[WotLK] Let's talk Dungeon Finder

Good. What redeeming quality is there to the LFG channel?


The RMT/GDKP crowd are about the only ones that use it. Probably the same people that don’t want LFD.


Absolutely. It’s nothing but WTB and WTS dungeon runs. There is no community created from the LFG channel. No social interaction, no friendships being forged. It’s just business.

So how is LFD any worse? The real community is friends and guilds, and the dungeon finder has no impact on that. If Blizz wants to reward people forming groups with guildies or even people on the same server have the system give an extra emblem if they’re all from the same server. Boom, now you’re incentivized.


If I got in on the GDPK ground floor I’d be fighting like hell for it to stay. Adding RDF would put a huge dent in their earnings because equipping yourself becomes so much easier if you can pound randoms. It makes sense from their point of view.

It’s still the lowest fruit to defend though. It’s entry level gear at lvl 80. If you aren’t in a guild and your friends list is bare, you won’t find yourself invited to too many raid spots.

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All you guys gotta do is get real. Nothing hard about that.

Dungeon finder was great in theory but it didnt work out in practice.

Not everyone that plays this game is super cool. Being grouped with people who just see others as a means to an end while being expected to have conformed to cookie cutter norms ruins the social fabric of the game over time.

You dont have to care about the people you are grouped with in a setting like that and so thats exactly what happens. There are no consequences for that so it just erodes.

There is no law without enforcement.

It also opens the door for wonderful additions like raid finder which


Besides the rest of your silly post that TBCC proves happens right now anyway, you throw in this strawman.


That doesn’t address at all what I said. What the other side say isn’t relevant to the point of my post. I’m sure you weren’t intentionally trying to strawman here.

It allows people to form groups, never said it was a great tool. The current LFG is in dire need of some change, but so is the mechanics that makes boosting a thing.

What exactly are your expectations for a 5-man? Do you want to shoot the breeze the whole way through? Do you expect to bark out CC and positioning orders throughout? What is it about being in a 5-man that requires such social interactions that you’re afraid of losing?

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Huh? I mean besides not knowing what a strawman is I dont actually know what youre saying - because you arent saying anything.

Trying to sound smart dont make it turn out that way. Do better.

Did you hit “reply” early? This looks like there was more coming.

If I have to explain it to you thats just proof you dont have a clue about what youre into. If you really wanted to know you would have looked into this on your own now wouldnt you?

Even if I could give you all the answers it wouldnt mean jack because you didnt sort it out on your own. If you cant figure out what the trade offs are for the convenience of automated grouping than I dont know what we really have to say to each other.

What does LFR have to do with this discussion? Absolutely nothing. So why bring it up?

Its the fallacies that the ANTI-LFD have to resort to because they really have no valid arguments or points that they can make.

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I think you do have to answer. You obviously have high expectations in a 5-man. If I join your group, what is it you want from me? Don’t dance around the subject, just say what you want from people in your group.

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LFD sets a precedent wherein LFR becomes possible. If they never invented LFD LFR wouldnt have happened anyway.

They implement LFD, incentivize it, teleports the whole thing and most everyone uses it. Its easier, why wouldnt you? Everyone else is.

Blizzard calls this a resounding success. Look, everyones doing it. Bigger is better amirite? Boom - LFR.

You give up something to get something. Having to give a crap about the people in your groups isnt one of them. Thats not a great recipe in whats supposed to be a social game.

This is just basic stuff to grasp.


Just another example of toxic people projecting their toxicity onto others. Expecting dungeon runs to be a horrible experience if they’re done through LFD. That didn’t happen. Here and there someone might suddenly go afk. But that was about it. The vast, vast, majority of players just want to get the dungeon done. And that’s exactly what they’ll do.

If it’s so basic, answer my question that you keep avoiding. If I join your 5-man group, what is it that you are expecting out of me? What level of sociability do you want?

He can’t answer a simple question.

This thread is about LFD in Wrath Classic. So again, what you’re saying has NOTHING to do with the subject. Just at typical tactic of trying to distract people and divert the discussion to another topic.

I don’t want anything, you’re free to offer whatever it is you have to offer.

It’s just a fact that in random groups across server, should you end up offering anything, the incentive is either not there for what you do offer to be meaningful, or there’s lack of incentive for you to offer anything at all.

The point is that in-realm groups set the table for that communication to happen a lot better than RDF does.

That’s why they said they’re also removing the DE button.

Is the communication necessary to figure out a person who can DE loot super significant and game-changing? No, but it is something.