Wow classic dying? No longer any "full" servers

I remember how hyped people were when classic was going to be released. It is such a shame that it’s already dying. I guess classic isn’t as great as everybody claimed. It hasn’t even been a full year yet since it was released. The future for classic is not looking good if you ask me.

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It’s not difficult to type in “2 Years”, in the Forum Search bar, but here are examples of Posters saying “2 Years”, as the magic number for Classic’s Lifespan (whether it be people being bored, wanting a different form of WoW, or actual Classic doomsday):

You said:

Meaning, at some point, Classic will die. 'Cause you even said:

Why would you say these things, if you didn’t think Classic was going to “die”, eventually? Hence, why I brought up the “2 Year” remarks, since that seems to be some general consensus among a few Forum Posters, of the Lifespan of Classic. It’s not going to be that soon. Unless you have a guess in when Classic will be deceased? :cocktail:

No, you’re ignoring my point :cocktail:

According to you. There’s some who believe Retail is dead. Just like you claim that (in regards to Classic):

You’re ignoring mine :cocktail:

And what is substantial? 'Cause even you considered a million Soloers as “dead”, simply for not participating in every aspect of the game :cocktail:

I’m just following your lead. I even asked you to define “can’t” :cocktail:

Then the game can still be alive, even if one (or many) doesn’t play through all of its content :cocktail:

You didn’t tell me to research for you, but I did, above. This just seems to be a general consensus, among some fellow members of the Classic community :cocktail:

I’m not 'cause you admitted to it, earlier:

I’ve said many things that are relevant. You’re just choosing to ignore them :cocktail:

It is relevant. 'Cause you claim that:

When 40 is not needed to complete said content :cocktail:

OK, so it’s not “dead” if there are 1 million Soloers, then. So, that statement, that you said earlier is incorrect :cocktail:

Exactly, now you’re getting it :cocktail:

But the idea was and influenced others to join in creating said servers. That’s how it works :cocktail:

Makes me wonder why you haven’t done so yet. Sounds like you pulled that number out of your butt.

That doesn’t make N64 carts relevant to the discussion of WoW’s lifespan.

I never said classic wouldn’t die eventually. That doesn’t make the 2 year remarks relevant to my statements.

You’re ignoring mine.

According to reality.

Nope. But you’re ignoring mine.

We’ll discuss that when you accept my definition.

You’re ignoring my lead rather than following it.


Research? Oh so you actually didn’t know of anyone actually saying the game would die after 2 years.

I did no such thing.

And I’ve addressed them.

It’s not relevant.

Raiding isn’t molten core. Molten core is one of quite a few raids. Pointing out that one raid in particular doesn’t require 40 players isn’t relevant.

Both statements are correct.

Ah, so you DO think I claimed that wow was dead.

Please provide a citation.

Except… that’s not how it worked. The pservers started with LOTS of people.

I wouldn’t worry too much about it. Most classic realms right now would actually be healthier if 50% of the people playing just quit. You’d need 80% or more to quit before it actually becomes a problem, which I don’t see happening anytime soon.

Granted, if that many did quit blizzard would have to start doing mergers for smaller realms, but the tech is more or less already there for that.

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Wonder why you didn’t know about it, yet? Certain Forum Posters say “2 Years” as the definitive lifespan for Classic. I didn’t magically come up with that number. I take what Posters say on these forums, into consideration :cocktail:

No, you said:

Which means (and I can’t believe I have to repeat, myself, again) you have some sort of timeframe of when Classic will be officially offline, hence the “2 Year” remark :cocktail:

IK you said that it wouldn’t ever die. You thought you were being clever by also stating:

But you are, when you tell me to turn to Private Servers 'cause I’ll eventually “have” to 'cause “nothing lasts forever” :cocktail:

And the “2 Years” remark is relevant, since that is the general consensus of what is expected out of Classic. And, once again (repeating myself, again 'cause you like to ignore certain points), unless you can tell me your own personal timeframe of when that will be :cocktail:

Or do you agree with 2 Years? :cocktail:

I’m not, you keep ignoring mine :cocktail:

How long do you want to go back and forth on this? :cocktail:

No, just you :cocktail:

Negative. You keep disregarding mine :cocktail:

So you agree, it’s your definition? :cocktail:

No, you’re ignoring mine, and I’m following your trail of words, and your definitions :cocktail:

You keep cutting out the context, but the counter is a yes :cocktail:

'Cause you keep contradicting yourself :cocktail:

I already knew they were saying it. I didn’t know you wanted me to research, for you, to prove to yourself that I wasn’t lying, when I said that :cocktail:

Yes, you did. Shall I quote it, again, so you can erase it, later? :cocktail:

You’ve ignored them, is what you did :cocktail:

They are :cocktail:

Isn’t there AQ25? Or AQ20? That doesn’t require 40 people. And it is relevant 'cause your claim is 40 player content (which mostly pertains to Raids), when there are Raids (perhaps all of them, we’ll see what the Try Hards figure out with Naxx) that don’t require 40 people :cocktail:

It’s either dead, or it isn’t. It can’t be both :cocktail:

No, you’re putting words in my mouth :cocktail:

No, the idea had to be discussed. The Private Server team had to be built. It doesn’t magically have LOADS of people already on the team. That’s not how it works :cocktail:

Concurrently? No. There are Medium pop servers that don’t break 1.5k.

