WoW addiction and its effects to the playerbase

And that is understandable, they are in an actual race, makes sense they would want to minmax as much as possible and having to endure through all the effort of minmaxing is an understandable effort required to be optimal in such a race.

But like you said we see mid tier people obsessing over this as if they are in the same race or as if waiting one more week to get some additional gear to down the boss is the end of the world and thankfully I am not in those kinds of guilds.

Thankfully Ion admitted that the RNG damage from corruption was too much so hopefully we wont see any other forms of RNG damage like that again, at least not to that extend.

Time investment. a very high portion of the playerbase has sunk over a decade into this game. The complaints and protests come from a place of passion and frustration.

Passion that they want the game they love and have sunk so much time into to be better than what it is now, And frustration that it isnt.

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I see that you ran out of several ways to talk about covenants, so now you turned to game addiction… :thinking:

Well yea, it is hard to get them to move on to something else when they invest their time into something, especially for 15 years. In the case of single-player games where data can be transferred and such, that can be easy. Can. But with multiplayer games, that especially has a limited lifespan (that it can close down whenever the company wants), and their is no manual data roll back or transfer, people tend to be more invested and attached to what they have obtained over the years and such.

But investing your time into something isn’t bad, especially if you enjoy it or like it, and even if it has a couple of problems. To quote John Lennon… “ Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time .”

Leave it up to Ralphenford D Butheyington son to bring THIS topic back up… :roll_eyes:

I would normally ask for a link to this convero, but then i realized you’re Ralph, so… :no_mouth:

You’re acting like that’s an abnormal or terrible thing. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

People are often critical towards a thing they love the most if it messes up, doesn’t strike their fancy or disappointed them, whatever it may be. I used to love playing Simcity, 2k, 3k, and 4. Simcity Societies are just meh, and the 13’ reboot is pretty bad. Same with The Sims now i think about it. Granted 4 did get better but it’s still missing a heck a lot from 2 and even 3. GTA 5 is good, but the gameplay really isn’t as good as GTA SA, and i always find myself playing the older games then the newer ones really.

WoW Cata was pretty good for me (yea, i like cata, fight me), and so in MoP, but MoP did have some pretty disappointing elements for me, like gutting out the third slot and talent trees. Something that i grown to like in Cata, but now they are just gone. And WoD continue to have disappointing elements like that. I only stuck around because i do like the game still, as their are some elements i like, like the dungeons, quests, chasing atfer rewards, islands, pet battles, and World pvp leveling up an alt can be fun at times, as well RPing with my friends and reading up on the lore every now and then. WoW does change every 2 years so it’s interesting to see what it becomes every now and then.

Liking something doesn’t mean you have to 100% like everything it has.

And of coarse, lets end it on an obligatory and quintessential of ralph cliches…

“Those TryharDs WaNT TO BE OPTimaL”

…I see you’re not over that still.

But to sum things up, it’s not hatred, it’s passion, much like other peeps has said. And criticism of the thing you love isn’t hatred.

You do realize that’s just one guy? he’s not Representative of the entirety of the WoW Playerbase. It’s just one WoW Player says he hates the game. That would be no different if i find a Final Fantasy player who hates the game and hoist him up a pedastal and say “Oh those guys hate FF14.”.

Even if it’s the Kayne West of WoW himself; Asmongold.

Even if the game has a lot of elements you like?

No, it failed for other reasons.

Well don’t thank Ion just yet because he’s always gonna pull a sneaky with that sort of stuff after promising to remove something. Remember titanfogring to corruptions? :confused:


No matter what you may think, the people that want to optimize will optimize, get over it. It’s part of every game no matter what it is where people will try to be the best, between speedrunners, Number Crunchers, Ranked Players, etc. Just because people disagree with the Dev team does not mean you need to badger them and be rude.

^ this exactly. the core of the game is still loving, the memories, the fun times with friends you’ve made is the love. It’s not fair to say for you to enjoy the game you have to like it 100% of the time.

it may surprise you but many of the “tryhards” you like to bash, want to enjoy the game too especially where their friends are playing.


Yet instead of focusing on finding ways to optimize many of these people are complaining about how they should be allowed to be optimal at everything without much effort.

Nobody is attacking tryhards for doing what they are doing, they are free to jump through the millions of hoops blizzard has been adding since legion to minmax, what makes it an issue is when these people try to ruin the game for everyone else for the sake of their minmaxing.

Blizzard as you ve seen has been putting more things to do if you want to be optimal, that failed to stop them, then they put a rising gold cost with reforge, that also failed to stop them and now timegating them for 1-2 weeks is the next attempt to stop those people from trying to be optimal at everyhing, sure some will level 4 of each but I doubt the vast majority will manage to go through gearing 4 of each with the new m+ loot system : )

The message from the devs is clear.

