Before you all ram “lol wow isn’t dying” down my throat I’m not talking about people buggering off I’m talking about the overall principle of WoW
I remember that vanilla cinematic, it had a show case of all the races then cut to them being engaged in war
The burning crusade had the same thing and with a slice of Illidan
Now we are moving to this no faction conflict?
Is it even world of Warcraft anymore at that point if world of Azeroth United
I get games have to grow but there is a point where things change too much, this is like buying a puppy and watching it grow into a warthog
Uh yeah.
It’s Azeroth versus whatever is attacking it. Which is like every other day.
-Burning Legion
-Old gods
-sparkly ponies
Take your pick.
The faction war is pointless anyway because both factions are playable, which means none of them can ever have true victory over the other so all these plot points feel contrived and ultimately a waste of time.
No it won’t. Next question please.
As it always has been, should just have made the damn factions want to deal with threats in their own way and I don’t care if we have to put down the axe for 14 minutes to deal with the lich king or what ever but it’s pretty much deleting the underlying player told story of the game were we are suppose to hate each other’s guts for what colour we decided to pick
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World of Warcraft will die if they dissolve the factions.
For me.
There can still be conflict, just a different sort of conflict. What we are seeing now is hackneyed and cliche. Factions A and B are in conflict then A and B join forces, X gets defeated, A and B no longer join forces, go back to attacking each other. And it just goes around and around. While we follow the pattern of distinct factions locked in eternal conflict, there can be no real growth or change in the game.
Let’s just assume for a moment that the Horde and Alliance are dissolved. There is no Warchief, no High King. The races still exist but they aren’t part of any grand body. PvP could still happen - if you engage Warmode, everyone is a target. You form short term alliances to make your own group to go and fight others. Faction balance is irrelevant because there are no factions, just players.
They could introduce things like mercenary status, where you are for hire. Shady races (I mean the really edgy, creepy types of races that so many players love to play) could be created, and races could form Orders and have Order jobs assigned to go off do stuff.
And as far as story is concerned, there would be huge story possibilities because the writers aren’t confined to defined faction lines. Villains could arise, new threats to life on Azeroth, but players confront the threat as individuals and join instances and raids as individuals regardless of their race.
I find that far more exciting than going “oh gawd, another Horde stuff up” or “Alliance, seriously, how tedious”.

The story has been bung for like 5 xpacs and freeing up the conflict doesn’t do jack
What they damn well should do is throw in generic bad guys 9.0 and not even touch the damn faction story and let us sort that out for ourselves
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That has literally been the story of every expac. Which game have you been playing? The mortal races always unite to fight a common enemy. That’s the actual war. Not this faction nonsense.
They don’t need to go as far as dissolving the factions. Just letting the factions interact and play together (i.e. unite the playerbase) would be enough. Factions can still exist and have some form of rivalry (most MMO’s already do this)…just stop isolating half the playerbase from playing with the other half.
If Horde Alliance hostilities cease for a permanent time frame, I will unsubscribe. Two of my friends are also displeased at the idea.
It’s what this game was based around, themed around. You’re looking for another MMO if you want no factions, sorry.
They were playable in Warcraft 3 as well. It’s part of the dna of the game.
I could give the least worries if it’s pointless or not, because factions were, is currently, and should in the future always be one of the selling points.
The worst thing blizzard did was decided to hand hold the horde vs alliance experience
That should have always been left up to the players
Feel free to be Switzerland if you so chose
If they remove factions, it’s pretty much WoW 2 and expect more people to join. The factions are obnoxious and their faction war is idiotic. Removing PvP servers should’ve given you an idea on where this game is heading.
I’am all up for the complete eradication of the cancer that are factions.
The faction divide makes it so I can only pat gnomes on the head in the wild, away from the prying eyes of Big Conflict.
But an RTS is a different beast entirely.
An RTS is focused on competition PvP, where the skirmishes really don’t matter in the grand scheme of things and certainly have no bearing on the larger narrative, lorewise.
You can play as all the races in the campaign, and it had satisfactory story for all. The factions fight, group up at mount hyjal.
If the next expac is the factions don’t fight, and it’s like that throughout the whole game? dropped. It’s not warcraft anymore, and a lot of people will agree and drop it too.
If it so happens that they don’t, then I don’t feel comfortable playing a game that’s not Warcraft with no true Warcraft fans.
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The game won’t die. The game doesn’t require Horde vs Alliance to be viable. A lot of people are frankly getting tired to of the pointless wars after just having a world ending threat.
Maybe wow wasn’t the game for you if you didn’t like the faction warfare didn’t appeal to you inside of clapping when they propose to delete the underpinning aspect of the game that was born under
But it is still Warcraft.
We are going to war, just not vs Horde and Alliance anymore. The title still holds up just fine.
Think I’d be done if the faction conflict was done. I just wish they would stop pulling punches and just have the factions have victories and losses.
Nah, that’s not exciting at all. Faction conflict has always been one of the selling points, and it’s a complete disassociation from the playerbase if they attempt to settle it permanently.
It’s exciting having two things to fight. The villains, and the other faction. If it’s just the villains, it’s less exciting. I don’t play LOTRO, I play World of WARcraft.
Let’s not ruin this MMO just because you want another MMO.
Times change, things change and expectations change. I’am all up for change if the removal of factions brings a new life to the game. This faction “war” in the past expansions are embarrassing. WoW badly needs a fresh take on the story. If anything Blizzard is making a game for people like me than you LOL!