With so many changes, Why Not Dual Spec?

Level 58 Character Boosts. The store mount. Main Hand/One Hand weapon changes. Even the nerf to Drums! Blizzard is providing a plethora of changes we didn’t see with Vanilla Classic, both arguably good and bad changes alike. I believe giving players the option of dual specialization would be nothing but a boon to TBC Classic. With loads more content for people to do, this would give players (especially those who play hybrid classes) the chance to play every bit of the content they’d want.


Maybe because of this :

“By the goal of authenticity”

Dual spec, will create a new meta. Unless they put a cooldown on it or something like that.


At this point dual spec would be the lesser of 3 evils.

Is the nerf to drums not a contradiction to their statement of “authenticity?”

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A new meta of…healers and tanks actually being able to play their characters?


Tinnitus was added in the WOTLK prepatch, so 3.0 not 2.4.3

Also, giving both faction Paladins access to each others’ seals also “Creates a new meta”. So does changing various Blacksmithing weapons to only be Main Hand instead of One Hand.


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It is indeed a change. Even removing drums as a “change” from the list, you still have changes that Blizzard has decided to make, and thus the #SomeChanges movement remains valid. I see not a single downside to giving the playerbase Dual Specialization.


Imagine being able to switch spec between each trash/boss to always have the best raid comp for each encounters.

No, no it won’t create a new meta and somehow nerf the content.


So make it so you can only swap specs in rested areas. Bam, problem solved.

Also, nobody outside of the top 0.1% sweat-drenched tryhards will do what you described.


The “alleged” datamined warpstalker mount from last month?

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you mean the deluxe edition reward? deluxe editions aren’t a cash shop

if you’re gonna say “they’re pretty much the same thing” then stop being a hypocrite, WoW has had deluxe editions from the very start

Yeah, i heard the same thing with world buffs preclassic :rofl:

We all know the result.


You’re dodging the point. No one asked for a new mount. No one asked for a character boost. But we’re getting them. I’m not arguing they’re good or bad, I’m saying with additions to the game that people have wanted, and may not have wanted, that Dual spec should be given a chance to be added to the list of changes.

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Nobody on this planet has ever said “world buffs will only be used by the top 0.1% of players”. Just stop. You’re embarrassing yourself at this point.


basic barbershop please. fix hunter shots/ macros too. ill accept dual spec with restrictions as well.

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Read the blue post.

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I totally agree with this! Sizeable investment, while keeping you from doing it mid raid without a time commitment.

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citation needed

if that were true you’re either blind to how touchy the subject is around here or you wouldn’t have bothered mentioning them

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