Wow, doesn't feel like Warcraft anymore?

Making higher gross profits year after year?

Specifically. What rate are you referring to?

That results in a dramatic stock drop?

The stocks have not had a dramatic drop recently.

Now once again.

Stock prices are not equatable with company success.

I disagree.

If it stays low those numbers will drop.

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You can disagree all you want.

That just shows you do not quite understand the subject.

I’m pretty sure many do anyway, after all the stock is down.

Remember when GameStops stock rose?

That was more a planned failure.

Not so sure in Disneys case.

Stocks are just one metric to check on the health of an entity at a glance, and a very volatile one at that.

Dismissing YoY profits over stock price waves isn’t really a smart approach, especially when the only thing accompanying it is vague references to failed project like that dumb hotel, which most businesses of that size will have happen plenty of times. Road bumps, not tailspins, nomatter how ardently sensationalist YouTubers want to claim otherwise every few months.

And I say all of that as someone who wholeheartedly disagrees with much of modern Disney’s decisions/philosophy.

It was a planned failure for the stock price to rise?

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Well I’m sure you realize that we are all descended from the Great Ape species that was the head of both the human and chimp clade.

Ard, why can’t you just stop when you’re behind? Don’t you get tired of people making you look like a fool?

Those who shorted the stock, where betting on making money back by selling the stock they borrowed for a set price, when the average joes banded together and inflated the value of Gamestops the gamblers suddenly found themselves owing money where they should’ve been gaining.

Infact I believe in some circumstances they stopped people from buying Gamestop stock to prevent the gamblers from losing too much money…I think that was illegal…

It is fair to say in that circumstance the gamblers had more or less intended to profit on the collapse of Gamestop, however I’d be surprise if this is the case for Disney.

MoP has plenty of Battle though. The entire intro to Jade Forest, Karasang wilds, Darkspear Revolution, Siege of Orgrimmar and scenarios there were plenty of quests that covered plenty of conflitcs.
DF feels like kindergarden in comparison.


So stock prices can be manufactured and aren’t equated with company success?

Thank you for agreeing.

I guess we should look at other metrics.

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If it is to be equated with odds as is with gambling, I’d say they are currently not looking good in Disneys case.

Only because you seem to not understand how things work.

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I understand that you could buy stock for a cheap value but the risk you take is that the stock could not rise at the price you bought it at.

That’s cool. But nothing to do with our main point being discussed

Isn’t disney just rolling in massive piles of cash? While people like bloodypaws cries that they are dead?

Sounds like another company.

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