Jinyu become a neutral Allied Race?

Edit: I posted my change of opinion about the Hozen being an allied race. It just needs to be Jinyu.

I loved Remix. I had a lot of fun doing it, and I’m nearly finished with everything I want out of it. It reminded me of all the fun lore stuff that MoP provided us. I was quite happy to experience that all again.

What this made me want to bring back an old idea, is to add the Jinyu and Hozen as allied races. As much as I can’t stand the Hozen, speaking in their tongue where everything is “ooken dooken” or whatever, will be funny.

Honestly though, I care more about the Alliance having Jinyu because that’s an evolution of Murlocs and I would love to have a Jinyu Shaman.

You chose MoP for some reason for Remix. Usually when you do stuff like this, there’s something else sort of related, coming later. I’d love to bring in the Jinyu and Hozen. This is their world, too and Jinyu have ties to the rest of Azeroth including potential cousins in Naz’jatar.

I have avoided War Within info. I know bugs are involved and it’s going to have ties to Void which has connections to the Old Gods. The Klaaxi did say they would return when we defeat the Paragons in SoO. We didn’t wipe out their entire race, and it was made clear that the Paragons could return. Technically only 2 were killed in MoP, but that was under Sha circumstances (which is funny because they were on the side of the Old Gods and yet they hated the Sha which came from a specific Old God).

The Jinyu had prophetic abilities so it’s likely their highest ones may have a reason to reach out to the rest of the races for things to come and feel they need to become known to the rest of Azeroth by playing more active roles, by joining the Alliance.

I can’t give you a good reason for why the Hozen want to join as there is no faction war, but it could also be a mutual agreement of the Alliance and the Horde to recruit more allies. Then the Jinyu could have reached out to the Hozen to tell them they also play a greater role and need to fight alongside the Horde.

I really really don’t like the Hozen. Even their leaders weren’t very intelligent, but I think these would be fun additions.

A Jinyu monk has been a dream of mine for a while. I thought that BFA was working itself towards Mists allied races with the Mogu and Jinyu appearnces in the later half but I guess I was just a big dummy.

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I want a Shaman for them. I have a Shaman with a name that’s better fit for a Jinyu.

Their water-speakers are great for shaman class fantasy, but their softspoken personalities give me strong Samurai Jack vibes.

They work well for monk or arms warrior.

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Part of the problem with Hozen is they canonically have very short lives, and we encounter them when they’re already in adulthood. Lore-wise, their twenty year lifespan is related to their inability to advance much.

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No thanks. Jinyu would make it even harder to add Naga…

I guess if Jinyu were Alliance and Naga Horde it could work. But then no Hozen.

I do recall reading that. Hmm. Well, they were secluded on that continent until we came along. With advancements in magic and tech, perhaps through cellular evolution, their lives extended over time.

Humans only lived until about their 30s.

But I don’t recall why their lives are short. It wasn’t explained like say a cat or dog where their hearts beat much faster and they have a high metabolism. We got a world ruled by magic, so we can’t apply our rules to WoW. Perhaps the Jinyu or someone found a way to extend their lifespans.

And here’s the intro questline:

There’s a Hozen who has lived a long life, longer than any Hozen. He was living in seclusion and traveled the world. He wanted to give his people a chance to live longer lives. He works with us to figure that out what makes him so special.

Turns out, it was something the Mogu did to limit their strength. They allowed them to live, but short lives, so they couldn’t become too powerful, but still allowed their natural strength to be used against the other lower races on Pandaria.

Would need a good reason (lore) to add Naga. Which side would they join? Who are they allied with? We don’t even know where Azshara is anymore. We do know she made her choice to save her people, and since then did evil, because of N’Zoth, but now that she’s free, is she good?

Do the Naga exist anymore? With N’Zoth gone, did the curse break? We’ve not seen living Naga since BfA. They’re gone for a reason. Old God curses are not permanent. With how N’Zoth was basically deleted at the end of BfA, maybe his curse was also removed?

I do know, well I think I recall, that the Naga could reproduce. So instead of procreation as they did when they were Elves, they laid eggs. I do not recall where we dealt with Naga eggs, maybe in BfA as well or some coastal zone.

Hozen are not fit to be a playable race without a model rework.

I always though it was a rly missfire from blizzard to not make proper humanoid monkeys in that expansion.

Like, how you have the sun wukong myth right there, but chose to not use and make then a joke that just throws crap?

We would need something like “high hozen” altered by arcane magic or something

That’s entirely possible. It could even be the story on how they become an ally. You find something that unlocks the secret to their longevity.

If they survived childhood they lived pretty long. IF…

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The Mogu were the leading race on Pandaria, so they could be the cause as to why the Hozen just didn’t evolve intellectually. Things changed.