@Ralph we still have a few weeks left to get CE, let me know if you wanna buy it. Friend prices, don’t worry.

in previous posts you have said

However, you are right:

But not for the reason you think, Blizzard is also trying to keep people playing the game so they time gate instead of letting people play then leave. Also, MMOrpgs require endgame content to thrive, it’s why many in the past have had issues and WoW has thrived, because of the raiding scene, PvP, and later mythic +. WoW still maintains to this day one of the best combat systems, raids, and endgame content. WoW has always been competitive, its just more public now.

Did you ever think that maybe, just maybe people don’t like restrictions in a game that’s been opened up more and more each expansion? Not the “tryhards” fault that blizzard introduced the wowtoken, making it easier to get gold. Not the “tryhards” fault that Codex’s and Tomes where created to try and make inscription worth while when glyphs went away.

Freedom to choose does the same thing. Until Blizzard actually makes a decent story that fits their own lore, and doesn’t make everyone in the community roll their eyes at the most obvious plot twists. RPG will remain behind MMO for WoW.


Yeah what I ve said clearly refers to tryhards wanting to ruin the game because they dont want the put the effort required for minmaxing.

Do you believe if minmaxers stayed silent and just leveled 4 of each in SL people would care about them? The fact that they are trying to ruin the game for others is why the fighting has been happening

Ah yes the metrics conspiracy theory, or maybe they add more RPG elements because this is an RPG and more stuff=the better and I will always support more systems and more choices to play with.

And unlike minmaxers, I get to play with those choices instead of going “This is bis, I am forced to choose this”, that is why covenants are a meaningful choice for me, while for minmaxers it isnt.

You are correct, people have been used to this quality of life, and they as expected whine when that is removed, that is not a reason to not make these new changes for a better game, you dont build a better world or game without upsetting some people who are cozy in their status quo.

You see, that is why you are completely unable to understand what identity means to Ion and players like me, identity doesnt just mean “all venthyr stuff must be vampiry and I should feel like a vampire during ST and AoE by using their abilities”
For me identity means I am unlike other spriests, I as a necrolord get access to passives and necrolord abilities others cannot have by simply switching with a tome, and when that gameplay effect is attached to a theme then you have identity.

The fact that not everyone is the same is what makes covenants so great.

So much for a Ralph free forum.

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Funny enough I remember raiding in cata and my friend who was a troll hunter was cursed by a witch doctor to appear as a blood elf. I also remember spending the hours in game RPing because I was the doctor for my friend and his wife and they were expecting a child. That’s character identity. The fact my character had a history of addiction with mana and had to have her DK friend stop her from consuming too much. We had a warrior tank that always rushed in because their character was bull headed.

The freedom to be creative and break outside of the what the game wants is where the RPG aspect is not covenants.


That has nothing to do with my identity, that is just an example of RP and story, something I am not as attached to because like you said, WoW’s story never have been that great.

Identity means being part of something and that something giving you privileges the other people dont share with you, those abilities and passives that affect gameplay makes you be unique compared to spriest of other covenants. I like being a necrolord because I get to be different than others and that is why it matters, if everyone is the same, identity is gone.

Ion mentioned the “stat part of RP” and clearly differentiated it from roleplaying someone other than yourself very clearly.

And not to be a debbie downer here, but i think the covenant’s idea of identity is pretty much balderdash, considering their will be other spriests like ralph who joined the same covenant and vice versa.

“Oh you will have your own unique identity with this covenant”… okay what about the other Sin rogues that joined this covenant i have joined? “Oh uh… never mind them! you have unique identity!” …really? i don’t feel like i have an identity since-- “IDENTITY!!!”

Heck, i agree with your idea of identity even more. Nobody else has what you have in RP.


I have a friend who refuses to play anything other than protection warrior Tauren, because that is how they identify themselves. Covenants Mean nothing in player identity because in 2 years it will be gone. Player identity sticks with you.

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…I’l refer to you to this. :point_down:

Yet I feel and love the identity of covenants provide while you do not, you clearly cant speak for everyone.

Neither can you Ralph.

I too am sick of all this borrowed power. Give me a new spell or two and I’d be just fine.

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I just want classes to feel good. Cool give something new each expansion but make sure the classes feel good too without them.

Addicts don’t want to quit…but their family and friends wish they would quit the behavior. I was an drug addict for 25 years…i LOVED it and didn’t want to stop but I knew I would lose everyone and everything if I didn’t…I’ve been clean for 10 years. Just because you love doing something doesn’t mean you don’t have a problem. My 2 cents.

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Yeah, wow addiction is a real thing. Sometimes I log on and just stare at the character select screen while chatting in disc. Game sucks but I want to play with my buds…