World of Warcraft dies with if they remove the faction conflict

You can’t have war without factions called “The Alliance” and “The Horde”. That’s why there have been no wars on earth since Genghis Khan.

Seriously? For me, its player responses like yours that make me glad I’m one of those filthy casuals (albeit one that has played WoW for 10 years and has therefore honorably earned that status).

There is more to roleplay than being on an RP server and playing Lets Pretend. It’s not catering to casuals that has damaged the game, its the loss of interest in the story, the watering down of the sense of being a part of the world and its evolution. If the game stays static, does not evolve and change, then we will just have more of the same sort of thing we have now. If factions have to go to enliven the world and make it fun to play in again, I’m all for that. And if those truly interested in RP can’t find exciting new ways to play their roles in such a format, then I’d put that down to a lack of imagination.



like seriously the only reason I think this game is struggling is because people keep telling us we have to RP to make our own fun

Bye felicia! Pout all you want no one gives a crap, least of all Blizzard. You and your five friends won’t sink them and this thread is evidence that far more ppl are for dissolving factions than against.

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You’re just an angry hateful douche. Its a video game, calm down. Any decision they make that pushes people like you out of the game is a plus as the community will only get better.

After 15 years even fast food varies the menu, dude.


And this “faction” war is pretty much limbo

but they don’t stop selling old stuff.

people are better served finding another place/game

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There’s plenty original menu left without lfaction war.

Plus, frankly, all of yall in this thread telling ppl if they want the game to change to go find another game got stuff twisted. Blizzard is going to take the game in the direction that will keep the most players satisfied and subscribed. So in the end, if you don’t like the direction of the game, it’s YOU that can go find another game. The rest of us will roll with change to keep things fresh.

I don’t think factions will be merged. You won’t have humans in org or orcs in stormwind. Cross faction grouping would be amazing for the health of the game though. Grouping up for dungeons/raids then we exist as separate entities or factions.

But you can’t remove the faction war, its one of the original food

and there is nothing implying ending faction war/conflict will do that

we have 15+ years of faction conflict just fine, tis not one garbage expansion who will destroy everything, one expansion alone is not enough to end 30 years of lore

but there is no direction that goes to ending factions, just a loudly minority of people asking for that

Faction conflict will be preservered in classic, and retail can actually try to take the story beyond orcs and humans beating each other with sticks for 200 years straight.

Even the french and english got bored with perpetual warfare, eventually someone should win, someday right?

The story has to stagnate because everytime we come together to kill evil old gods and world destroying monsters we forget that this keeps happeneing and we do better when we fight together for the survival of the world.

So now we have one xpac where we come together to kill the big bad guy, then before the smoke settles both sides are like, glad we can get back to fighting each other!

I mean, once upon a time, a faction war makes sense and it is cool to see them begrudgingly work together to fight off the bad guy and live to fight another way.

But if that’s become your main shtick, it loses it luster and it makes the whole faction war thing feels manufactured and the story repetitive. It’s like that whole “revenge on somebody to avenge a dead relative” thing that Ubisoft does, it’s just at to the point where we just roll our eyes at it.

its not how it works, 2 different universes with 2 different people

its not excuse.

right now there is none about orcs and humans beating each other, if it was it would be better.

the story is bad because the writing is lame and bad, just that.

I prefer the way they handled the faction conflict in Legion. It was between Gilneas and the Forsaken. It made sense given their history that peace wasn’t achievable.

That’s how they should focus on it in the future. Have Tyrande being a catalyst for conflict, but center the story around the Night Elves and not the Alliance.

The food analogy only goes so far. Blizz could completely change gears and directions with less impact than a restaurant changing its core menu.

You call it a vocal minority but just based on replies in this thread, since we aren’t being the least bit scientific in our analysis, we can conclude that it’s your camp that’s the minority. Plus theyve done plenty, including ui changes on ptr, that hint at is very change on the horizon.

This is why you are minority, forums are minority, this thread is a minority of the forum itself, of millions of players

like people said, one thing is allow cross faction group, the other is end one of the essence of the game that is the factions and faction conflict

or, a cigarette is just a cigarette

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Why do people seem to think the faction conflict has to be all or nothing? You could be able to group cross faction and have limited cooperation in certain areas but still have zones where there is open conflict.



Kool we can both speculate. Guess we will wait and see if it happens and if so, if the sky falls as a result.

From another post