Edit: I posted my change of opinion about the Hozen being an allied race. It just needs to be Jinyu.
I loved Remix. I had a lot of fun doing it, and I’m nearly finished with everything I want out of it. It reminded me of all the fun lore stuff that MoP provided us. I was quite happy to experience that all again.
What this made me want to bring back an old idea, is to add the Jinyu and Hozen as allied races. As much as I can’t stand the Hozen, speaking in their tongue where everything is “ooken dooken” or whatever, will be funny.
Honestly though, I care more about the Alliance having Jinyu because that’s an evolution of Murlocs and I would love to have a Jinyu Shaman.
You chose MoP for some reason for Remix. Usually when you do stuff like this, there’s something else sort of related, coming later. I’d love to bring in the Jinyu and Hozen. This is their world, too and Jinyu have ties to the rest of Azeroth including potential cousins in Naz’jatar.
I have avoided War Within info. I know bugs are involved and it’s going to have ties to Void which has connections to the Old Gods. The Klaaxi did say they would return when we defeat the Paragons in SoO. We didn’t wipe out their entire race, and it was made clear that the Paragons could return. Technically only 2 were killed in MoP, but that was under Sha circumstances (which is funny because they were on the side of the Old Gods and yet they hated the Sha which came from a specific Old God).
The Jinyu had prophetic abilities so it’s likely their highest ones may have a reason to reach out to the rest of the races for things to come and feel they need to become known to the rest of Azeroth by playing more active roles, by joining the Alliance.
I can’t give you a good reason for why the Hozen want to join as there is no faction war, but it could also be a mutual agreement of the Alliance and the Horde to recruit more allies. Then the Jinyu could have reached out to the Hozen to tell them they also play a greater role and need to fight alongside the Horde.
I really really don’t like the Hozen. Even their leaders weren’t very intelligent, but I think these would be fun additions.