WoW Classic Closed Beta - Level 40 and Arathi Basin Testing

OMG so exciting …wait i need to wait until august :frowning:

I’ve updated the original post here to include “At the same time, Warsong Gulch will close.”


Hopefully more keys go out with the level cap increase. Fingers crossed for everyone!


I’m honestly kind of confused on why they posted this in “Classic Discussion” instead of the beta forum, when this is specifically only for the beta. They posted the WSG thing in just the beta forum.

Don’t tease us with beta Blizzard ;( .

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Fingers crossed, mate!

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Will Delete all my retail characters on both my accounts for a beta invite.




Thank you, and good advice.

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I would love to stream my leveling to 40. :wink:

We can’t guard the farm if we’re not in beta. :thinking:

:wink: ‘nudge’ :wink:


Farm protection was always my job in original WoW best damn prot warrior flag holder around. I used to carry different sets of resist gear incase those magic users would come to try and cap.

Surely this means you’ll need more people to test the beta… right? :slight_smile:


Nothing is sacred. Next your going to tell me AB is leaving when AV is being tested.

Oh I get it, you want me to guard farm while everyone that’s actually in closed beta fights at Blacksmith.

You’re a funny one, Kaivax!

What about stables though? It’s unprotected

thx for the tip am crossing my fingers to get in to the beta keep the good work up



Make sure you guys fix the bugs in WSG. Fearing through walls, wall jumping etc etc. Don’t forget mounts also weren’t tested in bg’s just a fyi…

Also don’t forget most beta testers are 20 - 30 now so world content will start to drought so lack of testers for the world again and tons of people still wanting in. WoW Hobbs even made a comment the other day that they need more people since he had no one to quest with.

Gl blizzard & testers make this good come launch day.

Really hope I get into the Beta, been playing since Vanilla. Looks amazing, keep up the good work Classic team.

Thanks for keeping us updated, Kaivax!