[WotLK] Let's talk Dungeon Finder

We’ve had changes since classic.

It was never authentic. It was never going to be authentic. It’s final version, talents, final system iterations.

she doesnt wanna hear that shes mad that we mean more to blizzard than she does, when shes the real wotlk enjoyer. shhhhhhhhhhhhh

Big server dungeons 1-60 are already dead.

No problem with this. This wont stop ninjas though, Ninja > Vendor.

All hours. I do not know for certain the server sizes but there are so many people afk in SW and IF on pagle it is mind boggling. 1-60 leveling dungeons are dead, completely dead. This game will hemorrhage subs if something is not done QUICKLY.

RDF is the logical fix as it should be in Wrath anyway.


I’ve already had 1 friend quit when he found out they weren’t adding the RDF. It was literally the first thing they noticed.


Then stop saying crap like this:

“But do not try to enforce changes to accommodate yourself…”

No changes and changes aren’t the same.

Taking something the classic community is okay with vs tourists who want to butcher classic while they wait for dragonfailure to launch.

There’s a large difference.

You stopped playing because you didn’t get your way. Who’s the actual “tourist”?

A lot of us never gave up on blizzard and this is how we are repaid?

you say “quit” here. did they actively play tbcc?

seems like thats a no. so thats not them “quitting” a game they never played. They decided against playing the game afaik.

you answered it yourself.

You’re an imbecile

Enjoy your vacation sweetie!

Oh look, ignored content :joy:

oooooo i really struck a nerve with that huh? My guy is mad.

What’s that? More ignored content? :joy:

We must have the same person on ignore. :laughing:

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Probably, that guy must be off their rocker or meds :joy:

Has got to be the laziest counterargument to removing rdf.

There is no boon to forcing people to use LFG. LFG channels are either spammed with guild advertising or people sitting with 0 intention of running a dungeon and just wanting a de facto world chat.

If ppl are gonna be social in lfg, then they’ll be social during rdf groups. Devs are just taking an easy copout to appease the purists because they apparently couldn’t come up with a legitimate reason to make such a silly decision.

If u want classic, then go play classic. They left those servers up for a reason.
People want wrath as it was. If u promise ur gonna use 3.3 as the base patch, then don’t strip out one of the major features of 3.3.

One of the devs from 2009 made a blue post when it was introduced that basically said “if u do not like rdf, then feel free to keep using the LFG channel to manually make runs.”

Ur using rdf as a scapegoat when there are a metric ton of other actually legitimate reasons for why retail is doing as poorly as it is right now (like poor dev/player interactions compared to before, class homogenization, poor worldbuilding/storytelling, bots/rmt/boost communities, etc).
And we know it’s a scapegoat because u guys have contributed nothing but conjecture.


I’ve yet to see any data that suggests RDF harmed any aspect of the game.

Does any proof of this even exist? You’d think the anti RDF crowd would be posting said proof immediately to debunk my claim.


They claim it exists, and then when ask they say “I already posted it, go find it.”


You too huh?

That must be the only way they can respond to not look completely ignorant.