WoW addiction and its effects to the playerbase

The thing I hate about WoW is how it pulls us in multiple directions.

The things they say they don’t want us doing are the things we end up wanting to do; azerite forging, covenant swapping, etc.

They make great M+/Raiding end-game content. It makes me thirsty to see more of it in other specs to the point where I started playing classes with multiple roles so I could help my guild raids and M+ in any way needed while allowing me to experience the game from multiple angles.

The issue comes when they push back against players wanting to do this. This is what makes me hate WoW. They entice you with a great game and classes that can play multiple roles, but then don’t let you fully enjoy the class and all the content.

It’s not even the investment that I’ve put into WoW since vanilla. It’s just the utter tease and contradiction of what they say and how their systems work. It feels rude and disrespectful. The fact that we have time invested ends up compounding on those and the relationship with WoW/Blizzard feeling like an abusive relationship.

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Welcome back!

I wouldn’t use the word hate but I definitely see a fair amount of bitterness and resentment in certain poster’s posts. And I feel that bitterness and resentment is due to their emotional investment no longer paying off.

You see the same thing in casinos. Folks that aren’t addicted but have nothing else in their life as entertaining and social so they keep returning even though the enjoyment factor has dwindled and they bitterly resent that loss. (And often like to rain it all over others.)

When I first joined the boards, one poster likened another poster’s attitude towards WoW as that of a person going thru a bad breakup. And it was so funny because it fit so perfectly. I would go one step further and say certain posts are reminiscent of people who have chosen to stay in a loveless relationship but refuse to take responsibility for that, instead expecting the other person to coddle them in their misery.

Ya the break up thing is legit

Give me back WoW when it was beautiful, fun and bubbly, smart and sharp and had a nice booty

Bfa has been the toothless no job good for nothing walking in the door and getting yelled at thing and has horrible feet and doesn’t wear shoes

Some paradise by the dashboard light stuff going on here

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RALPH! Where ya been?

That was the name! I forgot it, people like to bring it up but I was thinking it was named Aces or something lol.

You can love something and hate parts of it, haven’t you ever been married? :rofl:

If you quit you gotta play catchup, gotta stick around juuuuust in case it’s dank again :slight_smile:

They didn’t agree about flying either yet here we are lol.

And you know I’m very interested in how this is going to play out because it doesn’t matter what the Devs want and it doesn’t matter what most players want, what matters is what the people who make the groups want. If a player wants to pug a M+ or Raid then he can’t play how he wants, he has to play how the group leader wants. Sure he could join a guild or make some friends or start his own group but we always see threads that tell players to do those things and we always see players that won’t/can’t do them so their game experience is dictated by those who can. And if those people, whoever they are, decide they don’t like a players character setup then :man_shrugging:

Hey Welcome back Ralph, your threads are a good read and fun

Hope you stay this time :+1:

That sounds like playing out of fear which doesnt sound healthy, and what I meant was the game moving more a more towards a direction you dont like.

If they removed dps meters and other stuff then I dont see why I would be staying in a game that clearly does not care about what i find fun.

We ll see, I am not seeing them change their ideology, with them saying reforger failed because it didnt stop people from changing enough and them moving to stop people with timegates next expansion I feel that ideology will continue to 10.0 as well

You’re talking about the dev interview Asmongold did with the Ashes of Creation MMO. If anyone thinks Asmongold actually hates WoW… then you’re delusional. He loves WoW. He hates specific parts of WoW, but overall? No… And its those specific parts that he’s referring to when he said that.

Also… the worst emotion you can display towards something (or someone) isn’t hatred… It’s indifference.

So when WoW players are here on the forums giving their critical feedback… and stating why they’ll “hate” a specific system… that’s them showing how much they care about the game.

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I’ve been seeing “healthy” come up a lot you guys trying to be funny? No ones health is anyones responsibility except the person they see in the mirror.

But they could add it back :frowning: Don’t leave us Ralph!

That’s fine, I’m probably going to play till I die so unless the devs plan to work on wow till they die eventually it’ll change :slight_smile:

This is literally Asmongold.

I’m pretty sure Asmongold has times where he hates WoW more than bathing. There’s also times he loves WoW more than interacting with his chatroom. I’m pretty sure he still experiences the sense of discovery in WoW, like he did with Baja Blast Mtn. Dew.

