Proven right once again. WoW is for the majority, not hardcores

I ve made multiple threads/posts making different points about different aspects of WoW, people attacked me for pointing out the truth because they hated the vision of WoW i was explaining as well as the reality of it.

I ve said multiple times covenants are part of your identity, not something you are supposed to change.
Ion: “Covenants are part of your identity similar to class, not a mini choice like a talent”

I ve said multiple times that RPGs arent rts, fps, mobas etc, RPGs by their nature have RNG and things that arent fully in our control therefore they ll never ever be truly balanced and WoW is not a high skillcap game like those due to its very nature.
Ion: “This is a hallmark of the RPG genre, and i get htat the higher you go in skill esselons in all types of gameplay, the more resistance there is to the idea that non skill associated factors might influence performance, but fundamentally that is the difference between an rpg based ecosystem than a typical fps, moba”

If you allow people to change covenants like talents you remove all form of choice because there will always be an obviously better covenant for m+, eac boss etc therefore you dont have a real choice and often groups might demand you to change
Ion: “Having complete control over something can in a way remove your freedom”

I have said that Blizzard does not balance around top end, the game isnt balanced or designed around world first or high rated arena player, the game is made for the majority, if the high end who want full homogenization so they can compete against each other with the same build, these people can go on another game because this just says you dont get to have what you want anymore, this is for the many, not the few.
Ion: “the higher up you go the more that bothers you, we understand that feedback it isnt a surprise to us but across the totality of the game and the broader audience its that potential for differentiation between other characters, excitement, growth and power, progression not tied to your own skill that are some of the hallmarks of the genre”

Thanks Ion for proving me right.

Just a disclaimer, You are allowed to be hardcore and enjoy the game, but if you delude yourself this is a high skill cap game then you should reconsider, maybe you would want to play a game with real focus on skill such as RTS, FPS, mobas where rngs, WOW WILL ALWAYS HAVE NON SKILL ELEMENTS INFLUENCING YOUR PERFORMANCE.

Source: Interview with Preach

Interview starts at 42minutes


Has anyone told you that you don’t need to make threads every day?


From Twitter:

A user posted:

Respectfully @WatcherDev - if you think the fear of being rejected by a group for your covenant is imagined, we are not playing the same game. That absolutely is going to happen.

Ion’s response:


This is very true.

This is very questionable.

That’s all I have to add, I didn’t read the rest of the OP.


Aka we are gonna try to balance them, that is what it says, maybe read the OP first?

I ve made multiple threads/posts

Well that’s the issue… no need to read on


I didn’t make any argument, I just posted what Ion said. It’s not like I want to have any argument with you. It’d just be a waste of time, since you’d just make another thread on the exact same topic 14 hours later.


TRY being the key word here when have they ever achieved balance


Here we go again.

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You just know that they’re gonna delete this system in the future anyway. And if they don’t, they’ll have to balance every future content around the new abilities, and they wouldn’t be able to make new classes either because they’ll have to give them covenant abilities too. So much for identity.

Meh, stop treating Ion like some God…

Very true, but atthe end of the day WoW is not a high skillcap game like Ion said therefore they dont care about ultra balancing so the two tryhards who compete for world highest dps as a frost DK will never ever get their balance

The game is balanced to be good for everyone, not the high end, and the more high end you go, the worse the balance becomes and that will never be changed.

He moves the game to a direction I enjoy and keep saying it is good, of course I ll like him.


okay how does that compare with an ability that allows me to teleport and skip M+ encounters its not about DPS thats where your argument is flawed people are still going to get denied because they dont have the “required” ability

Community mentality problem, and like he said in that tweet, their goal is to balance for everyone.

Now if the community copies world first even when not needed and tells others to do the same, then looks like a community problem which I ve made a thread about.

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Nah it’s a problem Blizzard created and refuse to fix. They won’t even balance CLASSES.

Honestly, I only see the hardcore players getting mad about the covenant system. I can see it being a bad thing but why should I care I’m horrible at this game lol. Ok maybe I’m exaggerating I’m not that bad but I don’t push myself to be the top player in the game. I don’t even push myself to top the dps meters or healing meters. I’m playing to have fun and to follow the story as well. That’s exactly what made me love WoW.

I had a friend who’s an ex-friend now that made me felt like I was forced ti be extreme. I didn’t want that, I wanted to experience the lore and I didn’t, I was an idiot.

Now, I’m following the lore I love it even more. BfA had kind of a bad story because I couldn’t figure out what was even going on but still did enjoyed some of it and I’m looking forward to Shadowlands lore!

its not though, developers like he stated in the interview are intentionally creating abilities that are better in situations than others that itself will create exclusivity in content. they are shooting themselves in the foot.

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i have no idea how ralph keeps getting away with these threads

it’s like an unironic version of the sam hyde meme


With the way that M+ currently works, it’s impossible to balance classes. Infinite scaling numbers can’t be balanced when gear can’t infinitely scale. You’d have to hyper-homogenize.

Bro if you want to give up your entire social life and any chance of having a life whatsoever that’s fine but a lot of us see wow as a way to let off steam after a long week not a job.

I already have a job I don’t need a second job and certainly don’t want wow to become one

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