WoW Classic Closed Beta - Level 40 and Arathi Basin Testing

:pray: Still praying daily to the RNG gods for a beta key. Reported bugs in stress test, will continue to do so with beta (and stream/create youtube content, not gonna lie).

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Remember kids:

You are grown adults, equipped from your extensive education to be patient, and to have self coping mechanisms.

Just because you want the thing, doesn’t mean you can have the thing. You aren’t owed anything, as frustrating and enraging as that may be.

Sometimes, we have to find ways of dealing with our emotions in a healthy way.

  • Maybe try listening to classic wow music on youtube?
  • Or maybe you could go for a walk?
  • Or maybe eat a healthy lunch?
  • Or hitting the gym may release some of your pent up energy?

Instead of whinging about how life is unfair, the scales are tipped, and there is no justice in the world, consider this:

In place of slowly drifting down into the hellish abyss of nihilism and self-loathing, why not do something more meaningful and productive with your time?

And then you will enjoy yourself even more when Classic drops in August. :slight_smile:


Don’t worry. New poe league coming out in a few days to tide us over until classic goes live.

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My rebuttal is that you’re lying about streamers getting people in, and you’ve still yet to provide proof, just declared you “win” and switched to alt to pretend like you’re a different person to back yourself up. You’ve never proved anything. You did the equivalent of calling the sky red, and then put on a fake moutsache and said” yes, he’s right you know”


The Beta testing blizzard is hosting incognito with an advertising campaign seems to be sowing some resentment among the play base. Some of the “testers” that also happen to be streamers do deserve to be there, others, not so much. I don’t know if after I see everything and after the advantage that the current “testers” will have over other legitimate players (Not playing private servers) if I will want to play it. It kind of takes the whole “freshness” out of it for me. Streamer Privilege becomes more evident by the day. Another thing that I find disconcerting is that Blizzard has yet to find a way to eliminate sharding/layering. I guess time will tell.

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i didnt even get stress test :frowning:

I saw the same thing last night. Got a notification saying the beta & stress test was trying to update even after it was removed from the desktop app. Bug maybe?

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Don’t worry bud, at least you’ve got all your hype building up. It’ll come.

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what kind of advantage do you think streamers will have over normal players, besides having followers willing to give them gold and help them with quests (something a guild could do for any player). there is no streamer privilege. there is no sharding in classic. there is layering. layering is temporary (3-4 weeks at most) and necessary unless you want queue times and competition of quest mobs with literally hundreds of people in one starting zone

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Did they just randomly take them down without warning or was I not paying attention to chat?

For everyone begging for Beta.

This is the day when hope fails you.

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Are you saying that testers are going to have an advantage over people who join at launch? For a game that originally released in 2004? There aren’t really many secrets here, besides a few behaviors that people didn’t remember from the past. And what is discovered is online, even popping up in WoWhead articles. We’re not in here rehearsing intense Van Cleef mechanics. I mean are we saying this should have been an issue back when the game first came out too?

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thanks for ruining classic before it even came out! thanks streamers

How long do you expect the down time to be?

there was a warning,

off in like 10 seconds total.

When they added WSG it was about 90 minutes or so.

pretty please with a cherry on top

Probably won’t make people happy in the beta that are all trying to go full BiS, but I wish they’d wipe everything when they increase the cap. That would be the best for testing. 30-40 leveling will be done by people in level 30 BiS to a large degree. That’s not exactly valid for testing the experience of people passing through 30.

That has to have been the quickest 15 minutes in history. LOL… Saw the message about servers going down, started to turn around and run back to town to log out… and BOOM…server was off. ROFL

who’s begging? asking and begging are two different things. go pound sand; err…salt