(Another) Remix Issue

I love Remix, don’t get me wrong. But there is an issue with the geared players joining groups with adequately geared/leveled players in LFG or LFR.

I’ve watched, two nights in a row, a popular streamer, on a Remix alt, get left behind on the elevator in Mogu-shan Palace, and by the time they get to the top, before they reach the door that is 1 door away from the final boss room, the last boss is dead. They don’t get credit for the kill. They don’t get any loot in the mail. They don’t get quest completion credit either.

MSP already sucks because the 1st encounter doesn’t count towards the daily (that’s Blizzard’s fault and honestly this dungeon shouldn’t be in the LFG pool IF you have the daily in your log, or fix the encounter so the quest can track it).

The elevator maybe should require 5 to go up or something, I don’t know. But, there’s something with the range of that area that doesn’t allow for kill credit. Is it because it’s on the Z-axis? Are they too far away?

Late at night, 3 AM PST, looting in dungeons/raids is HORRIBLE on Remix. I’m not sure what the issue is but it can’t be Oceanic servers being awake to blame. Maybe it is. But the streamer was trying to loot the vault from the 2nd boss in MSP, but there was the lag delay, plus the over-geared player put them back in combat with the next pull.

So by the time they got to the elevator, where the other 3 waited, they missed it when they were on it but I guess didn’t jump. Either way, by the time they got up, the others, but the geared player, waited. They weren’t even out of the hallway after exciting the lift when the dungeon was over. There was still 1 pull of guards there, then everything inside the boss room was dead. The trash in the middle of the room had loot, but the trash + boss on the throne did not have loot. Nothing in the mail after relog, and no kill credit for the daily.

So please be considerate of the players who are correctly geared for that place. If you are over-geared but doing your daily, that’s fine. Be considerate of those with you that you carrying. They didn’t ask nor pay to be carried, they just wanted to run the place. Carries intentionally want it. You can’t say you carried the group when in reality you’re just showing off as nobody asked you for help.

Really, just make sure people are in the room. This isn’t an old issue as this has happened in LFR many times. It happens in the pugs for Remix runs, too. If I had my way, I’d kick those who are being impatient. Everyone in the group gets credit. If you want to speed-run it, find others that want to as well.

Since we’re on the topic of Remix, check this out:

It needs attention and it would be REALLY fun with a way to test things we’ve wanted (class-changing) and potential new Allied Race that we’ve been wanting for 12 years.


Let me get this straight, you made ANOTER post about this, and you weren’t even playing the game…

/walks away mumbling obscenities


Situational awairness. If you see you’re in a group with someone that heavily invested in gear, just focus on keeping up

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I’ve parked a character at the entrance of a heroic and carried the dungeon with a priest on my trial, and it’s always gotten loot mailed.

Also there’s a Remix forum.


Skill issue.

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I haven’t checked, but I’m pretty sure for remix it will mix and match oceanic and US servers for dungeons and raids. And depending on whether the raid leader matches yours you may get loot lag. That’s how it’s seemed for me anyway. Oceanic server myself. Most groups, loot lag. So if it’s a fast group I’ll usually just let the loot be mailed to me (which is an awesome option). Some groups though, no loot lag. But others in the group who seem to be experiencing it. I can only assume in that second case that my group leader is also oceanic, and those people lagging are not.

Incorrect, but I’m glad you wasted internet space to say nothing.

The :frog: people honor me when they allow me hit the boss gently before it dies.

So if a player needs to go back down for any reason after the final boss is killed (i.e. the chests for the quest) but other people leave after the final boss, that players is just SoL?

Yes, absolutely.

It’s now very frustrating when you get into a group, the top DPS is 10-20x what you’re doing, and bosses die before you can get a 2s cast.

But what’s more frustrating is after that group, you get into another group where you don’t have that, and now you have to actually participate, bosses take “forever”, etc.

I mean, I’ve already given up on most of remix, and anything that lets me get my dailies done faster is a big win to me, so I prefer the uber geared folks making a laughing stock of the content.

But, maybe that’s just me.

Me thinks you have our places confused, that OP of yours was just beating a horse that died after the frog roll back. But nice try, I could not mumble if it helps.

That’s only for boss kills though isn’t it? I try to loot everything as the bronze adds up throughout a whole dungeon or raid, but I’ve also fallen behind and missed boss kills just from taking the time to loot.

We’ve all seen the same thing.
Some of us just arent MMO material so we dont play for the team, but we play one on TV.