Wow, doesn't feel like Warcraft anymore?

100% True non trolling yet Simple answer?

Everyone who created the lore to the game is gone. I mean look at Disney post Walt. Each year that goes by more and more of the “Warm fuzziez” Walt created dissipates. This is what happens in any company when people are put in charge that dont understand or share the founder (lore creators) views. More so in things like WoW because new writers always want to “change it up and make it their own”. Instead of just continuing the original writers vision and carrying the original story instead of making their own.

Things may somewhat change with Metzen back but only time will tell. Blizzcon will be very telling for the future of wow.


The original WoW writers butchered nearly every major character and never had a good expansion story.

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Disney are staring down a barrel these days.

…what barrel?

Of financial ruin.

Their stock is tanking hard.


You have no clue what you are talking about.

Disney gross profit for the twelve months ending June 30, 2023 was $28.776B, a 3.06% increase year-over-year. Disney annual gross profit for 2022 was $28.321B, a 27.07% increase from 2021. Disney annual gross profit for 2021 was $22.287B, a 3.62% increase from 2020 .


You can safely ignore ol’ Ard. He doesn’t actually know much about anything.

Disclaimer - I am not in any way trying to force you to ignore anyone, nor am I attempting to influence you to make that choice. I’m just pointing out that if you do choose to ignore him, you won’t likely notice the absence.


Yeah but the stock is falling and when something like a Star Wars hotel shuts down…well…somethings going wrong.

Stocks are fake money where its the same 20 people buying or selling like 85% of them.

It is not reflective of what you claim it is.

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Love it when they prove you right by explaining how wrong you are.

Not even mentioning that most of their product line isn’t doing well.

Which one(s)? By what metric are you defining ‘not doing well’?

Look man.

You are making me defend Disney. That feels wrong enough.

But whatever you have to tell yourself.


Then don’t.

I didn’t force you to.

Anything coming out Lucas film these days.

Amazing rebuttal.

“When I make up a bunch of fake info stop disagreeing with me”

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Hotel shutting down isn’t fake info.

A single hotel shutting down isn’t Disney going broke.

I don’t think you have any idea what encompasses a 28 billion dollar industry.

This post has been rezzed more often than my first toon was back in Wrath. You need to let the thing fade away .


I know that at the current rate they’re going, they can’t keep doing what they’re doing.