With so many changes, Why Not Dual Spec?

You’re acting as if this is the only way I’m proposing we implement dual spec. These are suggestions. If Blizz somehow put in dual spec, they don’t need to take all of these suggestions, they don’t need to take any. I’m bringing attention a topic I don’t think gets talked about enough, and since we’re basically in Classic+ with #somechanges, why not debate a bit on what we can add to the QoL?

For the record, I don’t think it will trivialize already easy content. I also hardly raided when dual spec came out, but I sure was happy to swap specs as I pleased.

Because there isn’t a logical reason to change it. No ones actually done anything but provide me hypothetical niche sncarios where their hybrid class didn’t get picked for a GDKP (Cause I guess they don’t got guilds?) because a class can respec, and this coming with the additional requirement the dual spec classes gear is better than theirs.

If you’re main is a dps, and a character with a dual spec can out dps cause his gears better, why would they take you anyways? You’re mains worse than some guys alt spec who he spent time to redo the entire gearing process.

I don’t remember anyone mentioning GDKP’s in this thread, unless you’re citing an anecdotal reference. Also not sure what out dps’ing people has to do with this either. Dual spec would encourage players to try different playstyles and try more of the game. That diehard hunter raider might pick up a pvp spec and jump into Eye of the Storm. That resto druid pushing for gladiator might want to take a break and pug a Kara as feral. That casual mage who just can’t decide between fire and frost can play both now for fun. Adding Dual spec does nothing but breathe more life into the game.

Just because you disagree, doesn’t justify injecting toxicity into the discussion.

I cited it cause if they are in a guild, they won’t have this issue they apparently seem to think will exist. Idk why a guild would kick their own member just to bring a dual spec, so this kinda crap only really happens in pugs and GDKPs.

I am for dual spec, as it is. Not that garbage 1hr CD useless iteration people are trying to push that changes nothing.

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Tinnitus will create a new meta. Just sayin’.


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Those folks might run into those issues, and I don’t think it would really happen but at that point you’re probably in the wrong place to have fun if that’s happening to you.

Fantastic, lost in all this we ended up agreeing with each other xD. I welcome and appreciate the perspective, and hopefully (but not too hopeful!) Blizz will at least address whether or not they’d even think about adding dual spec to TBC.

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Odds are I was getting my posts mixed up. I am fine with the following

Race changes
Faction changes
Barber Shop
Dual Spec
Mount Tab

QoL improvements that didn’t remove any gameplay, but just removed trivial annoyances to allow focus on gameplay.


I would love dual spec. Just put a 4 hour cooldown that is triggered by entering any raid and have it so you can’t use it while inside a raid. You can always, however, purchase a new spec manually from a trainer even if on CD, but this would prevent people changing specs mid raid and entering a raid and waiting 4 hours for them to be able to change spec once during raid.

Would be a welcome change tbh.

These two statements completely contradict each other.


Another vote for dual spec.

In TBC I hated frequent respecs - not so much the cost, but how tiresome it was to redo everything (twice) each time. I levelled all the way up questing as feral and then swapped to resto permanently for dungeons and raiding.

This time around I really want to heal dungeons along the way as I level up, but still really prefer to level as feral. That’s what I love - soloing as feral, dungeons as a healer. I still hate respecs, so if dual spec doesn’t make it into TBC Classic I will either solo as resto so I can heal dungeons along the way without having to go respec, or solo as feral and not do any dungeons until max (and then do dailies etc as a healer, ick).

It’s not the end of the world to quest as resto, but it is less enjoyable and more time consuming. And it’s not the end of the world to skip dungeons until I’ve levelled up, but I’d really like to do them along the way this time.

Having dual spec would also mean that I would be happy to tank for groups if it’s not going to mean having to manually redo everything (and back again afterwards). The chore of having to respec means I am very unlikely to put my hand up to tank a group. In TBC I actually ended up levelling a second druid to be permanently feral to be available as a tank, because I hated having to respec. I was planning to do that again this time if required - such is my disdain for respecs :stuck_out_tongue:

I really like being available to help out as a tank if people need me, but respeccing my main back and forth for it is a PITA, so much so that I’d rather level and gear a whole extra character than have to respec my main. I’d rather stick to my main, though.

