Not if it’s just RDF
I personally think restricting Dual Spec would do far more harm in the end.
Not if it’s just RDF
I personally think restricting Dual Spec would do far more harm in the end.
I mean, have fun by yourself? Wrath won’t even last half the time of the other classic xpacs if they keep this up.
People are asking for a much shorter p1 in wrath so 100% wrath will be less than a year
I sure hope so, I’m not exactly crazy about Naxx round icantevencountanymore
So knowing Blizzard they will release Wrath as they said they will (no rdf, tweaked duo spec in someway, etc) but I bet when the numbers are not where they like they will pull the ole “here it is, enjoy.” It’s the same thing they do in retail with the systems, get a million complaints, wait till last patch to fix it.
wall of text
you are wrong
RDF is needed
You’re right WotLK doesn’t need LFD, it’s just that their reasoning for it is dumb.
theres been 10years of experimenting on pservers, they all failed when they didnt introduce LFD.
No, they all failed because they sell gear to players for IRL money.
TBCC did plenty of things private servers didn’t and it had way more than any TBC private server ever did, and some of the things Blizz did was utter trash like their arena changes.
I really, really don’t see how bringing up private servers, which will be dwarfed by WOTLK-C population no matter what they do, helps your case.
where do you think money from a gdkp comes from? do you think people just have 20k g sitting around every run without touching an AH or even farming for gold?
IF in game ill use cause hell its extra gold and badges, If not in game will as always tank for guildys, whom i know dont suck and push dmg. While leveling I might tank for a few pugs for blues/greens blah blah… BUT once im leveled gotten the few drops i want LIke classic and tbc not tanking for pugs again. Same ole boat as always. Enjoy the tank life and watch DPS whine about no groups.
TBCC did plenty of things private servers didn’t and it had way more than any TBC private server ever did, and some of the things Blizz did was utter trash like their arena changes.
I really, really don’t see how bringing up private servers, which will be dwarfed by WOTLK-C population no matter what they do, helps your case.
TBCC has alot of retail features too, pve and pvp.
Because were talking about Wotlk, not TBC, theres barely a population for BC private servers, but thats a massive population for WOTLK and when you talk about experimenting, im giving you actual facts and first hand accounts of why LFD is a positive change to the game.
I will bet you all my gold that WOTLK-Classic population will be several times that of any WOTLK private server you’ve ever known of, no matter what they do.
again your missing the entire point, the average wotlk pop for a Pserver is around 18k, thats more then the population of grob.
Over 10years of experimenting, gettting new players in and old players leaving on a never ending cycle, they figured out what the works and what doesnt, and not have LFD doesnt work.
Sorry but it’s just too small of a sample size.
WOTLK-C could literally remove PvP and it would have more players than any private server lol, you can’t use private server population as an indication of anything.
where do you think money from a gdkp comes from?
There’s a difference between buying from a third party website and getting banned vs. buying directly from the server developer.
If you don’t see the difference, that’s on you.
at the levels of paid services seen player x getting say 1500 gold in the mail for no reason at this point is not even monitored closely I’d wager.
People just spent one 1 hour of work to find out its the bag man as it were for a gdkp run. and that is why out of the kindness of people’s hearts…they received 1500 to 2400 gold.
even patient sql dbm’s would be going boss…I got other things I need to be doing than tracking this crap down. hire or more people or here is my request to change our cutoff value to 3000 gold. 2400 is 24 buy ins at a now standard (that I see on mankrik or atiesh) 100 per player. 600 for fudge factor. 3000 to cut out white noise in the data results.
Sorry but it’s just too small of a smaller size.
WOTLK-C could literally remove PvP and it would have more players than any private server lol, you can’t use private server population as an indication of anything.
over the course of 10years with the average server being around 18k players, and haivng multiple servers running at once, that has a wotlk cycle lasting an average of 5/6months.
thats 1,620,000 players coming in and out of wotlk pserver, thats telling you it wont work without LFD. is the sample* size still too small?
You need to respect that the devs have a vision for their recreation of WOTLK
The only vision that have is of them not having to build RDF from the ground up. Recent interview with Brian whatever his last name is, said that they thought about not putting arena in TBC because they didn’t have the infrastructure for it, and it had to be built from scratch, but because it was such a big part of TBC they did it anyway.
Seems like RDF is in the same boat, except this time they’re deciding not to code it and blame the players instead.