World of Warcraft Remix: Azmerloth

It’s all in the title. But let’s dive into it a bit.

The event goes by expansion. 90 days each. Start Vanilla to DF.

Every creature is a Murloc whether they’re flying or critters. Whale shark murloc?

This isn’t classic. It’s Chromie time but we are locked to that part of the game.

Murloc is the only option. All classes available at start. You don’t get to move this character to regular retail. It only unlocks things for regular retail.

Same concept as MoP remix. Cloak gets filled. Story is the Infinities are curious about the true timeline on this world. The only time we see non-murlocs is during the quest when our mains traveled there to help them take on their version of Deathwing.

All quests and dialogue are in murloc. We don’t need translation; we know this content. Every quest is available. Full content as if it were regular retail.

Set rules about hyperspawns and that sort of play. Put a cap on it. Remove hyperspawns completely. No AH, no gold, trade with clams.

Don’t allow murlocs to mount. Let them move faster. Maybe give wings or something as a gift from the infinites.

Each expansion, the previous artifact item retains the stats gained minus leveling experience. You get a new item instead for another slot.

11 main stories across expansions so 11 item slots. Legion gives the weapons we would keep and BfA gives neck. They’d just act like the remix cloaks do now.

The other item slots just get replaced. We’d keep current talents and abilities or WW’s version and further.

Limited time event. Do it at the end of an expansion but not at the cost of killing the season, like was done with DF S4.

This allows for updating old raids and dungeons to allow for LFR versions or maybe not needed but just allow queue system for stuff like molten core, but have ilvl requirements if using LFG.

Oh and rare things like pets/mounts we can learn but will be used on regular retail.


That would be…


I’m down.


You had me at murloc.


And then have things that CAN transfer over, like TMOG.


Every xpac 90 days each? Id LOVE this as a side expansion.

WoW Remix meets classic murloc style!

3 years of rotating content, access to all and every bit of loot ever implemented in wow, daily lockouts on all raids per expansion, my warrior broke 10m hp 2 days ago - infinite scaling could see D3 like numbers. Murloc mount/swim/flight speed bonuses on items/cloak, the ability to murlock mount indoors for increased move speed and remove actual move speed from the game.

The scaling issues would be extreme - 999% of every stat eventually might see some issues.

I do like the idea of bfa necks and legion weapons with mini talent trees as a replacement for gems in the form of mini talent trees for each item. Alongside hero talent trees, covenants, garrison talent trees - alot of this needs to be removed and replaced with a simple system to hot swap bonus things on items with the ease and fluidness of current gems.

Mechagon type trinkets.

Let us use Heirlooms tho, remove all ‘gear’ from the game and just have blonze/clams drop, allow our gear to upgrade on its own and never past max ilvl - all of that power would be tied to the cloak and any gem type bonuses you are using. Make every item drop simply be a cosmetic/transmog unlock.

Make the basis for each expansion to work on and upgrade each individual item slot - eg bfa would be neck only and every other item/slot is fixed as to how it finished (Weapon is done and cant be empowered anymore after legion ended) that way we dont have power scaling issues with 11 seperate ‘cloaks’. Each 90 days is focused on empowering each slot and thats it.

The whole thing with this is that this character NEVER comes over to regular retail. Mog, mounts, pets, et cetera can transfer over.

We do 90 days of Vanilla, you do all the raids, all the dungeons, reps, et cetera. Rep would would be boosted (If exalted on your account).

Since we’re going into the 11th part of the game (I know 10th expansion, but what is the base then because that is 1.0?), and it would take time to catch us up to regular WoW.

So we’d put these in 3 months ahead of major content patches, where there’s a lull and everything’s on farm.

You can play the same character all the way to the end. But here’s where we can allow for some changes

Say you choose a priest to start with but later want to try a Paladin. Now, we saw in Legion, in the Paladin Order Hall, a Priest can pick up a 2h weapon and be a Paladin. But with most cases, you can learn to do something different, though Death Knights are a one-way street.

So you’d be locked to the new class, on the same character, for the duration of the next expansion, so Burning Crusade. Or you can make a new character. People have been wanting class changing for a long time, and it’s in the lore, so this is a good way to explore it.

Oh, we choose our names, which will be unique, but then they become Murlocified by the system. They’ll still be unique though.

Now I did have a thought about the character being stuck in this world. There is one way out. In MoP, and during Remix, I learned and relearned that Murlocs have a special evolution into the Jinyu.

At any point, or maybe at the conclusion of the expansion the Murloc can go to the Infinite Dragonflight, which is the only time we can understand their speech. It becomes Common/Orcish, and this is behind those special time bubbles we see in Remix. This requires certain completion such as raids, quests, reps, et cetera. The Infinite can offer to send you to another timeline, but they would have to speed up their evolution to become a Jinyu.