I’d get by without it, like I did back then, but dual spec (as a template) would be a simple quality of life change that would make an enormous difference to my enjoyment of the game. I hope it will be considered.

I mean if you want dual spec then just argue for it. There’s no need for this weird cd stuff. Either you’re on board with it an xpac early or not lol.

Totally agree, I don’t believe we need to create hoops for people to jump through to get dual spec, but it’s healthy to discuss the possibilities should Blizzard decide to implement it. Knowing them, they may want to add in a CD or something extra and here we can gauge how much people would want that or wouldn’t.

On the topic of swapping bars and hotkeys around, there are literally addons that can handle that for you, so if you’re simply intending to use dual spec just as a means to keep two different “loadouts” so to speak, and balance around that, then it seems kinda pointless.

This, for example, is an entirely pointless set of restrictions. Retaining regular costs, requiring you go to a class trainer, AND a cooldown, all for what, the functionality that you could recieve with an addon? No thanks, this isn’t the dual spec I’m interested in.

The whole point of dual spec is to allow the FREQUENT swapping between two commonly used specs. I could count the number of times I respecced in classic on one hand, simply because I didn’t care for the idea of having to pay each time, however, if I could just pay 1000g (how much dual spec costed when it was introduced) for the ability to swap whenever I felt (with reasonable restrictions to prevent raid abuse, though honestly, the difference between a trash and a boss dps spec is so tiny that’s almost a joke to even think about, though I think having to be in a rested area is a good limitation), I would have gladly spent that 1000g and been much happier swapping between specs. Guaranteed, I didn’t spend even close to 1000g on respecs, so a 1000g dual spec cost would actually be MORE of a gold sink for people like me, which I think is probably a larger majority of the player base than the kind of people who have tonnes of gold to throw around for casual respecs whenever they like.

“Whoops guys, I forgot to swap specs before entering the raid, and I’m on a 4 hour timer now, gg”. I think forcing you to go to a rested location should be enough of a preventative measure to stop it being abused in raids, but honestly, as I said before, if people want to double up on their specs for a trash and a boss spec, they already do that with gear sets anyway, and I honestly don’t think you’re gonna get much out of it. At most, you’ll trade a few hit talents for a tiny bit more dps, and the extra dps you eek out in exchange for spending the time to respec would cancel itself out. Just make respeccing take like, a minute or something. Or, y’know, just make it so it needs to be done in a rested area.

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They already do something like this in retail with the whole war mode thing. You have to be in a major city to activate it. In your example the spec swap could very easily be the same thing and they already have the logic created in-game.

While I am a fan of dual spec, this will effect gameplay greatly.

The shop and mounts as currently implemented won’t.

Again I want dual spec. Just don’t think we will get it. Plus I don’t think blizz has the desire to invest time into tbc development.

hey bro… this…

I’m so torn on this.

Do hybrids really need to be resto/holy to heal or prot/feral to tank normal dungeons in TBC? Heroics I can see. But for normal dungeons, I think a gear swap should be all that’s needed.

Repsec is one of the few gold dumps in tbc it would be a bad idea.

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“whoops guys i forgot to swap specs before entering taid, im on a 4hr timer now, gg”

So the solution, as I stated in my comment, is that guy has to go back to a city and manually respec. You know, just like currently if you forget to switch from a PvP spec to PvE. You have to leave the raid, go respec, and come back and hope it isn’t an inconvenience to everyone else.

With yours the solution is literally the same. Leave raid (to an inn) respec, and come back. Both prevent raid abusing, but mine allows for BG swap specs, swapping specs in the open world freely etc, just when you enter a raid it puts a CD on it and you can’t use it inside a raid instance.