The dude probably has more “all-time memories” of WoW, or that stemmed from WoW, than he does taco bell receipts in his car.

Sunk cost fallacy. It’s not unique. So long as it’s not self-destructive, it’s okay.

What matters is players having fun. Not everything about WoW is fun or interesting, but you don’t need to participate in content that doesn’t make you happy.

By healthy I usually refer to mentally healthy, if someone is mentally unhealthy by repeatedly playing a game he hates or because he has formed some form of delusion by being unhealthy they become toxic to the rest of the community which is what is problematic, it isnt that I care about them personally, but by the fact that they affect the community negatively by being pissy and angry half the time cuz they play something they dont enjoy or ranting about it all day.

I could wait one or two patches, but if they follow the same philosophy next expansion I am clearly not gonna play something that isnt fun for me just cuz maybe they might return to “le old days”
And the only fun part in pve at the end of the day for me are dps meters

That wasnt asmon, it was a person who talked to the dev for a few minutes while asmon was away.

I tell people this but I’m afraid their desire of raiding and M+ forces them to do intermediary things they don’t want.

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In that case, it’s not the content, but the competition which makes them happy. They enjoy progression and the race (at their level, doesn’t have to be WF… it can be realm races).

And that’s fine too.

Ralph returns but for how long?! I do not know. Will we see the meta masher reach his final forum…we shall see.

That is interesting, I think the only way I could see this in play is to compare how a person was when they first started and how they are now. You know Ralph, I think this would make a good Netflix movie, showing a person devolving mentally as they grow deeper into video game addiction.

I would say there’s always logs but you couldn’t have logs without meters could you? :thinking: I guess Blizz could break the functions that let players make meters and keep the combat log in place so they could still upload to WCL

We are correct. It was McCool who said it on Asmongold’s stream. McCool is notoriously toxic. (To his credit, I think it’s a character he acts, but not his actual personality). And IIRC, he was having a very, very rough time with Asmongold at that time. He was easy to trigger.

Wow, Ralph is unbanned? Nice! … well, not good for the forums, but nice in a bad way I guess.

You are right, but with corruption RNG, covenant choices, that high end competition is not really as viable anymore because the goal of covenants is for guy A with ST focused covenant to do more dps than guy B with AoE focused covenant.

That means guy A will parse higher and clear single target encounters faster, but will parse less than guy B in aoe fights

Meanwhile guy B will parse better at AoE fights and m+ but perform less in single target raid encounters, those people cant truly compete on the level most tryhards want because there’s a big difference between them. That is quite literally their goal, they dont want everyone to be able to be top dog in X encounter for example.

It is like Preach whining about how he couldnt compete with other DKs in warcraft logs with top spots anymore cuz of all the RNG and differences, it is clear that this form of competition is not what the devs want for WoW and people who specifically care about that wont be having much fun and havent been having as much fun for a while now.

That is where I would put the difference between casual competition and tryhard competition, casual competition would be DPS meters, you are competing withing your guild or within a pug, tryhard competition is trying to compete for 1st in the world which obviously requires you to be as min maxed as humanly possible to even get close.

One is casual and has no real requirements, skill plays a big factor in that one, the high end one is more about being mathematically optimal which at that point you ve stopped caring about RPG elements and only focus on what does better.

Not that I dont care about logs, but as long as they are near purple or higher i am happy since I never ever use optimal builds anyway.

I get what you’re saying but I think you can make your logs private so they don’t count in world rankings. One of my GMs did that to punish tunnelers :rofl: This was back in MoP or WoD though, I’m not sure what WCL has now.

I’ve talked to a few World First raiders about this topic – folks in Limit and Echo. Their opinions don’t vary too much when it comes to the 99.9% of players. Play what makes you happy. If you want to play at your absolute best, then you’re going to need to deal with a lot of the hardships of Covenants.

Min/Max culture has been getting stupid recently. Try-hards are applying mid-level Mythic theorycrafting and strategies to mid-level Normal gameplay. Another way to put it – Applying the same expectations of a Master-level Overwatch player to a Silver or Gold player.

I can agree WoW, especially during BFA, went in the wrong direction for power creep and power acquisition.

I would much rather the gameplay itself be complex and have numerous meaningful decisions in a training-dummy test. I want to feel rewarded for playing well, rather than for being lucky.

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