look what youve done blizzard… stop demanding pointless changes. we want the authentic tbc experience not some bastardized version of wotlk
Oh, for sure. Reading back I can see that I worded it a bit poorly, implying that I can’t heal a dungeon unless I go respec. It’s not so much that I can’t, more that I enjoy it more if I’m questing as deep feral and healing as deep resto, so that’s what I’d prefer to do.
Ideally I would like to be able to run around questing as feral, then swap to resto and go heal a couple of dungeons in the zone, and then go back to feral questing. This is obviously not required, purely a personal preference. I could use a hybrid spec on the way up and quest and heal fine, absolutely. Or stay deep feral but carry a set of healer gear. I appreciate that the game is not here to cater to my personal preferences Just thinking aloud, basically. If there’s no dual spec I won’t be particularly bothered, but if there was dual spec it would be a nice-to-have and make me happy.
But levelling and dungeons on the way to 70 is the minor reason why I’d like dual spec. That’s only a short period of time in my character’s TBC life (and there are plenty of dungeons to do over and over again at 70!). The major/main benefit for me would be at max level, being able to swap to deep feral to do dailies, or to tank for groups, and then go back to deep resto for raids and healing heroics. That’s the main thing I’m interested in, and would make quite a big difference for me.
Again, not the end of the world, but in the case of dailies it would make them more enjoyable than questing as a caster (which I find dull) or resto-cat (which feels weak); or in the case of me actually deciding to change specs each time, it would allow me to spend more of my time playing rather than mucking around speccing and respeccing. If I’m more easily able to play the specs that I have genuine fun with (feral when solo, resto for dungeons) then the game is going to be more fun for me overall. Additionally, it would also mean I could easily jump into a group and tank for them. Without dual spec I would probably rarely put my hand up to tank on my main.
At the end of the day it would be really nice to have, but I don’t have particularly strong feelings about it and can appreciate the concerns that some people have. It would be handy to have, but not a deal breaker to continue on without it. Either way I am certain it’s getting held back until Wrath as a selling point, so I figure it’s moot.
This is the only change I’m OK with but it has to have a 3 day ish cooldown so people can’t switch mid raid ect.
ORRR. Just make respecing free.
why not play retail
How would you say this affects gameplay? Do you mean negatively?
I don’t know what’s wrong with giving people the option to play how they want. If you enjoy healing raids but want to tank heroics, or swap from a raiding to a pvp spec, or even a farming spec, why not give the playerbase that option?
(Now for something not directed at you), A lot of the against dual spec comments here are acting as if this is LFR or some sort of class homogenization. It’s not. This change doesn’t destroy the community or the spirit of TBC, it enhances it. That player who hits every raid lockout as a dps and wants to heal some dungeons for fun, finally can without feeling guilty that they’re constantly shelling out gold. A one time cost is much easier to stomach than constantly hashing out gold every time you want to do something different.
Having the ability to change specs mid raid will change gameplay.
I am rolling prot pally, being able to go heal spec for certain fights will effect raid.
I would love dual spec myself, but is a big change imo …
why not stay in classic
its better than them adding a boost
Bump for support of dual spec. I’d like to continue maining mage but without dual spec I don’t think I will. I’m okay with having to respec occasionally for 5 man vs raid but add pvp into the mix and it’s too much gold.
Dual spec please, Blizzard.
And then hearth and get resummoned to raid… come on now lol
Bc in an mmo you should have to rely on other people… not just switch specs at a whim to suite your needs. This hasn’t become a solo game yet. You guys can wait for wrath for the dual spec and what not
nah fam gimme dat dual spec in tbc. mid way through at least
not a solo game? you think people will be soloing raids and dungeons? you’re kind of a slow person aren’t you
There is the personal attack on someone you don’t know… key board commando!!! Here to save the day. With the power to say what he wants to say bc no one knows his true idenity. KEY BOARD COMMANDO, F yah!!
Also you should watch rextroy videos… he solos current raid bosses and mythic dungeons
Many of us are pvpers. Some of the best gear for arena drops in raids. Dual spec would be nice for changing between those two.
because of dual spec?
In a way I suppose bc he chooses the spec that allows him to solo the content lol
uh huh. Trying to hard to make it work
lol can you blame me tho