[WotLK] Let's talk Dungeon Finder

It is. and blizzard said that specifically. glad we’re on the same page. dont conflate “efficient” with “good” for the game tho, because thats a dumb debatelord trick thats ultimately meaningless for your position.

This is wrath classic, of which RDF was a part of. Claiming people who want RDF want “changes” is just more dishonesty. The truth is, it’s the anti RDFers who want change.


Have i ever said this? Go play FFXIV.

“Don’t put RDF in the game, everybody will use it and I’m scared that they will have fun in the game but not the kind of fun I think they should have”


Fixed for you.

This is a topic that I don’t see ending for the duration of wrath.

You may as well get used to defending the new tool or just stop coming to the forums if it bothers you so much.

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I’m not a forum troll with over 1000 posts, sorry


It is a recreation with changes.
Classic has changes. 12 letter mail, instant character mail, xrealm bgs
TBC had changes. T4 and t5 split, t6 nerfed on launch, attunements removed during za

Wotlk has changes.

Disliked the nerfed t6, but I’d say everyone has enjoyed the changes.

No RDF is also a change, one that I and many others welcome.

True if blizz is smart they’ll flop on the issue in toc for a catch-up.

Somehow I’m doubtful that:

  • less than 50 people (I’m being generous here)
  • in your realm
  • on your faction
  • at the time of day you’re logged in
  • that are watching trade/LFG chat
  • that deem a response necessary

is a representative population for wow classic.


Never said it was but isn’t it strange that the only feedback I DO receive is overwhelmingly negative when I ask people if they like the new tool?

When’s the last time you told somebody how much you love the interstate system that lets you travel cross-country at your own convenience?

Idk, how does that relate to the cost of coffee beans in Columbia? :man_shrugging:

More like, “They won’t buy my tanking services!” Or they won’t be able to gatekeep dungeons that are some of the easiest content in the game. Seriously. These nutballs would rather spend all that time making a “leet” group so they can shave two minutes off their run. It’s totally insane.


How about the polls with tens of thousands of votes that are all 70%+ pro-lfd too? Oh, those don’t count because they’re not official.

Only a troll would say the vast majority of players don’t want RDF.


Yeah, “with changes.” So let’s stop with the ridiculous “you want changes” BS when we actually want it more authentic.


they will its an instaqueu. idk what made you think the tank shortage goes away in wrath or act like i didnt go through cata and mop selling queus

Unfortunately that game version isnt on the table right now :frowning:

does it hurt that they are slicing up your favorite expac because i want it that way?

It doesn’t. It’s something you enjoy the benefits of but don’t discuss in trade chat because… why would you?

Complainers are loud, happy people are quiet.


Must be a lot of unhappy people then….