This would also require the Jinyu to be an allied race, and honestly, just make the Jinyu an allied race to the Horde and Alliance because the Jinyu are actually very powerful and wise in Pandaria Lore and should be above faction differences.

You would however then get to choose the class you want your Jinyu to play, but the only option is to be a Jinyu on regular retail, after Blizzard finds a reason to give them to us.

If you do this, then you cannot undo this. And you cannot have a cloned version of that character for the next expansion in Azmerloth Remix. You would have to start fresh, you would however keep the artifact item you got from Vanilla or whenever, as that’s account-wide.

We do not have to rush all of this either. Blizzard needs time to make sure they’re putting out good content. So every year or so we get this window of Azmerloth. We just want it to be during a time that won’t hurt the current content.

We also don’t want this to hurt Plunderstorm. I want that to come back in a different zone.

Please push this and keep it live. I want this bad, but I also want Jinyu to be an allied race. So this satisfies both of my wishes!

Edit: My initial post about Jinyu and Hozen allied races, but never mind on Hozen, is here:

I really think we should get Jinyu and this is an alternative way to add one outside of unlocking the story. We want to keep our character we level from Remix events, so the only way to do it is to evolve Murlocs into Jinyu to allow them to change timelines.

And again, it’s a one-way transfer, but the item you keep is the thing that is account-wide.

I would play this in a heartbeat.

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So, if we go by expansions, I want to break down which expansion of Azmurloth would focus on which item:

  • Vanilla: Trinkets to get them early on because as we’ve seen in DF, your trinkets make or break your personal progress.
  • Burning Crusade: Helm
  • Wrath: Shoulders
  • Cata: Chest
  • Pandaria: The focus was the cloak from Wrathion & Remix did a cloak, so bring it here.
  • Draenor: WoD’s big item was a ring, so 2 rings.
  • Legion: Weapons/Offhands, but this time we don’t deplete them.
  • Battle: Neck - how do you justify tossing aside the heart of the planet? Heart of Azmurloth!
  • Shadowlands: Gloves
  • Dragonflight: Belt
  • War Within: Legs
  • Midnight: Boots

I mean, some of the items don’t matter as artifact weapons, but only a few expansions were really lead by a certain item. I figure, by the time we get to the Last Titan, one of the older items that’s less relevant, becomes obsolete or replaced.

Anyone have any input on which expansions have like special items for gear that I may have missed that would fill a slot that isn’t majorly covered (cloak, rings, weapons, neck)?

I thought of something else:

When we get to Pandaria in Azmerloth, the Jinyu would be the ONLY race that would remain because they were Murlocs. So they have to stay otherwise we have to gut some of the lore in Pandaria that explains the history of the Jinyu. Otherwise we’d have to alter it?

Maybe the Jinyu of Azmerloth reached out to the Infinites for this purpose in order to bring their strongest to our timeline. All time stuff, so I’m sure there’s a way to make it make sense.

This would be a lot of fun. Especially given how Pandaria remix is going.

Would be nice to see something like this come into play for down time.

Honestly, I wouldn’t mind if Blizzard made a single player game where you play as a murloc and have to collect various objects & go about your adventure throughout Azeroth.

Heck it’d be funny if it was situated in our Azeroth – but you’re just a murlock going throughout raids in the background that heroes have faced through, where you could see heroes fighting off some boss in the background and you’re just going about looting bodies and fighting off stray mobs & mini-bosses they seemingly missed out on.

Perhaps even have a tunnel level, where you’re running from a boulder or demon.

  • Bonus if we get a level where we’re commissioned by Azshara to steal the Tidestone during the events of BFA :joy: Get some canon-events in there lmao
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Ive never understood the love affair with murlocs

I didn’t know this was a toy but apparently I have it. Murglasses for getting 500 toys.

This allows you to see everyone as a Murloc. Murlocs have the ability to use all weapons, can mount, and apparently do everything that everyone does. So there is no issue with having murlocs ride mounts in Azmerloth or really do anything as the animations are there.


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I’m not sure what Blizzard uses for translation text when it comes to a player using one language and another can’t read it (horde vs alliance or speaking in tongue), but apply that filter for all dialogue and text in game, and maybe only allow common speech in trade, party, or raid chat.

Character select screen, you pick a class, any class, because with Murloc costumes, any class can appear as one and still do all combat abilities. Blizz would just have to add some Murloc customizations. And they can even add other ones like Dark Ranger, Night Warrior, and Man’ari versions.