Wow, doesn't feel like Warcraft anymore?

I wouldn’t be terribly concerned about being ignored by someone who prefers to read what isn’t written between the lines rather than what is written, someone who would rather replace your words with their own headcanon.

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I been seeing threads like this since Cata.

Some things never change.


I ignored you because you’re just like Akston, way too pushy with your opinions. I just got tired of reading your wall of texts.

"I ignored you because you disagreed with me.

I didnt ignore the person clearly saying bigoted things because they agreed with me"

Heckuva take


You ignored me because you didn’t like being contradicted.

I agree. The heck with Ogres!

What? Remove all race/class restrictions and the faction divide and the basic premise of the universe doesn’t make sense anymore?

Say it ain’t so!

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Can I get ignored by you too?

Because you are wrong here.


I agree the DF story line is like Kids World I am ashamed to say I haven’t logged on to DF in months. This is the very first time since Dec. 8th 2004 that I have no desire to even log on.
I cringe even thinking of attempting to play Retail. In my world it has been a very sad time not wanting to spend time in the game I have loved for so long.

There is something definitely wrong with the WoW game play today.


Quick question — how does one reply to an ignored poster? Are you absolutely sure you ignored them? I think you may have gone wrong somewhere in the super-simple 5-click process.

When you ignore someone their posts are labeled as hidden, which gives you the option of reading them or ignoring them.

It was a mostly rhetorical question, intended to point out that responding to someone is literally the exact opposite of ignoring them. I was trying to politely call them a liar.

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Well majority luckily

Really? The majority of what? Disney has seven of the top theme parks in the world with Disney World being number one. All “liner TV” is struggling because of the increase in streaming services but Disney’s media and entertainment division made $55 billion last year.

And they are doing that even though no one likes them?

Disney is one of the most iconic names in the world. And since you have no idea what I’m talking about I’ll give you a hint. “Disney politics and I inclusivity” since these forums are like Disney as well, that’s all I will say when people say “ Disney bad” or “ Looks like Disney”

Is this a ‘go woke, go broke’ thing? Because Disney seems like they’re doing fine.

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Oh right, Disney won’t discriminate against people. It’s a majority that believe in civil liberties and equal justice under the law regardless of majority / minority status.

Yea right. They should remake Tarzan movie how they do all the movies today.

Since they are replacing all the white actresses and actors in movies with black actresses and actors in remakes…

Doesn’t seem like a good idea to have a black dude raised by monkeys. Disney might have cancel themselves.

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I call it Skyrimifcation. Pre-Skyrim TES games were trippy and weird, but Skyrim just felt like generic and boring fantasy. Now, it’s WoW’s turn. :crying_cat_face: