World of Warcraft dies with if they remove the faction conflict

At this point I really hope they get rid of the factions.

Then those of us who are adults and play well with others will have 100% of the community available to group with,… and those who are edgy little wannabe badasses can go grief people in other games.

Win-win to me, really.

I won’t miss you.


I’ve got a friend who’s a game developer and I think her analysis of this was spot-on.

Blizzard has this problem. They never commit to anything.

When the faction conflict isn’t the focus, they feel more free with the faction conflict because it’s not the focus and nothing is going to change.

OTOH, when faction conflict is the focus, they get so scared of making one or both factions angry (the Horde. They’ve proven they don’t really care about the Alliance) that they refuse to commit to the actual faction conflict in any way. As a result, nothing you do actually matters in the end and in spite of the story no impact to the status quo or faction balance ever occurs.

She’s also of the opinion that BFA was never supposed to be a major faction conflict expansion, and I think she’s got something there. More likely it was supposed to be some kind of “South Seas” expansion with ships, and naval warfare, and pirates, and naga with both factions running around collecting allied races in a cold-war, MoP-style saber rattling contest. But then someone higher up (probably someone in Activision) decided that they didn’t go far enough and had them change the focus from the South Seas to a full-on Faction conflict, which is why island expeditions seem so empty as a feature, and the warfronts seem so last-minute and poorly implemented (because they literally were).

It’s why the raids this expansion make zero sense.

It’s why Uldir literally didn’t have any alliance involvement except for Bran going, “I FOUND SOMETHING! LETS KILL ANYTHING THAT MOVES!”

It’s why The Battle for Dar’zalor doesn’t feel like a “middle tier raid”, and why nothing that happened during the raid had any kind of lasting effect. It’s why the alliance were able to technically achieve their goal (killed the troll king), AND the Horde were able to come out on top (with the real Zandi troll racial leader taking the thrown).

Zero impact allowed because there wasn’t enough time, and because Blizzard hates commitment of any kind (unless it involves burning down an alliance city. Then they’re allowed to commit. When it’s a horde city, they have to salt their own earth. The Alliance isn’t allowed to actually do anything).

Someone stuck their finger into the pie that Blizzard was cooking before it was done and made them change things long after changes should have stopped being made. And they wrecked the entire expansion when they did it.


while i agree with your previous statement, i don’t rly believe in this, the horde is pretty angry about the crap state of the lore,they managed to infuriate and divide both playerbases who were supposed to be unitd regardless the differences

the rest yeah i could agree that they force the faction war trying to sell more the expansion.

Exactly. And this causes consistency issues.

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I Believe they will remove factions.
Thats why they are working in IA PVP.

“WoW will die if they remove my excuse to grief other players” FIXT

i had, what i thought at the time, was a decent solution. see below.

rather than melding everyone together. offer a third faction composed of elves and displaced groups like worgen and nightbourne, night elves, void elves, blood elves and make it optional.

then horde would be almost back to its original - orcs tauren trolls undead and alliance would be human dwarves kul tirans and gnomes.

then would come the task of making the non elf factions popular again by giving them irresistible allied races. else the third faction would rule the world of warcraft cause elves.

for the horde, to spice it up - san’layn or ogres
for the alliance, to spice it up - high elves or decursed naga

The Faction conflict doesn’t always have to be Alliance V Horde , they could merge to form a new faction and Battle a greater enemy , maybe all the god’s

Faction war is absolutely not pointless. People nowadays love factions. People want to join a faction and die for it because it gives them a purpose. If we are all standing in a circle singing cumbaya then count me out. I would rather slit your throat.

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I personally hope they do not mix the horde and alliance anymore than they already have.

Merc mode for BGs is definitely enough in my opinion

Yeah because that’s what we did with the Legion, alright.

We sang kumbaya…

Look, can you hyperbole a little harder? I don’t think the people in the back quite heard you.

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BC, Wrath, Cata, MoP, WoD, and Legion were all mostly both coming together to stop the greater threat, BfA is the first time in a good while where this forced fighting bs is actually a primary focus… which it isn’t now because we are more focused on King Mechagon, Azshara, and Sylvanas.

What are you even talking about? Im not referring to Legion at all. Stop putting words in my mouth kid I loved Legion.

I was using that as a reference.

You know, to point out how ridiculous the notion that without the factions we would all sit around and ‘sing kumbaya’, as you so eloquently put it.

There is always an enemy/world ending threat to fight without this ridiculous faction war that goes nowhere.


That doesn’t mean the Horde and Alliance shouldn’t exist in some capacity either. I think we need more playable factions, but they could open the game up by removing the traditional Horde/Alliance player barrier.

If Blizzard’s treatment of the Horde is favoritism, then WoW is doomed because Blizzard obviously destroys what they love. They are doing a fantastic job destroying the Horde.

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I give you: The Gates of Ahn’Qiraj

An event so tremendous that many of us who weren’t playing then wish we had a Tardis…



Faction conflict will become rep faction vs rep faction, rather than big groups made up of many rep factions.

Wrong. Things evolve over time.

Pretty sure all of this is due to the social justice, LGBTQPPPQRA, and whatever rainbow and liberal peace preaching communities I didn’t list flooding their influence of peace into our pools. Filthy casuals will never pvp, never have been ganked, never will be ganked, because they flood their hippie garbage into the game. They will stop at nothing to cry when you call them a sissy in the game, and the number of casuals just keeps growing every day it makes me sick!

They will never understand what it means to be for the Alliance or for the Horde because they come from RP and normal servers. They never understood the meaning of struggle. They are determined to undermine and destroy the very foundation of the game that made it what it is from the Warcraft 1,2,3 titles and will stop at nothing to ruin the game in its entirety.

One thing I will say is I honestly wouldn’t mind it if they pooled raiding with Alliance and Horde. And I would like for them to do so since Alliance and Horde can put aside their differences for raiding. However outside of raiding we shall remain sworn enemies.

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