Petition to have a third ELF faction

The rationales for third ELF faction:

  1. issue of non-blood elf horde players constantly complaining about the over population of blood elves in the horde.
  2. non blood elf horde players claiming the blood elves don’t belong in the horde. and this is said over and over again, year after year. meanwhile.
  3. non blood elf horde players calling blood elves bimbos, vain, barbie dolls, shallow, for years they’ve been doing this.
  4. non elf horde players complaining about nightborne elves because they dont want more elves.
  5. night elves who are emotionally impacted by the teldrassil genocide, are not happy with either the alliance or the horde. in fact, tyrande has basically already rebelled. also horde leaders are not happy with sylvannas. i could see lor’themar and thalyrssa basically saying - hey lets get outta here

i can see lor’themar viewing sylvannas’ behavior like an arthas flash back. they’ve witnessed her, more than once, kill and/or raise other horde (might be some blood elves in that number and this is what lor’themar had to say about that when she suggested it the first time back during siege of ogrimmar —

Lady Sylvanas Windrunner says: I can raise your dead, Regent Lord. Your rangers can fight again.
Lor’themar Theron says: Sylvanas! You will leave our corpses alone or I will deal with you here and now.

6. the city of suramar is so flippin awesome, i would make a new elf just so i could have it as her home/starting city. new players would be so impressed.

7. the population issues (too many horde in usa, too many alliance in oceanic and china)

this section below is a repost

if chinese and oceanic have too many alliance and the usa has too many horde, this will solve it all. it’ll pull belfs from horde in usa (highest pop is usa is belves), lowering problem in usa. it’ll equalize alliance in oceanic and china by pulling elves from the alliance.


Tyrande decides to break off from the alliance. at the same time, Thalyssra and Lor’themar have a long discussion about Sylvannas’ behavior and decide to leave the horde, forming a new elven faction in a smaller version of suramar, separated into elf districts (each with their own banners, colors and guards, specific to their race).

When thalyssra hears tyrande has left the alliance, she sends an emissary with an olive branch inviting the night elves to form an elven faction in the nightborne city of suramar. The alliance allow alleria to be entrapped into knifu, essentially sacrificing her for the greater good, causing the void elves to abandon the alliance as well. Upon hearing this, the now 3 elven race faction, invites the void elves.

to keep it optional the alliance and horde would have to nominate new leaders for the vacated spots. so they would still have the option to continue on with the horde or alliance if they wanted to

Into this mix we could add Talendrion’s half elves.

And to whet your whistle… a boat ride thru suramar

or if you’re really into it:


Yes, I vote all of us elves leave our respective factions of lesser races and build our own empire. We also need more elf races


well we’re about to become the world of zandalari-craft

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so the lore doesnt make sense?

Gasp I knew it! You just want to be surrounded by fellow prettyful elves! Well that’s fine, leave the real sexy to us goblins

your ears look like expired spinach


should be room for short green elves in suramar

elfhelm. The Elf Empire that will rise up and will punish all dissidents


all the time and thought that went into the op and only one heart. everybody else thinks it’s a joke. whelp that’s a wrap.

Unfortunately all the elves seem to hate each other more than they hate any of the other races.

soon as zandalari go live, game is over in usa. the alliance playerbase will die and their friends and family who play horde, will leave with them. was trying to fix the problem by giving the elf loving alliance a third faction they’d agree to.

ah well, wow was fun while it lasted. the game will continue on in oceanic and china though, as they have healthy alliance population for horde to draw from.

i hear the latency for oceanic from usa is not so hot but subpar gameplay is better than having alliance or elves on usa servers, apparently. too bad for usa horde, there’s more alliance in the other areas of the world (only thing that’ll keep the game from completely self-destrucing, tbh).

It might make the game more interesting but I’m guessing it would take years for Blizzard to do it.

well one advantage is, they already have the city and the races created and their faction related accoutrements (banners, gear, guards). but yeah, would take a miracle honestly. they apparently are not worried about losing their usa playerbase since they still have china.

Fine, but no Night Elves. They’re basically just Troll savages. Plus I kinda helped burn their tree and then celebrated a lot.

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But if we are allied with Blood Elves, what will happen with my hobby of throwing them like Javelins?

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Lol see what I’m talking about… they literally throw spears.

i know it seems like a brilliant time to make light of the situation but it’s not. do you live in the usa? you’re about to be forced to log in to oceanic. maybe acti-blizz will move to china like apple.


Wait, are you being serious? They use elves to even up the numbers in both factions… why would they give them their own third faction?

Not any kind of spears. Sin’dospears.

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