Warcraft is different from our world, so I wanted to say that Hozen were a distant cousin of Humans, but Humans were defective Vrykul. I do not recall when Humans came to be vs when Pandaria was split off. Humans didn’t exist until after the world was split.

Hozen can stand upright, and they can fight and cast. Even real world apes can stand upright if they choose.

I really want Jinyu but I main Horde and we have to give something for Horde, but allied races tend to have a relationship for the one that joins the opposing faction.

As Leotheras’ thread cites, Blizz already has stated there are other groups of Naga besides Azsharan loyalists. We don’t need a reason any better than a group of rebels/usurpers finally surfacing now that the loyalists have been sufficiently weakened. We didn’t need better lore than that for Man’ari to join the Alliance.

I’d say they’d be either neutral, or Horde. They hate the Night Elves, and the Night elves hate them. For every bad experience the Horde has had with the Naga, the Alliance has two more to speak of. Plus, there are members of the Blood elves who have worked alongside the Naga in recent history, and share a common heritage with them, along with the Nightborne.

Obviously they could try going the route you mentioned, and have Azshara come back as less of a bad guy. Although given she almost got all life wiped out on Azeroth twice, that kinda makes it hard to believe Horde or Alliance would accept her or her loyalists.

Incorrect. We see some in DF. Their curse did not break. That Old God curse very much appears permanent. Likely tied to the void itself.

Correct. Naga lay eggs, and are very protective of their young, which apparently like pool toys.

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They chose it because it’s one of the most gushed-over expansions next to Wrath and Legion, and they had a bunch of unused recolors of MoP gear, mounts, and pets that were sitting in the files and could easily be repurposed as goodies to keep casuals subbed until TWW.

Remix is time-sensitive filler content, not something that has any bearing on the plot of the next three expansions. It’s about observing the past, not bringing things back from the past into the present, and is not going to have any allied races linked to it, just like it wasn’t all the other times this idea was brought up:

We don’t need to go that far.

A flying island with “high Hozen” enlighten by arcane energies, that look and act like sun wukong, done

Same way the jinyu were once murlocs

You guys want the goofiest races.

I’ll have you know, Naga are not goofy. They are a classic staple of WoW, having been asked for since Wc3, and are cool as all Fel. They have been considered for being made playable by the devs in the past and even Metzen wants them.

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Thank you for the clarification. I had another idea, which is more amazing, and it ties into this very well. But I need to alter what I said. Screw the Hozen. No longer care about them (never did). The Jinyu should be neutral as they are wise, powerful, and can give back to the world without any faction ties. The faction wars are done. We can’t do that now with cross-faction. I’m glad.

With Warcraft Remix: Azmerloth, you do the entire game on that planet. Make some changes so no need for mounts to move fast or fly. This is staged out over time and is a timed event.

It’s the Infinites reviewing timelines of other worlds. But with the knowledge that the Murlocs have ties to the Jinyu, the Infinites could allow to speed of the process of your Jinyu character, which would then put you at a level appropriate from where you left off (which expansion you completed on Azmerloth), and you immediately start the allied race quest of joining the Horde or Alliance.

No more Hozen. They really didn’t contribute much and the Jinyu were not given as much credit as they should have.

I like the idea of the Naga, just when to fit them in to come back is the issue. Midnight would be a good expansion considering the Naga were trying to take the Sunwell in TBC.

Jinyu are the most boring and bland race in WoW’s golden history.

TBH, I’d rather Hozen join the Alliance.

They know about parties!

You’re welcome.

I am not convinced the faction wars done for good. Even with some pve cross faction elements they can still rev back up at some point in the future. It’s just too huge a part of WoW’s identity to do away with faction conflict forever.

Without faction separation, I fear it becomes harder to add both Jinyu and Naga because of possible overlap of racials. Sure, it could be done, but Blizzard is clearly struggling making races right now for some reason, so figuring out which racials to give which might be too much for them. With faction separation, you can technically justify giving them identical or near identical racials, since they would be on opposite sides of the faction divide…

I hear this occasionally, and I want to hope it will happen like this.

If Blizzard can handle adding both Naga and Jinyu, I’d obviously be in favor of it. I just am concerned given how long I’ve waited that anything that might make it harder for Blizzard to make Naga happen may just bury my dream deeper.

I hope that perhaps you will post on Leotheras’s Naga thread to support playable Naga.

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I would like to see the Mogu as playable on The Horde. Hozen, I think should stay a Horde NPC race and they could riff on their short lifespans by having ultra-patriotic hozen characters that have been in The Horde for generations, much to the bewilderment of nearly everyone else.

I’ve been saying since BFA:

Jinyu, first gender neutral race.

Body 1 Pandaria Jinyu
Body 2 Ankoan Jinyu

Can be neutral or alliance only idc. But make it happen.

I think their more of an alliance race. The Mogu would want to ally with the proven conquerors, and the alliance won the 4th war.