World of Warcraft dies with if they remove the faction conflict

“Lets just end the faction conflict and have everyone live in peace! Alliance r dum, amirite?”

What about the conflict over Lordaeron?
What about the logging of Ashenvale?
What about centuries of war against the Trolls in Arathi and Stranglethorn?

None of that goes away overnight.

And what about “WarCraft”? You can’t ignore “War”. It’s in the title.

Finally, how about you post on one of your real toons?

  • Blockbuster
  • Kodak
  • Sears
  • America Online
  • Yahoo
  • Circuit City
  • Borders
  • Radio Shack
  • Pan Am

These are all former titans that, due to being stuck in their ways, or being unable or unwilling to innovate and adapt to a changing world, have either died completely or become relegated to obscurity. If Blizzard insists on continuing to shove this stale, contrived, outdated Alliance vs. Horde war down our throats rather doing something innovative, it will likely soon join this list. There are plenty of other options for war in Warcraft.


I wish I could Fast travel to AUGUST 27

Yeah but they like to kill those characters, Nazgrim was dead until Legion and Taylor is likely never seen again after WoD because him being a ghost is not canon(probably). Then we have others minors like Rogers, Nazgrel, the MoP squad and others that now are being dusted in the closet.

I think I can agree with this. I also, want to fast travel to that date. But alas, that is truly impossible, it will always be.

Need Alliance/Horde vs Undeath. Choose good or evil, much more interesting then the never ending cycle of being good and taking down evil.

Way to gloss over all of the conflicts that have happened between the factions throughout all the expansions.

Meh … the faction conflict was always a bit of weak narrative, with fairly weak foundations (created as a means to justify PvP on a story level; which isn’t really needed anymore). I mean … after 15 years SEVEN core races still do not even have strong reasons to be personally invested in the damned thing (Draenei; Dwarves; Gnomes; Tauren; Darkspear; BEs; Gobs); thats not heartening (and doesn’t even get into the Issues of Panda’s or ARs).

Let it end. PvP doesn’t need the story assist anymore, and every time the damned thing rises up it just destroys characters and lore; and creates nothing. Its also getting really distracting when you realize that we’re playing like over a dozen races that have all experienced near extinction level events (and near constant major conflict) for the last 35 years … still blindy hammering away at eachother for … really shallow reasons of a select few races on each side.

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In general, I agree… but they need to do a much better job with setting up faction conflict in the future than the way they did so with BfA.

BfA’s faction conflict came out of nowhere for asinine reasons and comes off as nothing more than the Devs wanting to leverage faction pride. There really wasn’t any real buildup and they threw away what little buildup they had from Legion when they gave the Alliance a clean slate for what happened in Stormheim.

World of Warcraft dies if it refuses to evolve and keeps rehashing a tired old conflict


TBC: “Finally, real faction conflict!” ends up working together in some manner to defeat the big bad.
WOTLK: “Finally, some real, intensive faction conflict!” ends up working together once more
Cata: “This time for sure, FACTION CONFLICT!” ends up fighting together and even helping green jeezus with his multiple personalities
MoP: “Alright, this time it’s full faction conflict, we even nuked a place!” Ends up dividing one faction and banding together to fight the secret big bad
WoD: “No faction conflict here!” actually put in a pvp zone and start a faction conflict for whatever reason
Legion: “Gotta save our world, no faction conflicts this times!” ends up with multiple pvp spots and even a faction conflict
BFA: “Finally, full on, bloody faction conflict this time, bringing the WAR to WARcraft!!!” Rehashes mop to the T, ends up being us banding together to defeat the big bad


You all keep going on about the game evolving and we’ve hit a point where the game evolved so hard they need to remake it into its oldest form because it fell so far from what it was

Sometimes you don’t need to fix what ain’t broke

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Ya i hear what your saying and it may not even happen but something has to change like just make pve servers were everyone is friends and everyone sings songs around a camp fire and pvp servers where you can kill ally if you want as a horde assassin workin for sylvanas and for funskis and why not rp servers while your at it for those wierdos in goldshire

The soul of WoW has been dead forever, dude. Where’ve you been?

I think it actually did break at one point tho.

And when was that

I’d say it broke once they removed hit rating of all things

I’d say around the end of WotLK when they were brought in faction transfers and were offering free transfers to pvp servers that had become completely one sided and they decided to make the AH cross faction.

Bye! :wave:

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So you think the faction balance isn’t broken?

You spelled “flying” in a very strange way, OP.

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