it was 99% horde at the time before they took out the true “PVP” server. Now I switched to Moonguard to RP in War Mode killing everyone I can. They even still exist with war mode on heavy one-sided realms, “I just reported you for griefing me while I tried to kill you in the Maw…” Yes, they even come over and take the time to pst ya still to this day and claim they’re reporting you for killing them in open world pvp while flagged with WM on. It’s the only way to get the fix of world pvp in retail, going to the “minority” side and in my case, I’m still learning the RP aspect of ganking, which has been fun! :wink:

Dont make me laugh. Blizz even changed the tier artwork for LFR because raiders complained that casuals looked like they had gear.


I actually think there is something wrong with you. This is such severe and obsessive delusion.