[WotLK] Let's talk Dungeon Finder

If they find those time sinks to be a part of the experience and in any way enjoyable they can still very much take part in that experience even with LFD/RDF in the game. They still have that option. If LFD/RDF is removed from the game then those who are in favor of it do not have that same option.

I’ve said it so many times before that I’m rolling my eyes at myself saying it again but once more for posterity: If you are opposed to something but lack the willpower necessary to refrain from making use of it, it is a personal problem and should under no circumstances be allowed to impact another person’s ability to choose.

This whole path of least resistance argument, while a valid argument in and of itself, strikes me as weak and hollow where this and many matters are concerned. If a person is so opposed to LFD/RDF and so convinced that it is bad for the community or whatever reason they have then don’t use it. Plain and simple.


Gold texts are not Blizzard’s forum representatives. Nice try though.

Whoever they are, they’re closer to Blizzard than we are. You can play semantics all you want, but what I said is truth.

No, what you said was troll bait. Nice try though. :slight_smile:

One could only wish. They added the whole classification to try and sort through the awfulness of Shadowlands and promptly ignored everything they came up with. It’s a lip-service from a soulless company to try and show that they’re listening.

The problem with this is that you assume it will be possible at all.

Why is everyone server transferring to the mega realms if they don’t like the unbalanced servers? Because when enough people do it, when friends do it, the rest ends up doing it as well out of necessity rather than choice.
The same can be said about LFD, if enough people use the LFD, people will slowly start bleeding from the LFG in favor of the LFD, not out of choice but out of necessity.


Have you tried using the current LFG recently? It’s long been a ghost town. Only people that use LFG channel are boost sellers and GDKP organizers looking to launder RMT.


Omg, let’s try not to over-react. I just said they were closer to Blizzard than we are. Did i say that they were super important in decision making? No. All I know is that if i’m desperate for something, I’d take advantage of any avenue. The people acting like children are doing themselves no favors.

Then stop acting like a child.

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Nice backtrack you got there.

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It’s definitely alive on Benediction.

Yes, the 30k+ server with highest amount of GDKPs. I can see why GDKP organizers would keep it alive there.

Oh? Please show me. Are they representing Blizzard? Yes, they are. Whether it’s to a greater capacity or a small one, they still are.

And the typical response that I have seen from the anti-LFD crowd is usually along the lines of “join a guild” or “make friends.” Oddly enough there’s some truth to be found there. Perhaps they should just join a guild or be more sociable and make more friends that way when enough people use LFD/RDF out of necessity, they’ll still have their guild and all of their friends to fall back on.

And that’s another issue, a lot of people don’t have an opinion one way or the other because LFD simply doesn’t matter due to their play style. Yes people on high pop servers, people who primarily play one character which got its dungeons in during the initial rush, people who either don’t play alts or don’t dungeon on them, yeah they won’t care about LFD one way or the other.

They aren’t getting any benefit out of it since they aren’t dungeoning anyways, of course inversely they aren’t seeing any downsides either since well they aren’t dungeoning anyways.


I’m pretty sure you have no idea why they formed the community council after hearing you say they. But uhh, keep on going.

And this is certainly an argument in favor of removing some of the perks from LFD. If it’s scope is purely limited to group forming then the argument can’t be made that people are forced to use it when there aren’t additional benefits to doing so.

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Earth to Mods. There are 500 other LFD threads. Close it.

Astute observation! Did you know this is the only LFD thread that doesn’t have bias in the thread title?

Oh then we better close the other 500 stat!