Because you don’t like answering questions. :slightly_smiling_face:

I don’t see why you bother. It doesn’t make you less wrong.

Go on then. Provide a quote.

The fact that something doesn’t last forever does not imply that it’s dying.

I’m not. You keep ignoring mine.

Me and reality often agree.

Negative. You keep disregarding mine

It’s also THE definition.

No, you’re ignoring mine.

Don’t project your bad habits onto me.


Yes. Go ahead and quote it. I’ll wait.

You ignored where I addressed them.

It’s almost like that’s not 40 player content or something…

Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll figure out what I said eventually.

And during that time there were no players and no game.

When the servers opened there were loads of players, because loads of people wanted to play.

Nope. You wanted to imply I had said vanilla died.

Feel free to deny it. We can have fun arguing about it. :slight_smile:

It’s crazy how many upvotes that a post like yours gets. It takes about 30 seconds to go to that site and roughly count in your head the Americas region and come out with about 140k.

60k off. Upvoted like crazy. Yup, that’s the forums, upvoting blatant misinformation without even spending 30 seconds to fact check.

EDIT: 146,359


So, you didn’t know about Forum Posters stating “2 Years is Classic’s lifespan” because I “don’t like answering questions”? :cocktail:

However, I think you’re projecting :cocktail:

And you say I don’t answer questions? The projection is strong in you :rofl: :cocktail:

I did, you just like to take out my findings :cocktail:

You did it, again :cocktail:

Once again, you do have some form of idea on when, though :cocktail:

Do you agree with 2 Years, yes or no? :cocktail:

Just gonna combine all these into one response and say you’re the only one ignoring mine :cocktail:

Also, the only one projecting, is you :cocktail:

Opinions don’t always reflect reality nor are they objective :cocktail:

Exactly :cocktail:

So now Private Servers magically have loads of players upon launch because they wanted to play Private Servers. So, you’re telling me these loads of players either waited around for these Servers to open or were the Private Server Team? :cocktail:

No, I’m saying the Private Server community (Vanilla ones) seem to not have died, yet. Therefore, Classic will be fine :cocktail:

Sounds like you didn’t either.


Did I? Can you provide a quote?

Do I? What idea do you think that is?

No. You’re the only one ignoring mine.

And sometimes they do. For example: mine. :slight_smile:

Magically? lol


My head hurts


I did, to all of the above :cocktail:

That’s what I’ve been asking you, but you don’t like to answer questions :cocktail:

You’ve refused to answer my questions, taken my quotes out of context and contradicted yourself, in order to ignore my point :cocktail:

Just because you say it and think it, doesn’t mean it’s true. That’s why we’re discussing it, or at least I’m trying to. You keep trying to dodge out of it :cocktail:

Again, taking my quotes out of context :cocktail:

That may be true, but my feelings have panned out, so far. Which means your assumption was incorrect. Now, are we done with this hostility? Can we try to have some real dialogue, here? :cocktail:

So where’s the quote?

If you want to ask the same, I’ll answer… right after you do.

I’ve answered all of them.

Well yea. It was true first, which lead me to think and say it. :slight_smile:

So not magically then?

It is true.

I already quoted it, twice :cocktail:

I asked you first :cocktail:

No, you haven’t. You’ve refused to answer “what’s your timeframe in how long you think Classic will last” and “can we lay off the hostility and actually have some constructive dialogue, here?” :cocktail:

Well, I’m better trying to understand this “truth” by asking you questions that you refuse to answer :cocktail:

IDK how you expect me to learn or grasp your point, if you don’t answer my questions :cocktail:

Again, taken out of context :cocktail:

You’ve quoted it zero times.


Sure I have. :slight_smile:

I’m sorry you don’t like the answers. :slight_smile:


Twice :cocktail:

First :cocktail:

You did not answer all of my Questions :cocktail:

There’s no answer to dislike 'cause I haven’t received any :cocktail:

Until you can explain, otherwise :cocktail:

You’re the one claiming to know “truth” and “reality”, so you should have no issues spreading this “knowledge” :cocktail:

Zero :slight_smile:

second :slight_smile:

Sure I did. :slight_smile:

Sure you have :slight_smile:

Well it’s neat that you believe in magic. I don’t though. :slight_smile:

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Alright, it’s clear there’s no constructive dialogue coming, from you. There’s nothing but pointless back and forth. I tried having constructive dialogue with you, but you’re refusing to engage. I’m not going to get actioned over this. I’m done :cocktail:



Just curious as to what you would do with the Black Lotus if there was no group content happening?