WoW Classic Season of Mastery brings an opportunity to start new characters on a fresh realm, and a wealth of changes and improvements. Read on to learn more.
Not on board with the xp rate increase. That is a huge turn off. IMO we need to nerf mage boosting. It’s completely against the spirit of classic.
eh. no world buffs in raids is going to make the encounters just feel boring when everyone is mutually weak. rather them have just allowed world buffs, tune the boss to account for world buffs, and maybe streamlined the acquisition of world buffs a bit.
fury warrior is excruciating w/o world buffs.
XP buffs are an awful idea. The classic questing experience is possibly the best piece of content that blizzard has ever put out, and I say this as someone who has CE’d nearly every raid tier. Just nerf the XP you get from spamming dungeons to fix dungeon cleave/boosting and leave leveling as is.
XP Boosts and no WB’s in raid? Lol.
The no debuff limit could be nice, maybe some previously worthless specs will get some use
Thank you for listening Blizzard
Any class balance changes? I kinda wanna play Ret tbh
Please consider some balance tuning for classes/specs. I like where this is headed, but I think additional tuning could draw interest from people who already did the classic grind once.
Will there be increased drops on bosses? 2 items per boss in a sped up “season” seems dumb.
The xp change is beyond bad, no fixes to mage boosts either, this is beyond stupid. Way to ruin the game integrity.
it sounds great and then “phases” are mentioned again…they never learn. time gating content that has been out for almost 20 years is stupid.
Bring back world buffs
World buffs made the game special, you just lost the competitive playerbase that would have come back to this.
So you want all the content to be available on day 1 so that it can be cleared 1st month and then everyone complains that theres nothing to do for the last 11 months. You’re right that seems like a better idea
I am stoked! Only issue I see is if you buff Naxx with no WBs its gunna be bruuutal. Otherwise super excited!!! Debuff limit really limited class diversity so this will be a great change.
its the boomers time to shine
Lol @ all the people asking for world buffs. Absolutely no clue what ruined Classic around the first time. Shoo.
Might actually play this time with the removal of world buffs.
Pretty cool, but im not interested if mage boosting is still in the game, but cool for those interested.