On the topic of swapping bars and hotkeys around, there are literally addons that can handle that for you, so if you’re simply intending to use dual spec just as a means to keep two different “loadouts” so to speak, and balance around that, then it seems kinda pointless.
This, for example, is an entirely pointless set of restrictions. Retaining regular costs, requiring you go to a class trainer, AND a cooldown, all for what, the functionality that you could recieve with an addon? No thanks, this isn’t the dual spec I’m interested in.
The whole point of dual spec is to allow the FREQUENT swapping between two commonly used specs. I could count the number of times I respecced in classic on one hand, simply because I didn’t care for the idea of having to pay each time, however, if I could just pay 1000g (how much dual spec costed when it was introduced) for the ability to swap whenever I felt (with reasonable restrictions to prevent raid abuse, though honestly, the difference between a trash and a boss dps spec is so tiny that’s almost a joke to even think about, though I think having to be in a rested area is a good limitation), I would have gladly spent that 1000g and been much happier swapping between specs. Guaranteed, I didn’t spend even close to 1000g on respecs, so a 1000g dual spec cost would actually be MORE of a gold sink for people like me, which I think is probably a larger majority of the player base than the kind of people who have tonnes of gold to throw around for casual respecs whenever they like.
“Whoops guys, I forgot to swap specs before entering the raid, and I’m on a 4 hour timer now, gg”. I think forcing you to go to a rested location should be enough of a preventative measure to stop it being abused in raids, but honestly, as I said before, if people want to double up on their specs for a trash and a boss spec, they already do that with gear sets anyway, and I honestly don’t think you’re gonna get much out of it. At most, you’ll trade a few hit talents for a tiny bit more dps, and the extra dps you eek out in exchange for spending the time to respec would cancel itself out. Just make respeccing take like, a minute or something. Or, y’know, just make it so it needs to be done in a rested area.