[WotLK] Let's talk Dungeon Finder

dont have to. i have wrath now too, look at that.

It was given to me :gift:

Why do I keep seeing “hidden reply” :joy:

Here’s the funny thing. There’s a graph that shows WoW’s sub count, and very clearly shows that subs dropped in Cata, not in Wrath or after RDF’s inclusion. But they claim that isn’t a valid source.

This graph also very clearly says that these numbers over time were shared by Blizzard, you don’t get more valid information than that.


I just ignored too, never knew you could do it.

That user just antagonizes people…“nah nah i got what I want” and “I guess the game just isn’t for you”…same responses over and over to get a rise out of people.

Better not to see that negativity.


I’ve linked this multiple times too and it’s always ignored.

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Yeah, the guy is different that’s for sure.

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If you want RDF at launch, you want change. Don’t highroad when you’re on the same changes path.

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Funny how they claim the LFG process is socializing then make it bannable to socialize in the /LFG channel.

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He’ll switch to an alt soon.

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I never altpost :angel:

They’re using 3.3 as base patch for WotLKC.
RDF was introduced in 3.3.

None of the classic server launches have used an x.0 patch.

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Check my achievements.
Who’s the tourist out of the two of us qt

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You are because you quit as soon as you didn’t get your way.

You already admitted it.

It’s okay though because with this amount of negative feedback for the new dungeon tool, something is bound to change. :joy:

You caught me. A top 15 US raider was secretly a tourist

I did catch you. You leave as soon as things don’t go your way. You literally admitted it.

You could be the best player in the world and it wouldn’t change that fact. :joy:

you keep talking about your achievements… you the first person I’ve seen say anything about achievements … coupled with “im a top 15 us player”…

Can you please exit the conversation you are so full of air you might explode.

Oh look the guy who thinks achievements aren’t in wrath. What’s up

Did you finally earn one?

The game was released 15 years ago, back then, it was only vanilla, TBC and WotLK players; there was no RDF, and we survived, and we met plenty of people. That’s how I learned to run dungeons before joining a guild.

Then RDF was implemented, and how players interacted with each other, ninja looting, zerging, rushing through dungeons without talking, without answering questions. Players that started in Cata won’t be able to tell this difference. People changed their priorities, and focused more on loot and reduced waiting and running times.

The way I see it, the community is divided because the RDF system is convinient: it reduces waiting times, and it is expected that people run dungeons quickly; on the other hand, there’s a part of the community that focuses on the dungeoning experience more, agreeing how to pull, asking who needs a piece of equipment, etc.

Personally speaking, I play to chill out, to interact with people. I hate the idea of RDF, it isn’t a race to get geared, I enjoy taking my time. That’s how the WotLK experience was.

Listen kiddo, Achievements for Wrath Content are not out… you keep talking about Achievements and nobody cares.

Please state an opinion of worth, this will be the last time I respond to your ignorance.

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