[WotLK] Let's talk Dungeon Finder

They infact are out, “kiddo”

Armory for wrath isn’t out.

You aren’t doing yourself any favors qt
Just stop, you always embarrass yourself

I think this may be that classic rogue I ignored earlier. I went to ignore this dude and it was showing that he was already ignored.

I never ignore people so idk if it’s a bug or what :joy:.

If that was true, you wouldn’t of seen my posts before.

Cute attempt tho

Have you played a TBCC dungeon… literally what you just described.

Oh thanks, we care that you ignored me… what insight to this converation.

I’m not talking about you, I’m talking about the dk. I think I ignored his classic rogue earlier.

Basically what I’m saying is I think this guy is spamming this thread with alts for attention.

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Only posted on this char. You can easily tell by ignoring and un ignoring.

Pretty much common sense.

My bad you said classic rogue assumed me…but this guy is going to every rdf thread and talking about he’s #1 in the world check his achievements…

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If by “every” you mean this single thread?

Can you elaborate on this? You can tell who’s posting from alts by ignoring and unignoring?

If you remove other people from ignore, then only people on the same account as the one person on ignore will be hidden posts

Write down your ignore list, remove them. Check, add them back

What i find amusing is people being on social media yet act antisocial with barely no comments at all just hitn likes for numbers. Just because your horrid experience is present doesnt negate the fact its a problem. Fostering socialness in an mmorpg should be at the core.

RDF imo in fact is 90% needed in the leveling content. Not end game where social interaction become exponentially more important.

That has literally nothing to do with what I said. If you want RDF at launch, you want changes.

That’s what raids are for. However, if you want to manually form your dungeon groups at max level, go right ahead. RDF will actually facilitate more of that since it’s so simple to fill out an extra person or two.

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It’s fine with me if they wait. But for god’s sake get rid of that stupid LFG garbage.

If they were using 3.0 at launch, yes.
But they are not.
Devs not having a 3.3 feature in a 3.3 version is a change.

I don’t understand why this is such a difficult concept for u to grasp.


I agree 100% but for normal dungeons where the biggest problem by far exists. Not heroics. Heroics become that stepping stone to raids by design and philosophy. Pretty sure they weren’t put in to kill normal mobs easier, they were there to gear up for the end stage of content in that current content release. Heroics were also a catchup mechanic in RDF tool and why their rewards reflect that. I have np with them when they were originally implemented/included. As it stands the rewards with tokens that come with it dont fit yet. The suggestion of removing rewards or w/e is in fact a change from its orginal design due to the emblems … but i guess you would remove them even though its not what you have been saying concerning the subject.

RDF from start 1-max level of expansion in normal dungeons should just exist from now on and heroics are a catchup mechanic.


Here’s a real simple way of looking at it. Pretend it’s late Wrath and Blizz adds a new server. That is what we’re playing. The only difference is they stagger the content release: raids and dungeons. Everything else is as it was.

Yeah I don’t see the problem you have with the tool. Works pretty well.

I don’t understand how the first phase of Classic WotLK having RDF while the first phase of WotLK didn’t being a change is a hard concept for you to grasp.

Your point being? I’m at the point where I played classic 16 years ago BEEN THERE DONE THAT. Wrath is alright but cata I overly played same with MoP. I just am done paying for content I already cleared… I would prefer they polish the original boat Retail give me a reason to SEE new content that I want to play not pay for something I already achieved or done.