I’m experiencing the same problem. I haven’t done any event quests that i know of and i’m trying to transfer to Sulfuras before it gets closed down. Both my arena partners have already transferred and i’m stuck.
Should be good now, Ezerdruid
thank you for the quick action, it worked.
Kyub on Grobbulus has the mail bug.
Kyub on Grobbulus has the mail bug. Grobbulus to Eranikus
Problem here twiggerz on GROB saying i have mail but dont plz help thank you,
Noxil - that mail has been deleted, see if it works now.
Kyub looks locked - and even like it started transferring - I don’t see any mail. It may not complete the transfer - but I suspect the issue would be something else.
Hello are you able to help me with the mail character transfer issue. I can’t make it through a 9000+ queue without my game crashing
Try now, Highincome.
Thank you so much you’re doing the lords work out here
Can I get this Issue resolved for my Valoraen-Grobbulus? I’m trying to transfer to Eranikus
Orlyia has already gone home for the day so it is more likely that you would need to wait for the mail to appear.
Having the same issue on 2 toons as well. Don’t want to miss the xfers to Eranikus because of this. Also guild roster is broken and our GM can’t hand off his GM status so they are stuck as well. Please help!
Same issues with invisible mail keeping me from xferring Bublz and Soulgodess off Grobbulus to Eranikus. Guild roster is also broken and the GM cant pass guild off so they can’t transfer either. Please Help! Ticket # US85918237
Just a heads up that Orlyia is done with her shift and is not at work now. The CS forum is not staffed 24/7.
Be sure to put in a ticket and hope that gets answered. You can edit your post to add a ticket number once that is open. Then, either a GM can get it or maybe the next person on forum duty can. There are not normally Blues here over night.
Something else, this is rather a special circumstance. The forum Support Agents are not GMs and can’t normally do this. With ticket backlogs I am guessing they are letting them do some simple mail clears to help the queue.
Ok, thanks for the info!
I tried transferring off Benediction to Sulfuras using the Free Transfer option, gave me the mail error, then put me in a 2 hour queue. When I finally was able to get back on, I see no mail. Now I’m checking and I see Sulfuras is no longer a Free Transfer option.
Ticket Number: US85919787
I was trying to transfer my character Akróma from Benediction to Sulfuras using de transfer option, but the system gave me the same error “Please Clear the Mail from this Character’s Mailbox”. For this reason I was unable to transfer and the server is locked. My guild was transferred and I stayed on Benediction
Please help!
Ticket Number: US85913913
Ones above should be either cleared, or self-resolved.