WoW addiction and its effects to the playerbase

Game/MMO addiction is nothing new but it feels a bit more prevalent in WoW than other games, possibly because it has lasted for 15 years and many people have invested themselves in it so much, into a game that looks nothing like the first iterations and keeps changing every few year.

I was watching an interview with the ashes of creation dev, an mmo pretty much made by a rich guy that hates the “casualized” mmos of today and funds that new mmo himself and he happened to talk to a WoW player for a minute and this was the conversation

Ashes MMO dev: You playing WoW a lot?
WoW player: Oh yeah I love WoW, I ve been playing wow for 15 years man
Ashes MMO dev: Holy moly that’s a while
WoW player: Yeah it’s too long, this game sucks
Ashes MMO dev: talks about missing the WoW boat cuz he was into lineage 2 at the time
WoW player: Honestly man you probably didnt miss much.

This isnt the first time I have witnessed this type of behavior, this level of emotional hate towards a game you are meant to “love” and “enjoy” since you ve been playing for years.

There’s a big difference between liking something and having problems with a flaw or two but many times we read such emotional bile and hatred towards WoW it makes you wonder why they are still playing, especially when the game moves further and further from what they would like it to be every expansion like tryhards simply being unable to accept that the Dev team doesnt want them to be optimal everywhere like previous expacs even when Ion tells them “WE DONT AGREE WITH YOU”

Why do you think WoW has lead many people to this path where they hate the game, they hate each new expansion with passion yet they still play it year after year, I can only imagine it is because they ve invested too much to ever leave even if the game isnt directed towards them anymore.


But I don’t hate WoW. :thinking: I look forward to the game changing every couple of years.


I think you’re mistaking people’s criticisms of the game as hatred when at the end they really like the game still

If people don’t like the game they quit (personally I quit bfa after a month and a half and didn’t play until 8.3, I quit legion and didn’t play until the prepatch)

Then you get the other half of the coin where people don’t play WoW they exist in it and that’s when it’s a bit more of an issue

Also long time no ralph



I knew it. Just knew it. How long would it take Ralph to say tryhard or meta-slave in a post. I was thinking… how is he going to twist this around to make it about his real agenda. And there it is.

Never change man.


We’re 12 mins into Sunday here in the US.


Same feeling really, it is exciting to see how the game will be different each xpac since a game needs to change every now and then to avoid stagnation and blizzard’s current design plans do achieve that.

Though of course this has less to do with enjoying the changes and more to do with certain people who see to repeatedly dislike most of the new changes, which clearly show WoW is moving to a certain direction, there’s a point where people have to admit to themselves that the game will never go where they want because it consistently moves to that other direction.

Like for example, 10.0 will more likely have even more restrictive systems.

OP, you are partially right. At least in my case. I don’t hate wow, but it has become more akin to playing solitaire on windows. Something I do to pass time until I can go out or a friend messages and I find things to do. I don’t make time for wow anymore. I play when I have nothing better to do.


Hit the nail on the head. It’s exactly that. It’s not hatred… I wouldn’t say it’s love, but the people giving the feedback are often the ones who have been here the longest and would like to continue to play.

There is a lot we like about this game and honestly, I would actually love for this game to bring back old player and make room for new players. I honestly want what’s best for wow and the community.

It’s like, we have been down this path before and that’s why so many of us are concerned. Lets avoid the months and multiple patches to get this ironed out. The more accessible the game is, the better off.

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Ralph, name calling does nothing for your side of the argument and that works that way for both sides. What is this need for everything to have a label?

I see both sides of the covenant issue, but because of where I find myself at this point in time, I will be picking one based on the feel and how it fits my character. However that doesn’t mean I don’t see the issues that will arise from this system or how it affects the game play and enjoyment for others.

Just seriously, stop with the name calling. I think we all grew out of that… or at least I hope.


WoW is one of those games that I would honestly say most people who are currently playing myself included picked up when they were in their teens or younger, and probably started in either Vanilla-WotLK and we have so many memories, so many friends, so many good times, so many hours in this game that we always come back to it. I have made so many friends playing this game while irl I only have 1, it sounds depressing but at least in my experience an MMO like WoW gives many of us a chance to socialise and forge relationships we otherwise wouldn’t be able to.

But many people are unhappy with what the game has turned into, but because of the aforementioned perks of it we can’t seem to let it go even if we currently despise the current expack we still love the game at its core.

That and it’s yaknow… fun.

That’s pretty much it and due to how these systems have played out before and how many different systems long term players have used we can see the calamity that awaits


Criticism is not hatred.

One of the most annoying thing about modern consumer culture is to be unable to discern between criticism and hatred.

I don’t critique the game because I hate it. I love the game, I want the game to be great, and I talk about how I personally feel it can be.

If I hated the game, id leave. Like I imagine most the silent majority who don’t care enough to be bothered giving feedback, do.


:roll_eyes: look who’s back

and on a sunday!



I know what a treat

I’ve been missing these threads

You damn try hard wanna be elitists

Exactly. Just a couple hours ago I was talking with a friend who was planning to come back in SL. I have known them since wotlk and we quickly chatted about the failures of essences and corruptions. Both could have been a lot of fun, but the massive amount of time required for each just killed the game.

What’s so dumb about it is he would have likely returned months prior, but he knew he had no chance of catching up, so he didn’t. These systems can be fun if they are simple and are not overly time consuming. If covenants is hours of questing each week, just so you can try a new build or a new ability… sounds terrible.

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I get confused about what they’re doing because after I unlocked path finder it GREATLY improved the game for me

That one unlock removed most of the frustrations I had with the the systems in place became a lot more manageable

Levelling up alts was a completely pain though, total nightmare

That example I gave did not sound as criticism to me.

Yep. Same for me.

The more time I have to do the things I want in the game, the better.

Yeah look sometimes I just want to log in, queue up for BGs and call it a day

In BFA before I could do that I would have to:
Quest cloak
Level cloak
Unlock essences
Level up essences
Level up neck
Get gear
Get the azerite I wanted
Get corruptions

Now I can play BGs with out getting stomp after 2 weeks minimum of game play


If you do anything for thousands of hours you feel an investment. That’s hard for people to walk away from, and so many check back each expansion to see if the game is moving in a direction they like.

If not we each complain about our chosen issues. Can I ask you a question now? Why are you bothered by people’s criticism? What do you get out of threads like this?

I’ve always wondered what you get out of intentionally starting fights.

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