WoW addiction and its effects to the playerbase

I want to say congrats and thank you for sharing that. That’s awesome to hear of the work you have done about your addiction.


That’s a big thing. I want to play with my friends and wow is the way to do it.

It’s sad when people leave especially when it’s just they don’t enjoy the game anymore.

Gotta get that social life fix.

Gaming addiction is absolutely real. It can be devastating to the families of people who are addicted to gaming, and those who can’t stop playing or find themselves detaching from real life relationships in order to stay logged in…need to stop and get help for it.

That said, I love this game. I’ve played it on and off for 15 years, as well, and I still utterly LOVE this game.

There are a lot of things that make me love it, but it’s a huge game with a lot of different facets to it…and there are parts of it here and there that I don’t like/wish were different.

That isn’t some kind of self-punishing loathing toward WoW that I just can’t stop playing despite my dislike.

I like to think of it this way:

I really love Japanese curry. It’s a fast-food dish all over Japan (CoCo Ichibanya, wassup!!?), and when we lived there, I just wanted to eat it like 3x per week. My favorite Japanese curry is made with mushrooms and this cheese they have that I can’t find a perfect replacement for in the USA.

I am able to reproduce a reasonable facsimile in the US, here at home. I’ve got the right rice. I have the right curry gravy. I have some cheese that’s pretty close. What I don’t have…is the mushrooms I love.

So. When I sigh and say, “These mushrooms are NOT the ones I wanted,” does that mean I hate Japanese curry and just keep eating it because I’m addicted but would rather stop?

No. Not at all. It’s still a dish I love to indulge in, and despite its imperfections, I’ll take what I can get and be grateful…and take joy in it.

Just like WoW.


In short the most common thing I see is. PVP players don’t like the PvE aspects of the game. while PvE players doesn’t like the PvP aspects. Both love the game but dislikes a part of it. The game isn’t meant for one type of player

Note not to say people don’t like the other aspects of the game, just a common occurrence and easy to come upon.

He seems to be acting better… let’s see how long this lasts.

Yeah it is often outside people that can see the addiction while the person who is addicted always tries to justify their behavior in some way or another.

But when you repeatedly see them get angry, rant, and clearly not enjoying themselves while describing core game experiences of an expansion “feeling like eating trash” then it reaches a point where it looks like they are simply unable to leave which is why I am less inclined to trust their judgement.

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I play wow every day…but I haven’t played wow in years. The game may suck and people can (like me) stop playing the “expansion” but still enjoy doing other things in the game, like leveling alts, gold farming, or collecting mogs or something. People don’t have to “eat trash”…they can partake in the content or just say screw it…but still have a lot fun in the game.

So wait if someone who was an alcoholic said. This tastes terrible don’t drink it. I feel like people would heed the person who is constantly drinking. So if an addict of WoW is saying this is bad or don’t play. I feel like the opinion is worth heeding.

If I knew someone was an addict and they were hyping their addiction up then I feel like that is when the judgement is skewed.

If you think about it, Steven Hawkins had an addiction to science, ruined his marriage. But considered an expert in his field. In fact, a lot of scientists were workaholics so should we not trust their judgement now?

There is a problem with addiction to the game and the thought of ‘i’ve spent so many years, i don’t want to drop it now, will ride it out’ kinda deal. That ‘streamer’ might ‘like’ the game in some respect but he’s reliant on it and constantly trash talks it… not criticism, he genuinely just does the cool WoW thing and meme’s about the game, the company etc while proceeding to get carried.

Well each players reason for sticking around will largely be subjective depending on their tastes.

From what I’ve seen the devs don’t bat much of an eyelash when it comes to pushing what they perceive to be new and exciting content, over what others can and or are already enjoying in the game.

This creates the kind of bile inducing buzz among some of the players but it doesn’t mean we hate what their predecessors executed better.

At least that why I think most people stick around, for the framework that the devs predecessors setup for us not the dribble we get from the hotshots nowadays.

Devs seem to be curing a lot of players’ addiction to wow.

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the amount of players that have been playing for 15 years yet have little to no positive things to say about the game and spend most of their time ranting and saying how bad new WoW is might suggest otherwise.

There’s a point in time where continuing disappointment expac after expac is supposed to make you realize this is never going back to the past and what you liked and cut your losses, if that doesnt happen clearly addiction is the most likely reason.

The amount of negative veterans this game has is actually astounding. I will say…

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Which baffles me. It really does. I was so excited for Classic, and when I saw the way they all talked about the game over on those forums, I was shocked. Nothing but bald negativity from top to bottom. It made no sense to me then, and it makes no sense to me now. If you get so angry that you’re at risk of apoplexy when you talk about WoW…it’s time to step away for a nice long break.

I don’t understand playing something that makes you miserable, either.

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I’ve played about half of the time, missed 3 expansions. If it shut down tomorrow I wouldn’t miss it. Not because its bad, but because time marches on. Just do something else as I have several things of interest.

That is a very accurate term for this because usually the ones that seem to be the most negative are the ones that have been playing for years, people who just come and dont enjoy the game and leave dont spend years playing and saying how bad the game is to others.

Not even logging into the game.

BFA sucks.

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It was a conversation between two human beings. You posting the text does not actually give proper context here; you’re missing out on social cues, body language, the context of the greater conversation occurring around the statement you posted.

Imagine putting as much effort into your real life that you put into the WoW forums lol.


Damn, I thought we were free of this clown. I guess trolling on wowhead got boring or you’re fresh off your suspension. Hopefully, the next one is permanent.